My Snowy Week: Books, Baking, and K-Drama

I have never been a big TikTok user. I mainly went there to watch videos of people making sourdough bread or scrambled eggs. For this reason, the short blackout of that platform didn’t have a big impact on me, other than to reinforce the mercurial nature of all social media/sharing platforms.

Remember Napster? Yeah. I do too.

They can disappear at any time. Add that to the fact that what we see is controlled by an algorithm and our feeds are flooded with ads, and I find I am losing interest.

And for that reason, I really am going to making an effort to post to social media less, and concentrate on sharing things here and in my newsletter more.

So, here is what I did this weekend…

I made sourdough!

After weeks of voyeuristic video watching, my starter, Suzanne, was finally bubbly enough to jump in and join the cult of cultured bread! I wasn’t quite ready to go full nature-girl on this outing, so I followed Paul Hollywood’s step-by-step and used the KitchenAid.

And look what happened!

Isn’t she lovely? I plan to try different techniques and I’ll have to get a better handle on my timing, but overall, I am pleased!

In other news, I have a new book coming out this week. My latest Intrigue series kicks off with SHADOWING HER STALKER, and should be available wherever Harlequins are sold!

We had a big (for us) snow here in Arkansas last week, and I tell you, I had the best snow-weekend. I read, watched my first K-Drama (The Extraordinary Attorney Woo), read, and napped. I wore soft pants for days and admired the view from my window, It was glorious.

So that’s what I’ve been up to this week. What’s new with you?

My books have become teenagers!

It’s hard to believe I’ve been doing this long enough for some of my books to become teenagers.

Having raised a couple kids through their teen years, I can say fairly confidently, the books are less worrisome. I never have to badger CONTENTMENT info putting the laundry away. The ghosts in PARAMOUR and INAMORATA don’t have to be reminded about bed times. Thankfully, I’m not in charge of the logistics for Ellie & Jack’s LONG DISTANCE LOVE. And worrying about Maggie from COMMITMENT is enough to keep any mother awake at night.

Last week, BoobBub (a book lover’s newsletter service) featured SEDUCING STEVE. Good old Steve is on sale at most US retailers for 99¢, and my favorite red-haired hunk still has it! He was even flagged as a Barnes & Noble Nook bestseller!

Infographic with arrows describing the tropes in the book that has become a teenager

Way to go, Steve! Not bad for a book who is a teenager!

I’m always happy when someone discovers some of my older works. If you’ve never read Steve, you can still get a digital copy for 99¢, so click now!

If you’re interested in buying ebooks of some of my re-released material, you can buy direct from me at my PayHip store, MagsRomance, or at your favorite online retailer.

At the moment, I’m working on having my 50th book published. I’m also working on writing books 51, 52, 53 – the upcoming Arkansas Special Agent: Cyber Crime Division series. Book #1 – SHADOWING HER STALKER – will be the 15th book I’ve written for Harlequin.

So many milestones!

Thanks so much for coming with me on this ride. It certainly has been — and continues to be — a roller coaster, but it’s been great having you beside me!

I’m not really anti-social…

I’m not anti-social, but I am becoming more and more anti-social-media. It’s definitely an “It’s complicated” relationship.

someecards meme about being anti-social media
meme by someecards

We’ve been hearing about the perils and pitfalls of social media for years now, and yet…

I still have a Facebook account and author pages. It’s where I tend to connect with family and other people I know IRL.

I’m also on Instagram and by association, Threads. I like to post pics of the dogs or flowers or my cute grandsons, but my feed on Instagram is now mostly ads, inspirational memes, and videos reposted from TikTok. The impermanence of Stories just makes me sad.

I had high hopes for Threads because I miss engaging with other in the author community, but its taking what now seems to be the inevitable turn. Why can’t we have nice things?

Scrolling TikTok left me annoyed by the amount of time I’ve wasted, so I deleted it. I’m also one of those people who hated watching people stage fake oopsie-daisies on America’s Favorite Home Videos, so… Not my thing.

Once upon a time, I signed up for a LinkedIn account, but I don’t use it. Nor do I consider it social media.

I cut ties with The App Formerly Known as Twitter in 2019. What a cesspool.

But authors are encouraged to be everywhere.

They say we never know where we’re going to find our next avid reader, so we cast our nets wide. We ask engaging questions, post endless game memes, and generally do things that don’t suit our personalities on the off chance we might reach new readers. I have watched people I know personally create a whole new “author personna” for social media, and I’m telling you, it’s freaky.

I just…can’t. It’s exhausting. I’d rather be writing.

I’ll keep my accounts, of course, but I am going to curate them more. Some I’ll use purely for book-related promotion, others for more personal reasons. But I’m not going to do the thing where I post to social media to let people know I won’t be posting to social media, though.

Links to blog posts and newsletters will auto-post to some accounts, but if you’re looking for me, you can always find me here.

Let’s catch up!

This year… 2024 has been a bit of a rollercoaster in my household, but I wanted to take a minute to catch up. I used to laugh when my mother would complain about time moving too fast as she got older, but now… Sorry, Mom. I totally get you.

How is it we’re more than halfway through March? I kicked off the year with my first case of COVID, and things have been a bit bumpy ever since.

But Spring has sprung, and rather than complain about the pollen, I’m basking in the sunny days and blooming flowers. And though things have not been optimal, all is well. I’m finding I’m becoming more and more about the big picture these days.


The writing is happening. I’ve turned in the first book for my next Intrigue series – Arkansas Special Agents: Cyber Crime Division. I’m working on book #2 now.

My mom-com manuscript is currently on submission with a number of editors. It’s a story about a single mom and her fabulous support network of family and friends. Cross your fingers!

Speaking of friends… I’m planning some trips to visit girlfriends this year. We’re spread out geographically, but somehow have managed to remain in one another’s pockets for decades. I’m feeling the need for a little time with my ladies.

On the homefront, the grandsons are growing and thriving. The house is a mess, but it’s our mess and we can live with it. It’s almost time to start haunting the garden centers – yay! But mostly, the dogs still rule our lives. Our sweet Sally has not been feeling well lately, so we’re spending some extra time on the puppy cuddles.

Catch a snooze with Sally (lab) and Timber (germador)

Can you blame us? Look at these big babies! Fodder turned from his desk and caught his co-workers slacking off. It happens most days. As a matter of fact, he snaps a pic and sends it to me with the caption: Daily Dog. I smile like a goof each time I get a new one.

I’ve been listening to a ton of audiobooks. I’m on book 17 of Louise Penny’s fabulous Three Pines books. I’m trying (and failing) to pace myself. My favorite read so far this year has been The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston. It may not be for everyone, as there’s some time travel involved, but I really enjoyed it.

How about you? How is 2024 treating you so far? What are you reading? Catch me up!

Hello, December

Hi friends. Can you believe it’s December already? Me either.

Truthfully, I won’t be sad to leave 2021 behind. This has been a hard year. Not that it’s been all bad – just a bit of a slog. Tons of good things happened, and I have been keeping up with my monthly #happythings lists. I’ll post the year-end wrapup here at the end of the month.

But a New Year is coming. I have high hopes for 2022, how about you? Is there anything you’re looking forward to?

If you’re looking for some holiday romance – I have some for you. I have a new one-hour short story called LOVE ON DELIVERY available in both ebook and audio formats, LONG DISTANCE LOVE is on sale, and our favorite New Year’s Eve gone wrong/right story, THE LAST FIRST DATE is always a fun way to spend a night in.

So, take some time to curl up in your cozies, maybe add a splash of “special coffee creamer” to your mug, and be sure to breathe deeply.

Peace, friends.

So many things to tell you!

First…. I typed The End on my June 2022 Harlequin Intrigue release FOOTHILLS FIELD SEARCH! I’m super-excited about this one because it’s a part (book #3) of a multi-author series called K-9s On Patrol.

I got to write about a yellow Labrador retriever named Winnie, who is a trained search & rescue dog.

As you can see, my black lab, Sally, is trained mainly in kitchen search and scarf, but she’s pleased that I was able to help rep the breed.

Sally in her natural habitat

Then, we had to offload this one this weekend. I mean, the maintenance and upkeep alone…

Our daughter’s wedding!

And finally… Harry will be released into the wild tomorrow!

TRIAL IN THE BACKWOODS – the third installment in my Raising the Bar Brief series from Harlequin Intrigue hits the shelves 9/28/21! Look for Harry and Alicia at a bookstore, Walmart, Meijer, or other mass merchandiser near you!

Whew! I don’t know about you, but I need a nap. Is it October yet?

I’m so excited!

You guys… I read a news story the other day that fit the series I just signed on to do with Harlequin Intrigue so perfectly I literally made this face:

It’s one of those cases so wild it’s hard to believe it’s true. I have a whole squad of hamsters running in their wheels!

Happy things

Do you track the little things that make you happy? If you follow me on Facebook or have seen my newsletter, you might have seen me post my #happythings lists. They’re pretty simple. Every day, I pick at least one thing (usually food-related) that made me happy that day. I know that (like me) many of us are cutting back on social media, so I thought I’d share a few happy things here.

I have more Intrigues coming! I’ll have one in June 2022, and another series of three coming late 2022 or early 2023.

My latest – FOR THE DEFENSE – is available everywhere! Show me your “spotted in the wild” pictures!

Me in Walmart with my latest release
Don’t worry, I bought the copy I touched, signed it, and gave it to the cashier.

TRIAL IN THE BACKWOODS is coming out at the end of this month. Its release will mark my 10th book with Harlequin!

But usually, my happy things are not a big deal. Some days, I have to scrounge for them. Other days, I have to take something negative and find the silver lining.

We’re all struggling. We’re all tired. You are not alone. Neither am I.

I hope you can find a way to celebrate the happy things in your life. Wanna copy off my paper? Go ahead, I won’t tell Sister Elizabeth. Here are my #happythings from August 2021.

  1. The gathering of energy pennies like Scrooge McDuck. 🪙💰
  2. Bob Jog 5k with Kelli. 🏅
  3. A good/productive afternoon for the Ethridge men.
  4. Sally made me nap. 😴
  5. Brainstorm 🌩 with Katie and Kristina.
  6. Ted Lasso – the best part of any Friday.
  7. 7k words today!
  8. Hit the 50k mark! Over 10k this weekend. Closing in on the finish line.
  9. Spotted in the wild with my Canucks and Aussies!
  10. Deal announcement. 📢
  11. Playing with me plot bunny. 🐰
  12. Baked sugar cookies for my sweet sugar babies.
  13. My boys!
  14. A fun evening of Ethridge mayhem.
  15. Rumpus nap with Sally. 😴
  16. Thankful I am vaccinated, praying my family comes through this well.
  17. “I’m sorry to inform you that you have earthworms.”
  18. Two negatives and mild positives. Chat with my Cabinet. 💻
  19. Officially cleared to live in our bubble again. Chat with the ISU OG.
  20. Ted Lasso is like a rainbow 🌈!
  21. Trader Joe’s sea salt dark chocolate caramels.
  22. Great chat with the ladies from Categorically Romance podcast! 🎙
  23. A good BFA call with Jess and crew.
  24. Release day! Walmart, Luigi’s, and Small Cakes. 🧁
  25. MasterChef and reader recovery programs.
  26. “Sorry I touched your label maker area.”
  27. Leftovers feasts and big fires 🔥
  28. College football makes revisions more bearable.
  29. Butter roll. 🥮
  30. Celebrating Luluday with microwavable cups of Steak ‘n Shake chili. As one does.
  31. Got fresh with Bill over dinner. I had him at Hello Fresh. 🍋

Look out, September, I’m coming for you!

xoxo Mags

Back to blogging

I’m coming back to the blog.

Why? I miss it. I miss the interaction I get to have with people here, even if it’s only a few.

Aren’t blogs kind of, you know, dead? I don’t care. I’m tired of chasing trends, disenchanted with social media, and want something more personal than my newsletter.

Will you still send newsletters? Of course! But there will be a little more of me in the posts here.

How often will you post? I’m not sure. I think not weekly, but maybe a couple of times a month.

About what? General babbling. Life, writing, books, anything, and everything.

Is anyone still out there in the blog-o-sphere?

Hello, it’s me…

My husband would make faces if he knew I’d used the Todd Rundgren line, but he’s down there and I’m up here and he never looks at my blog anyway, so there you go.

Hi, friends. How are you holding up? I hope you and your loved ones are well. We are okay here. I have voted, but Fodder has not yet done so. Don’t worry, I’m a pro-level badgerer, so he will get it done.

We’ve been mostly holing up, which is good because someone *points to self* had a book to write. And guess what? I did!

I finished the rough draft of SMUGGLER’S BLUES (Pine Woods #2 for Harlequin Intrigue) yesterday. Yay! It’s a bit of a hot mess at the moment, but I have a month to whip it into shape before it’s due to my editor.

last lines from the book and THE END
Screenshot of the last lines typed – definitely subject to change

In the meantime, my editor is taking her first crack at book #1 – tentatively titled ABSENCE OF MOTIVE. I’m also plotting and planning to write something completely different for NaNoWriMo – a RomCom!

If you’re a writer or other type of creative reading this and flipping the bird at your screen, please know I’m not saying these things to brag. Staying busy has been the best way for me to cope with what’s happening all around us, but I know it’s not the same for everyone.

We’re over a half-year into this thing. Like the rest of you, I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss traveling. I miss going to the grocery store without suiting up like I’m touring Chernobyl. Fodder and I are still not dining-in at restaurants, but we are supporting our favorite locals. Since we live in the boonies, I bought some nifty cafeteria trays we use for our in-town car dining.

Date night means schnitzel night!

Fancy, right?

Tell me, what’s helping you get through? I’d love to hear from you. To know you’re okay and I’m not flaunting my schnitzel for naught.

Be well. And if you are one of my American friends, don’t forget to VOTE!