Monday Mayhem – A Veteran’s Day short story

Veteran’s Day

Today, many offices are closed in observance of Veteran’s Day, so I thought I’d provide those lucky folks who get the day off a little reading material. Here’s a short story called SNAPSHOT that was published in the first episode of Fictionvale magazine.


I never told anyone I was the girl in the picture. There wasn’t any point. The kiss didn’t mean anything at all. He was just a fella cast adrift in the big city at a time when everyone wanted to hold their loved ones close. I was just the girl who was close at hand.

And I happened to be married at the time.

At least, I believed I was.

Sixteen months had passed since Joe ejected from his plane somewhere over France, and I had no idea if I’d ever get to kiss the man I loved again. The end of the war meant there was still a chance he’d come home to me. I hadn’t given up hope, but I had given up kissing for the duration.

Until that day.

I never forgot that stranger’s kiss. How could I? It was near perfection. The only thing that could have made it better was if the guy had turned out to be Joe. Either way, the man had some chops. I can still feel the scrape of five o’clock shadow against my chin and cheek and taste the whiskey on his lips. But it wasn’t sexual or even romantic. That brief, hard press of his mouth to mine was nothing more than a punctuation mark on a war that had seemed like it might turn into a life sentence. A potent cocktail of relief, jubilation, and frustration served up by a pair of warm, soft lips.

It was just what I needed to remind me that I was still alive.

That brave, crazy, possibly drunk man gave me a taste of light in the days when the darkness felt so thick and heavy I thought it might smother me. I was grateful for it at the time. I didn’t know that kiss had the power to change my life forever if I let it.

To be truthful, I didn’t appreciate the notoriety. Unlike these kids today with their computer videos and their need to expose themselves and their dirty laundry on television shows, I had no desire to have fifteen minutes of fame. I only wanted my husband back. The photograph caused a hubbub when it was first published, but most of us didn’t give it another thought. We had bigger worries. I saw it and knew right away it was me, but I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. I remember one of my fellow nurses going on and on about how romantic it was, and how she wanted to be kissed like that. I also remember feeling a little smug that I could say I’d been kissed like that, but I didn’t say it out loud. It seemed silly to gloat over a kiss. And there were more important things to do than moon over a foolish picture.

It wasn’t until years later that people started calling it “iconic.” I’ve always thought it was embarrassing. After all, I was a married woman, and there I was kissing some strange man in the middle of the street. As good as that smooch was, my mother would have said it was unseemly, and she’d have been right. I’d only kissed one other man before that day, and God willing, I’d kiss the same one again.

Like most people at that time, I lived in fear of the Western Union delivery boy. Thank goodness my neighbor, Jackie, was nearby the day the telegram telling me Joe was missing arrived. I’ll never forget her hugging me tight and telling me the only thing missingand killedhad in common was a single I. I clung to that shoestring of hope long after the Western Union boy pedaled away.

Later, I told Joe that semantics kept me sane. Semantics and pure, blind pigheadedness. I was not about to accept anything less than the life I’d planned to have, and I’d vowed to spend my life with him. Until someone told me that wasn’t possible, I was sticking by my word. Joe used to tease me about my stubborn streak, but I liked to tell him it was my stubborn streak that brought him home.

And it did.

Sort of.

I sent a six-foot-two-inch Colgate football player off to war, but the man who returned to me was barely more than a shadow turned sideways. I told myself it didn’t matter. Joe was home. He was safe. He’d gain the weight back. The toes he’d lost to frostbite were a small price to pay. He would heal. Eventually. But being on American soil wasn’t anything like coming home.

The world had changed. I was very different from the naive young bride he’d left shivering on the railway platform. I’d swapped apartments with another nurse because her husband came home and she needed more room, while I, on the other hand, had far too much space for my own good. I’d lost weight while he was gone, though it wasn’t nearly as extreme as Joe’s loss of bulk. Still, by the time he made it home, the letterman’s sweater he’d left behind had patches where my elbows wore holes through the wool. But those things were easy to fix. The hard part was healing the wounds no amount of home cooking could soothe. Joe had seen and done things that left scars that ran far deeper than the marks on his skin, and I hadn’t the faintest idea how to piece our lives back together.

I fed him and coddled him, using every bit of my famous stubbornness to hold on tight until he began to rebound in both body and mind. Like many women of my generation, I set aside my own ambitions and willingly handed the reins of our life back over to him. Day in and day out, I plumped his battered ego and massaged away his fears and worries. And I can honestly tell you I never gave that picture or the man in it a second thought.

Little by little, bit by bit, my Joe came back to me, complete with the slow, shy smile that made my heart turn somersaults. There’s no way to describe the pride and joy I felt when I watched him emerge from the shadow of death and stride right back into life like the conquering hero he was. There was also no way I’d risk shattering his fragile confidence. Not when we’d both worked so hard to rebuild it.

How could I tell my proud, quiet man that the woman he loved had made a fool of him on a national stage?

We were at a cocktail party the first time someone said I looked like the woman in the magazine. I remember feeling blindsided. My life was so different from the way things had been that day in Times Square it was hard for me to put two and two together. I remember I wore my hair up for the party even though Joe liked it down. I was nervous and anxious about making a good impression on his colleagues. My dress happened to be white. The man who’d made the observation let his eyes linger a too long on my hemline. I felt my husband stiffen beside me.

I laughed it off, telling the small knot of Joe’s curious coworkers that the guy I liked to kiss was a soldier and not a sailor. To my relief, Joe laughed too. Pride and admiration shone bright in his dark eyes as he slipped his arm around my waist and gave me a gentle squeeze.

He could never know. I’d make sure of it.

If you haven’t figured me out yet, I’ll clue you in on a secret—I’m a woman who always gets what she wants. I never said a word about the picture. In all honesty, I rarely ever thought about it. I didn’t have time. A year after his return, I was pregnant with our first child and feeling miserable twenty-three hours out of the day. Joe had landed a job with a life insurance company and was working his way up the ladder. We’d moved out to the suburbs.

Despite the rocky start, we had a very good life. Our three boys ran wild on a street where it was safe for them to ride their bicycles and play catch. I’m happy to say they grew into men as honorable and true as their father, even if my youngest did turn out to be a bit of a hippie. Joe mowed the lawn on Saturday mornings and took the trash to the curb on Tuesday evenings. I finally learned to cook something other than pot roast, and I volunteered two days a week at the Veterans’ Administration hospital. It was a perfectly ordinary, terribly predictable existence, which was just fine by us.

Every few years, some yahoos with a little grant money and too much time on their hands start waving that silly picture around and spouting cockamamy theories as to the identities of the kisser and the kissee. They make the talk show circuit, and a  passel of old guys and gals crawl out of the woodwork claiming they might be the ones the photographer captured in that clinch. I have no idea if one of the fellas might actually be the one who kissed me. I never wasted much time thinking about it. In truth, I couldn’t care less.

Joe and I shared thirty-seven more years before cancer took him from me far too soon. Day after day, I held his hand in mine as that horrid disease waged war on his body, but each time he opened his eyes, he somehow found the strength to give me a smile.

The night he died, I sat in that darkened hospital room with his gnarled fingers snug between mine. The whir and beep of machines measured our last moments together. His breaths grew impossibly shallow while my heart beat strong and relentless. His foot moved beneath the thin sheet. He turned his head and spoke his last request of me, tender and sweet.

“Kiss me.”

So I did. Desperate to mingle his last breaths with mine, I kissed the man I loved. Fat, hot tears streaked down my cheeks. They wet our lips and blessed his departure. The second I drew back, he slipped away from me, taking my heart with him.

That was the kiss that told the story of how the war was won. A simple brush of his lips against mine. A caress packed with the kind of innate goodness that can be never be thwarted by power-hungry madmen or even cancer.

If you ask me, that was the kiss that counted.

I just wish there’d been a photographer around to capture it.


195 Maggie Wells copy



Starving artist Kelsey Tecato takes being The Templeton Museum’s artist in residence a little too literally. By day, she puts on a show of painting for the crowds that shuffle through the galleries, but at night, her muse runs wild.

Mitch Jameson is a guy’s guy. A cop moonlighting as a security guard, he has little use for the artsy-fartsy stuff, but the mysterious Ms. Tecato’s sexy portraits call to him.

So does an interior alarm.

When Officer Jameson goes to investigate, he finds a paint-splattered goddess working on a self-portrait–in the nude.

A couple tubes of paint and a roll in the drop cloths later, free-spirited Kelsey helps Officer Jameson discover his passion for art.


His gaze traveled over the discreet placard affixed to the wall, but he’d already memorized the pertinent facts. The paintings were created by someone named Kelsey Tecato, the museum’s ‘Artist in Residence’.

Coming on shift as the museum closed for the day, he’d searched the faces of museum patrons and employees as they straggled past the security station, but he’d yet to spot the one that matched the headshot of a studious-looking brunette featured in the museum brochure. When he oh-so-casually posed the question to Bert, he learned that meant Ms. Tecato’s art was being subsidized in exchange for her participation in demonstrations and exhibitions sponsored by the museum board. The knowing twinkle in the older man’s eyes when he clarified that the ‘in residence’ part didn’t refer to the artist’s living situation was enough to make him drop the subject. Bert was too damn nosy for a guy who never managed to pass the detective’s exam.

Forcing himself to put one foot in front of the other, he left the provocative portraits behind and turned toward the west end of the building. The Templeton rambled for nearly a city block but most of the space went unused. Exhibits occupied the open center space of the two-story building joined by a pair of sweeping marble staircases. The east side had been converted to classroom space decades before, but the warren of tiny rooms on the west end were primarily administrative offices and storage.

His heart started to pound when he picked up the murmur of a deep voice. Shifting the flashlight to his left hand, Mitch reached for his sidearm and came up empty. He was a guard tonight, not a cop. His service weapon was locked up safe in his apartment. At the end of the corridor he pulled up short, pressing his back against the wall and tightening his grip on the flashlight. He wore a panic button clipped to his belt but his instincts told him he wasn’t at the panic stage yet. Breathing soft and slow, he closed his eyes and focused his energy on catching a few words. Perhaps he could figure out what the intruders were after before making his presence known.

Thirty seconds passed. His eyes popped open then rolled heavenward as the droning voice segued into a bouncy pop song. The radio. Someone had left a radio playing in one of the offices. Shaking off the rush of adrenaline, Mitch pushed away from the wall and rounded the corner, only to come to a dead stop when he saw the fan of light spilling from the office at the very end of the hall.

Two things he knew for certain: the radio hadn’t been playing when he’d made his post-closing rounds, and that door on the end of the corridor hadn’t been open. He let the barrel of the flashlight slip through his fingers until he gripped the lamp. Wielding his only weapon like a club, he crept toward the door as silently as a guy who clocked in at six-four and two-ten could. Just outside the office, he caught a flash of movement inside the room and quickly pressed his back to the wall.

“About time you showed up.”

A woman. The intruder was a woman and she’d been expecting him. Irked by the presumptuous amusement in her tone, he stepped into the open doorway, prepared to let her have it, and almost swallowed his tongue.

Screw the flashing red lights. Alarm bells clamored in his head the moment recognition clicked. Kelsey Tecato. Artist in Residence. Painter of hard-on-inducing nudes. Live and in person, standing in the Templeton Museum after hours.

And naked as the day she was born.

Buy Link


Retail Price: $0.99                        Promotional Price: FREE    March 3-7, 2014

 Tour Banner - The Art Lover

Author Info

Multi-published author, Maggie Wells, is a deep-down dirty girl with a weakness for hot heroes and happy endings. By day she is buried in spreadsheets, but at night she pens tales of people tangling up the sheets. The product of a charming rogue and a shameless flirt, this mild-mannered married lady has a naughty streak a mile wide.

Fueled by supertankers of Diet Coke, Maggie juggles fictional romance and the real deal by keeping her slow-talking Southern gentleman constantly amused and their two children mildly embarrassed. They are the food purveyors to three dogs, a passel of fish, and one impertinent house rabbit she claims is the love of her life. Shh. Don’t tell her husband.

Twitter @maggiewells1, or on Facebook


Book giveaway!


I’m participating in the Whole Lot of Love Giveaway sponsored by!

Enter to win books from:

Adrienne Thompson – eBook copy of Your Love Is King

Amy Matayo – winner’s choice of either an eBook or an autographed print copy of The Wedding Game

Cynthia D’Alba – Three eBooks of Texas Two Step: The Prequel (short story) and One eBook of Texas Two Step (1 copy to 1 winner)

Keri Ford – one eBook of Rough Ride (The Roughnecks, 1)

Lynda Kaye Frazier – winner’s choice of either an eBook or an autographed print copy of Rescued from the Dark

Maggie Wells – St. Blaise bundle (3 titles to 1 winner): Jumping Mr. January, February’s Fling, March Madness and a Love Letters bundle (2 titles to 1 winner) Love Letters Volume 1: Obeying Desire, Love Letters Volume 2: Duty to Please

Margaret Ethridge – eBook of Long Distance Love (1 copy to 1 winner) and Commitment (1 copy to 1 winner)

Mary Frances Hodges – an autographed print copy of Miss Mary Margaret. Book II

Rebekah Beene – an autographed print copy of Oh Beloved! Live in the Light of His Word

Richard Emmel – an autographed print copy of Louisa

Shannon Vannatter – an autographed print copy of Rodeo Hero and Rodeo Queen (1 copy to 1 winner)

Velda Brotherton – eBook of Images In Scarlet  

Enter now!


Want to win a Nook Simple Touch? Check out my giveaway!

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And don’t forget to check out my latest release, The Art Lover. Available now for only $0.99!

195 Maggie Wells copy

Starving artist Kelsey Tecato takes being The Templeton Museum’s artist in residence a little too literally. By day, she puts on a show of painting for the crowds that shuffle through the galleries, but at night, her muse runs wild.

Mitch Jameson is a guy’s guy. A cop moonlighting as a security guard, he has little use for the artsy-fartsy stuff, but the mysterious Ms. Tecato’s sexy portraits call to him.

So does an interior alarm.

When Officer Jameson goes to investigate, he finds a paint-splattered goddess working on a self-portrait–in the nude.

A couple tubes of paint and a roll in the drop cloths later, free-spirited Kelsey helps Officer Jameson discover his passion for art.

Special guest star…Emily Cale!

I’m so excited to welcome my Love Letters pal, Emily Cale to my blog! She has a steamy new story to talk about, and WOWZA did you see that cover???? Tell us more, Em!

You might not know this, but Maggie Wells is a very straight-laced individual. I tried to come up with a blog post that would fit her squeaky clean image, but I couldn’t manage. My apologies to both her and her readers. *snickers* Funny girl.

Have you ever noticed how dirty the hardware store is? I don’t mean the floor either. For once, I want you to get your mind in the gutter instead of out of it.

Do they really expect us to walk up and down those aisles without giggling? First, all the parts come with male and female halves that fit together perfectly. So what if I feel like it is necessary to try putting them together in the store, you know, just to make sure everything works and is the right size. I’ve even posted some reasons why I shouldn’t be allowed to shop at these sorts of places before.

On one occasion, I found myself at the local Home Depot purchasing duct tape, rope and knee pads. I swear it was for the house, but the cashier gave me a very strange look while she was wringing me up. What? I can’t imagine what else one would possibly do with those items. (Y’all read that as sarcasm, right?)

Anyway, you don’t have to have a dirty mind to read about my hunky handyman hero, but it won’t hurt either.


Mr. Fix It by Emily Cale

Jenni’s home improvement plans have turned into a disaster. The only bright spot in her day is watching her handyman neighbor Rick as he helps out around the neighborhood. Jenni has need of his capable hands in more ways than one, but she refuses to become just another notch on his toolbox.

Rick is entranced by his standoffish neighbor. He has no time for the neighborhood women who throw themselves at him, but he intends to get into Jenni’s house, bed and heart if it’s the last thing he does.

Available from Ellora’s Cave * Amazon

An Excerpt from MR FIX IT

Copyright ©EMILY CALE, 2013

All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing. Inc.

Bracing against the wind, Jenni took a few steps forward, sat down on the stairs and watched as her dog barked at the tree. “Keep it up. You’ll probably have better luck than I have today.” She hung her head. Now she needed to decide whether to keep trying to make her project work or cut her losses and put the doors she’d gotten off back on. At the moment, neither option sounded particularly appealing. The only thing she absolutely had to do was clean the floor. The rest could wait until she’d had time to drink a few glasses of pinot grigio and enjoy some trashy reality television. Nothing like a few hours focused on someone else’s life to make her forget about the troubles in her own.


Jenni didn’t need to look up to recognize the deep voice of her neighbor, but popped her head up to confirm her suspicions. It’d be rude not to at least look at the person talking to her. At least that was what she told herself. It certainly couldn’t be because she liked gazing at his tanned skin and sun-bleached hair.

Rick Maas leaned over the fence between their properties. Her cheeks felt hot as she tried to think of a witty reply. “Nothing that can’t be fixed.” Maybe not by me, but by someone. She’d kept an eye on him from the day he’d moved in three months ago. Scratch that. She’d had both eyes glued to his gorgeous body whenever she got the chance. He was a perfect specimen of the male form. Wavy hair, a strong chin and a smile that could turn her knees to jelly. A few times he’d caught her staring at him while he worked on his motorcycle in the driveway. She’d tried to pretend she was studying the garden or checking out a bird in a tree, but she doubted he’d been fooled by her ruse. She couldn’t help it though. The minute he took off his shirt, her brain turned to mush and her libido took over.

“Anything I can help you with?” That was a loaded question. Jenni could think of a hundred things she’d like his help with, but not a single one was home improvement related. Though a few of them risked damaging her bed frame. She supposed he could put that back together if they broke it. After they were done, of course.

She bit her tongue. His offer was completely innocent and she knew it. Rick helped many of the neighbors with little tasks around their homes. For the most part, his assistance went to older individuals struggling to keep up with seasonal maintenance, but many of the single women—and a few of the married ones—took him up on his offers as well. A little too often for Jenni’s taste. How many things could possibly go wrong in one house? She almost laughed at the thought. Maybe she should take a better look around her kitchen before she judged too harshly. Still, she swore a few of the ladies broke things for the sole purpose of having Rick over. They probably made him pitchers of lemonade and homemade chocolate chip cookies too. How clichéd. She hated them for it. Partly because she couldn’t even make chocolate chip cookies, let alone serve them hot out of the oven for the hunk-next-door.


About Emily Cale

Emily Cale spent the majority of her childhood as a visitor to the worlds of her favorite authors. With encouragement from her English teachers, she put pen to paper and began imagining her own stories. Preferring the fascinating lives of her characters, she majored in creative writing. When not lost in a manuscript or a good book, she enjoys crocheting, rock climbing, and playing board games. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon.

You can connect with her via her website, Twitter or Facebook.

Release day! Love Letters Volume 2 now available!

Love Letters Volume 2: Duty to Please


Discover four sexy stories with a military twist in Love Letters Volume 2: Duty to Please.

E Is for Entice by Emily Cale
Coast Guard Petty Officer Evan Marshall knows it won’t be easy proving to his hometown that he’s matured–especially his former girlfriend, Ciara Knowles. Though they soon re-create some very hot memories, it may take a disaster to truly bring them together.

F Is for Fallout by Ginny Glass
When Spencer Corwin returns from Iraq, all he can think about is finally meeting the woman he’s been corresponding with in the flesh. But will their red-hot passion survive the fallout of learning they’ve both been living a lie?

G Is for Gun-Shy by Christina Thacher
Colonel Jack Travis doesn’t want to be partnered with buttoned-up military strategist Davina McCall–even if she’s the sexiest woman he’s ever seen. When a freak storm traps them in Jack’s cabin, the buttons start coming undone…and things really start heating up.

H Is for Hotshot by Maggie Wells
Smoke jumper Luke Whitehawk usually fights fires–when he’s not fighting his sizzling attraction to pilot Tara Ferris. And Tara’s determined that this is one battle Luke is destined to lose…

Also available in audiobook format from Audible!

Shout it! Shout it! Shout it out loud! An audiobook contest.

The winner is: Laurie! Congrats! Your audiobook is on it’s way!

Look! Love Letters Volume 1: Obeying Desire is now available as an audiobook!


Eeep! I’m so flustered by the thought of someone reading my story aloud I don’t think I can listen. That’s why I’m going to have to gift a copy to someone so they can tell me how it sounds.

Want it to be you? I’ll give you three ways to enter:

1) Comment below and whisper the naughtiest thing you’ve ever said out loud.

2) Like my Facebook page and say hello.

3) Tweet this to the world: Hey, Mags! I want to listen to Love Letters Volume 1: Obeying Desire! @MaggieWells1 @GinnyGlass @ChristnaThacher @EmilyCale #LoveLetters

You can do any or all of the above to enter. Entries close 5/17/13 at 11:59pm CDT. I’ll pick a winner on Saturday and announce it on my Weekend Writing Warriors post on Sunday.

Good luck and happy listening!

RT 2013 – Day 2

I’m at the Romantic Time Booklovers Convention in Kansas City this week. To Celebrate, I thought I’d post a bit from one of my books each day that I’m away. Looking for one of my books? You can find them all on my page at All Romance eBooks!

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Today I’m featuring the Love Letters Anthologies – six volumes of steamy stories written by authors Ginny Glass, Christina Thacher, Emily Cale and myself. Look for all six of these exciting titles from Carina Press in 2013!

Volume 1: Obeying Desire (A-D)(Theme: BDSM)–Release Date: April 2013


D is for Detained by Maggie Wells

He was the preacher’s son, her parents owned the local sex shop. Sherry Adams and Tyler Prescott’s attraction was forbidden when they were teenagers, but years later Deputy Tyler takes out his trusty handcuffs to show her just how good they could be together.

And a tidbit:

“The cuffs…” he said breathlessly.

Meeting his earnest gaze, she finished the thought for him. “Are turning me on like you wouldn’t believe.”

The startled laugh that burst from his lips cut through the tension around them. His fingers slid into her hair, gently dislodging the clip holding the dense curls. She gasped her relief when the clasp gave way.

He gathered handfuls of her hair and tipped her head back farther. “I’d believe it.”

Volume 2: Duty to Please (E-H) (Theme: Military)– Release Date: May 2013



H Is for Hotshot by Maggie Wells
Smoke jumper Luke Whitehawk usually fights fires–when he’s not fighting his sizzling attraction to pilot Tara Ferris. And Tara’s determined that this is one battle Luke is destined to lose…

And a tidbit: 

“You taught me everything I know about keeping my feet on the ground. Now let go and let me teach you how to fly.”

“You’re jumping into the fire.”

“You do it every day, and it makes me burn.” He tried to retreat but Tara held her ground. She wouldn’t allow him to run when they were so damn close. She couldn’t. “If you pull back now, I want you to remember this the next time you call me ‘little girl’—I’m not the one running away, you are.”

And there’s much more to come!

Volume 3: Wicked Whispers (I-L) (Theme: Dirty Talk)– Release Date: June 2013

J Is for Jaded by Maggie Wells

Voice actress Julie Poplin secretly thinks about rocker-turned-sound engineer Vaughan Hatch when she needs to make passion leap from the page. But their audio book recording session takes a seductive turn when she accidentally speaks Vaughan’s name instead of the hero’s…
Volume 4: Travel to Temptation (M-Q)(Theme: Exotic Erotic)–Release Date: August 2013

M Is for Melting by Maggie Wells

When Samantha Walters contacts childhood friend Luca Camilleri, she discovers the boy she knew is now an incredibly desirable man. And a not-so-innocent comment in an online chat spurs Sam to give in to impulse, heading to Malta for a vacation fling.
Volume 5: Exposed (R-U) (Theme: Voyeurism/Exhibitionism)– Release Date: September 2013

U Is for Undone by Maggie Wells

Dr. Alec McCarthy has noticed hot nurse and neighbor Sofia Morales around the hospital—but she really gets his attention when she does a striptease for him in front of her window.
Volume 6: Cowboy’s Command (V-Z) (Theme: Western)– Release Date: October 2013

V Is for Vindicated by Maggie Wells

Barrel racing queen Michelle Kelly likes to ride wild—but her old flame Cole Powell might have what it takes to rope the woman he loves once and for all.


X Is for XXX Ranch by Maggie Wells & Emily Cale

Jane Richardson is stunned to discover that the property she’s inherited isn’t the working ranch she imagined. Handsome neighbor Clive Boland offers to buy the XXX Ranch—and proposes more than just a business deal.

Cover reveal!

We have our cover for Love Letters Volume 3: Wicked Whispers! Wanna see?


Tasty, huh?

Here’s the scoop on this sizzling hot volume:

Verbal foreplay goes a long way in these four steamy stories in Love Letters Volume 3: Wicked Whispers.

I Is for Indecent by Christina Thacher
Annie Forrest doesn’t think flirtatious Stefan Cox is seriously interested in her—until he starts describing what it will be like when they strip away their inhibitions and their clothes. But do they have anything in common besides their gift for dirty talk?

J Is for Jaded by Maggie Wells
Voice actress Julie Poplin secretly thinks about rocker-turned-sound-engineer Vaughan Hatch when she needs to make passion leap from the page while narrating a steamy audio book. But their recording session takes a seductive turn when she accidentally speaks Vaughan’s name instead of the hero’s…

K Is for Kick-Start by Ginny Glass
Author Sophie Maddox has a bad case of writer’s block and a distractingly handsome editor clamoring for her newest sexy romance. She’s tempted by Oliver’s offer to use his place to write—and even more tempted to act out scenes when a typo reveals she’s been using him as inspiration.

L Is for Lessons by Emily Cale
When Chloe turns to her friend Bethany for help earning some extra cash, she’s shocked to discover that Bethany is a phone sex operator…and is intrigued by her offer to teach Chloe the ropes. But neither of them is prepared for the unexpected desire their lesson unleashes.

Love Letters Volume 3: Wicked Whispers will release June 17, 2013, but you can pre-order it today!

Carina Press
