My books have become teenagers!

It’s hard to believe I’ve been doing this long enough for some of my books to become teenagers.

Having raised a couple kids through their teen years, I can say fairly confidently, the books are less worrisome. I never have to badger CONTENTMENT info putting the laundry away. The ghosts in PARAMOUR and INAMORATA don’t have to be reminded about bed times. Thankfully, I’m not in charge of the logistics for Ellie & Jack’s LONG DISTANCE LOVE. And worrying about Maggie from COMMITMENT is enough to keep any mother awake at night.

Last week, BoobBub (a book lover’s newsletter service) featured SEDUCING STEVE. Good old Steve is on sale at most US retailers for 99Β’, and my favorite red-haired hunk still has it! He was even flagged as a Barnes & Noble Nook bestseller!

Infographic with arrows describing the tropes in the book that has become a teenager

Way to go, Steve! Not bad for a book who is a teenager!

I’m always happy when someone discovers some of my older works. If you’ve never read Steve, you can still get a digital copy for 99Β’, so click now!

If you’re interested in buying ebooks of some of my re-released material, you can buy direct from me at my PayHip store, MagsRomance, or at your favorite online retailer.

At the moment, I’m working on having my 50th book published. I’m also working on writing books 51, 52, 53 – the upcoming Arkansas Special Agent: Cyber Crime Division series. Book #1 – SHADOWING HER STALKER – will be the 15th book I’ve written for Harlequin.

So many milestones!

Thanks so much for coming with me on this ride. It certainly has been — and continues to be — a roller coaster, but it’s been great having you beside me!

Hello, December

Hi friends. Can you believe it’s December already? Me either.

Truthfully, I won’t be sad to leave 2021 behind. This has been a hard year. Not that it’s been all bad – just a bit of a slog. Tons of good things happened, and I have been keeping up with my monthly #happythings lists. I’ll post the year-end wrapup here at the end of the month.

But a New Year is coming. I have high hopes for 2022, how about you? Is there anything you’re looking forward to?

If you’re looking for some holiday romance – I have some for you. I have a new one-hour short story called LOVE ON DELIVERY available in both ebook and audio formats, LONG DISTANCE LOVE is on sale, and our favorite New Year’s Eve gone wrong/right story, THE LAST FIRST DATE is always a fun way to spend a night in.

So, take some time to curl up in your cozies, maybe add a splash of “special coffee creamer” to your mug, and be sure to breathe deeply.

Peace, friends.

I’m so excited!

You guys… I read a news story the other day that fit the series I just signed on to do with Harlequin Intrigue so perfectly I literally made this face:

It’s one of those cases so wild it’s hard to believe it’s true. I have a whole squad of hamsters running in their wheels!

Happy things

Do you track the little things that make you happy? If you follow me on Facebook or have seen my newsletter, you might have seen me post my #happythings lists. They’re pretty simple. Every day, I pick at least one thing (usually food-related) that made me happy that day. I know that (like me) many of us are cutting back on social media, so I thought I’d share a few happy things here.

I have more Intrigues coming! I’ll have one in June 2022, and another series of three coming late 2022 or early 2023.

My latest – FOR THE DEFENSE – is available everywhere! Show me your “spotted in the wild” pictures!

Me in Walmart with my latest release
Don’t worry, I bought the copy I touched, signed it, and gave it to the cashier.

TRIAL IN THE BACKWOODS is coming out at the end of this month. Its release will mark my 10th book with Harlequin!

But usually, my happy things are not a big deal. Some days, I have to scrounge for them. Other days, I have to take something negative and find the silver lining.

We’re all struggling. We’re all tired. You are not alone. Neither am I.

I hope you can find a way to celebrate the happy things in your life. Wanna copy off my paper? Go ahead, I won’t tell Sister Elizabeth. Here are my #happythings from August 2021.

  1. The gathering of energy pennies like Scrooge McDuck. 🪙💰
  2. Bob Jog 5k with Kelli. 🏅
  3. A good/productive afternoon for the Ethridge men.
  4. Sally made me nap. 😴
  5. Brainstorm 🌩 with Katie and Kristina.
  6. Ted Lasso – the best part of any Friday.
  7. 7k words today!
  8. Hit the 50k mark! Over 10k this weekend. Closing in on the finish line.
  9. Spotted in the wild with my Canucks and Aussies!
  10. Deal announcement. 📢
  11. Playing with me plot bunny. 🐰
  12. Baked sugar cookies for my sweet sugar babies.
  13. My boys!
  14. A fun evening of Ethridge mayhem.
  15. Rumpus nap with Sally. 😴
  16. Thankful I am vaccinated, praying my family comes through this well.
  17. β€œI’m sorry to inform you that you have earthworms.”
  18. Two negatives and mild positives. Chat with my Cabinet. 💻
  19. Officially cleared to live in our bubble again. Chat with the ISU OG.
  20. Ted Lasso is like a rainbow 🌈!
  21. Trader Joe’s sea salt dark chocolate caramels.
  22. Great chat with the ladies from Categorically Romance podcast! 🎙
  23. A good BFA call with Jess and crew.
  24. Release day! Walmart, Luigi’s, and Small Cakes. 🧁
  25. MasterChef and reader recovery programs.
  26. β€œSorry I touched your label maker area.”
  27. Leftovers feasts and big fires 🔥
  28. College football makes revisions more bearable.
  29. Butter roll. 🥮
  30. Celebrating Luluday with microwavable cups of Steak ‘n Shake chili. As one does.
  31. Got fresh with Bill over dinner. I had him at Hello Fresh. 🍋

Look out, September, I’m coming for you!

xoxo Mags

Busy, busy, busy!

As I write this I’m getting ready to do an interview for a podcast. It also just occurred to me a couple of days ago that book #2 in the Raising the Bar Briefs series, FOR THE DEFENSE will release on Tuesday. Oh, and did I mention that I’m trying to finish drafting a book that will release next summer?

So what have I been doing? If you said hanging out with Fodder, napping with the beasts, watching Ted Lasso, you’d be right! Or, should I say, spot on!

Ted Lasso pointing the affirmative

But I have been working here and there. This is part of my new process. I know that the work will get done, and I’m not stressing about it.

So let me remind you of this. If you want a paperback copy of AN ABSENCE OF MOTIVE (Book 1), today is the last day to buy one in stores. Tomorrow, they will switch out the stock. Of course, ebooks will be available in perpetuity and you can order paperbacks through

In case you missed it, I chatted with Renee from the kt literary podcast recently and had a new book deal announced. Yay!

So, yeah, that’s where I’m at. I need to go get ready to try to string coherent words together. Wish me luck!

Back to blogging

I’m coming back to the blog.

Why? I miss it. I miss the interaction I get to have with people here, even if it’s only a few.

Aren’t blogs kind of, you know, dead? I don’t care. I’m tired of chasing trends, disenchanted with social media, and want something more personal than my newsletter.

Will you still send newsletters? Of course! But there will be a little more of me in the posts here.

How often will you post? I’m not sure. I think not weekly, but maybe a couple of times a month.

About what? General babbling. Life, writing, books, anything, and everything.

Is anyone still out there in the blog-o-sphere?

Hello, it’s me…

My husband would make faces if he knew I’d used the Todd Rundgren line, but he’s down there and I’m up here and he never looks at my blog anyway, so there you go.

Hi, friends. How are you holding up? I hope you and your loved ones are well. We are okay here. I have voted, but Fodder has not yet done so. Don’t worry, I’m a pro-level badgerer, so he will get it done.

We’ve been mostly holing up, which is good because someone *points to self* had a book to write. And guess what? I did!

I finished the rough draft of SMUGGLER’S BLUES (Pine Woods #2 for Harlequin Intrigue) yesterday. Yay! It’s a bit of a hot mess at the moment, but I have a month to whip it into shape before it’s due to my editor.

last lines from the book and THE END
Screenshot of the last lines typed – definitely subject to change

In the meantime, my editor is taking her first crack at book #1 – tentatively titled ABSENCE OF MOTIVE. I’m also plotting and planning to write something completely different for NaNoWriMo – a RomCom!

If you’re a writer or other type of creative reading this and flipping the bird at your screen, please know I’m not saying these things to brag. Staying busy has been the best way for me to cope with what’s happening all around us, but I know it’s not the same for everyone.

We’re over a half-year into this thing. Like the rest of you, I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss traveling. I miss going to the grocery store without suiting up like I’m touring Chernobyl. Fodder and I are still not dining-in at restaurants, but we are supporting our favorite locals. Since we live in the boonies, I bought some nifty cafeteria trays we use for our in-town car dining.

Date night means schnitzel night!

Fancy, right?

Tell me, what’s helping you get through? I’d love to hear from you. To know you’re okay and I’m not flaunting my schnitzel for naught.

Be well. And if you are one of my American friends, don’t forget to VOTE!

Monday Mayhem – On grief

On Friday, our friend Michelle lost her battle with cancer.

This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with grief. I’ve lost grandparents, both my father and mother, all but one aunt and uncle, a few co-workers and acquaintances, and grieved each and every one of them.

But this one is hitting me hard.

There are a lot of reasons why I may not be dealing well. It happened too soon. The disease progressed too fast. She was too young, too bright, too vibrant, too determined. All of those toos and too many others.

Her family asked if I would write something about her life, not knowing that she was the reason I became a romance writer. She loved the fan-fiction I wrote and was always after me to write something original. She gave me her story, and I gave her a prologue for her birthday in 2009. She read it, liked it, and then pushed me to write the rest of the story which would become the first novel I wrote, Contentment.

Here is the last thing I wrote for Michelle:

Michelle Kelly lived a life filled with passion and unmatched generosity of spirit. Family, friends, acquaintances – no one was immune to her bright smile or the mischievous twinkle in her eye. She had a laugh that drew people to her and used it well and often. Michelle will forever be known as a determined shopper, willing and able volunteer, world-class adventurer, and master of all things organizational. Her wit was stealthy and her humour good-natured. She frequently amused her friends by misappropriating words with intent to tickle. 

But mostly she loved. Michelle loved her family and friends with unreserved gusto. Shakespeare had the measure of Michelle Kelly when he wrote, β€œAnd though she be but little, she is fierce.” Our Michelle was the fiercest of women – bright, beautiful, and brave. 

How do you say goodbye to someone who altered your life in such a profound way? Someone who shared your highs, lows, passing enthusiasms, and enduring loves?

The truth is, I have no idea.

So I’ll just sit with it a while. Feel all these feelings, and cry all these tears. The only way forward is through, right? I do know one thing for certain. Kelly Clarkson was right, my life will suck without her.

Monday Mayhem – It’s a kind of magic

I have a new project running around in my head. I don’t want to talk about it too much, because I’m not quite to the point of writing it. What if the kind of magic I have in my head doesn’t translate to the page? But I am excited about it. I’m just… waiting for that magic moment when I feel ready to start spinning the tale. Maybe this guy can help:

Illustration of an old wizard holding a book and a wand

In the meantime, work is coming along on TO MAKE YOU FEEL MY LOVE. No release date set yet, but we’re well into editorial and I have cover art, and I love it. Here’s a little hint of what’s to come. Reveal to come as soon as I set a release date. In the meantime, I’ve got plenty to keep you occupied on the My Books page.

TMYFML cover reveal teaser

Spring has come to Central Arkansas. Thank goodness. As much as I love and miss my friends and family up north, I do not miss the winters. There’s a fresh-cut hyacinth in my bud vase. Last week, Fodder clipped these beauties and brought a little sunshine into the house. We’re supposed to be entering into a rainy stretch over the next 10 days, so Sally and I sat outside soaking up the vitamin D over the weekend. Hopefully, the rain will help keep the green pollen monster at bay.


Speaking of Spring…I will be attending the Chicago North Spring Fling in Chicago again this year. There’s a multi-author book signing scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2020. If you’re in the Chicago area, be sure to mark your calendar!

How’s the weather in your neck of the woods?

Monday Mayhem – Germination

In my last post, I talked about my burnout. In this one, I’d update you on my recovery, and what I have discovered.

I may have mentioned it in my previous post, but I had a bit of an, “Ah-ha!” moment while watching Becca Syme’s QuitCast videos.

Becca is a Gallup certified strengths coach, but she is also an author and a member of the Romance Writers of America. She started talking about burnout issues because most of the authors she speaks to started listing the same worries/concerns.

I won’t go into detail about burnout and all the things she said that spoke to me and the way I was feeling about my writing career. I’ll just tell you that I connected with it enough to sign up for a class she was offering that helps authors identify their top five strengths (according to the Clifton StrengthsFinder) and works with them in a coaching capacity author-to-author.

Here are my five: Input|Relator|Empathy|Achiever|Responsibility

There’s quite a bit of logic behind each of these strength labels, but for the most part, they are self-explanatory. Since the Gallup and Becca’s definitions are copyrighted material, I’ll just give you my hot take on them.

Input – High input people need to take in a lot of information. They don’t necessarily become experts in everything they learn, but they store it away for future reference. I attribute my vast store of movie quotes, superior Trivial Pursuit skills, and ability to sing every word of a song I haven’t heard in 20 years to this strength.

Relator – This means I need to have a strong connection to the people closest to me. I don’t gather friends everywhere I go, but the ones I have are close and well-chosen. I think this may be why I like to include close-knit groups of friends in my stories.

Empathy – I’m good at reading the room. Whether it’s an individual, or a general consensus, I pick up on vibes pretty easily. Which may explain why the negative onslaught we’ve been enduring since 2016 has been overwhelming for me. This is why I have retreated from most social media and holed up in my blanket fort.

Achiever – The name pretty much says it all. I am compelled to complete tasks. If there’s a list, I must tick off the boxes. Like all of these traits, this can also become a weakness. This is why I broke up with my Apple watch. I don’t think it’s healthy to cuss a piece of wearable technology for not giving me stand credit for hours I know I was on my feet. Yeah….

Responsibility – I’m just a girl who can’t say no. Okay, I can, but I don’t very often, and that weighs on me. I am your get it done girl. Once I agree to something, I have to see things through. But when it’s a situation where I have to rely on others to do their part, well… it can take a toll too.

So, yeah, I’ve been talking to Becca about where these traits are working for me, and where I may not be using them to my best advantage. We’re also talking strategy for dealing with those moments when my strengths become a weakness.

So here is my self-portrait for the week:

I’m still not writing, but now my not writing is purposeful. I’m refilling my input well, and hunkering down with those people who help me generate good energy. I’ve made my blanket fort a safe space for the plot bunnies to come and play. I feed my achiever by taking notes on all the happy writing-related stuff I want to keep for later. And I am learning to identify those tasks that I truly own, rather than simply taking responsibility for everything.

I feel good. I feel optimistic. I feel like my writing career will go on for many years to come. Perhaps not at the breakneck speed of the first 10 years, but that’s okay. I’m playing the long game now.

If you are looking for me, one of the places I’ve been hanging out at the most lately is on The Corner of Smart & Sexy. It’s just me and some fabulous author friends talking books and playing silly games. Join us there! You never know who you may run into…