Guest post – Her Wicked Captain

Here’s something that probably won’t come as much of a surprise…I’ve had a thing for riverboats ever since Rhett Butler took Scarlett O’Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler away for the most decadent honeymoon his ill-gotten gains could buy. That’s why I’m super excited to introduce my pal, Sandra Jones’, new release, Her Wicked Captain! Welcome, Sandi!


I’m so thrilled to visit with you today. My latest release, Her Wicked Captain, is the first book in a new series, The River Rogues. Pack your bags and get ready for a voyage with dangerous cardsharps and gunslingers! It’s a historical romance with an unusual setting—the smoky gaming parlors of steamboats on the Mississippi River of the 1850s, where river pirates indulge their vices and a lady’s greatest enemy may be the rogue in her bed.

I’m giving away a FREE copy of my book for one of Margaret’s readers. Read on for details.


Her Wicked Captain

River Rogues #1

By: Sandra Jones

Samhain Publishing




She played right into his hands.

Possessing uncanny people-reading skills like her mama, Philadelphia “Dell” Samuels has spent thirteen years in her aunt’s rustic Ozarks home, telling fortunes over playing cards and trying to pass as white. But the treacherous Mississippi River childhood her mama dragged her away from finally catches up to her on a steamboat captained by her old friend Rory Campbell.

Known to his crew as the Devil’s Henchman, Rory is a gambler in need of a miracle. Following the cold trail of his boss’s wife and bastard daughter, Dell, Rory has only one goal in mind: saving his crew from the boss’s cruelty by ruining him. The only one who can defeat the Monster of the Mississippi is the man trained to take his place. Rory’s convinced he can lure his boss into a high-stakes game against a rival, and with Dell’s people-reading skills, the monster will lose everything.

Under Rory’s tutelage and protection, Dell agrees to the tortured captain’s plan. Passion and peril quickly bring them together as lovers. But when Rory’s plan goes awry, the lives of the innocent depend on Dell’s ability to read the situation correctly—and hopefully save them all.


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Author Info

Historical romance author Sandra Jones was born and raised in Arkansas. She loves living in a cabin overlooking White River where she enjoys watching eagles and dreaming about the adventurous frontiersmen who once traveled past in steamboats. When she’s not reading, writing or researching, she’s the cook for her cranky old tom cat, her husband of more than 25 years, and her two grown sons. She also loves to chat with her fans.

Sandra Jones Pic

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I want to know who you would most like to face across a card table (even if you only play “Go Fish!”). Comment for a chance to win a FREE ebook of Her Wicked Captain. I’ll choose one commenter at random this Thursday.

3 Replies to “Guest post – Her Wicked Captain”

  1. Okay, first, the cover is ridiculously awesome, and the series sounds amazing! I would most like to face Jimmy Fallon across a card table. Partly because he’s super-cute and I have a crush on him, and also because he has a hard time keeping a straight ‘poker’ face. As do I. So basically we’re MFEO. 😀 Best of luck with this series, Sandra!

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