Hello, it’s me…

My husband would make faces if he knew I’d used the Todd Rundgren line, but he’s down there and I’m up here and he never looks at my blog anyway, so there you go.

Hi, friends. How are you holding up? I hope you and your loved ones are well. We are okay here. I have voted, but Fodder has not yet done so. Don’t worry, I’m a pro-level badgerer, so he will get it done.

We’ve been mostly holing up, which is good because someone *points to self* had a book to write. And guess what? I did!

I finished the rough draft of SMUGGLER’S BLUES (Pine Woods #2 for Harlequin Intrigue) yesterday. Yay! It’s a bit of a hot mess at the moment, but I have a month to whip it into shape before it’s due to my editor.

last lines from the book and THE END
Screenshot of the last lines typed – definitely subject to change

In the meantime, my editor is taking her first crack at book #1 – tentatively titled ABSENCE OF MOTIVE. I’m also plotting and planning to write something completely different for NaNoWriMo – a RomCom!

If you’re a writer or other type of creative reading this and flipping the bird at your screen, please know I’m not saying these things to brag. Staying busy has been the best way for me to cope with what’s happening all around us, but I know it’s not the same for everyone.

We’re over a half-year into this thing. Like the rest of you, I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss traveling. I miss going to the grocery store without suiting up like I’m touring Chernobyl. Fodder and I are still not dining-in at restaurants, but we are supporting our favorite locals. Since we live in the boonies, I bought some nifty cafeteria trays we use for our in-town car dining.

Date night means schnitzel night!

Fancy, right?

Tell me, what’s helping you get through? I’d love to hear from you. To know you’re okay and I’m not flaunting my schnitzel for naught.

Be well. And if you are one of my American friends, don’t forget to VOTE!

You guys!!!!!

So this little bit of news dropped in Publishers Marketplace today:

Maggie Wells’s Pine Woods trilogy, about local law enforcement, prosecutors, lawyers, and DEA agents who combat drug trade in small-town Southern USA, to Denise Zaza at Harlequin Intrigue, in a three-book deal, for publication in September 2021, by Sara Megibow at kt literary.

That’s right, I’m diving into the world of romantic suspense! I’m thrilled and terrified, and so very grateful to have you all along for this ride. Buckle up!

Couple on roller coaster