We have rolled into September. How did that happen? With the change of the calendar page, I decided to make a change of my own. I am slowing my scroll.
What does that mean? It means I have removed all my social media apps from my phone.
Like many people, I’ve been thinking about breaking the social media habit for a while now. Facebook is great for keeping up with family and old friends, but the recent political climate has tainted the fun as far as I am concerned.
And Twitter… Oh, I have such a love/hate relationship with Twitter. I used to love it. There are some things I love still.
Every Sunday night, a bunch of romance writers have a weekly chat on a variety of topics. It’s been an excellent place to get to know other authors, and for us to share a little of the angst that comes with being a writer. And trust me, there’s a lot of angst.
But along with all that good stuff comes a sort of gang mentality. Twitter is very us against them. And the pile-on… It can get ugly.
True, social media has given each of us a platform. We can share our every thought, opinion, or memorable meal. But should we?
I agree, some of it is good and fun. However, I find much of it draining. For that reason, I’ve been finding ways to limit my time using it.
Ironically, I learned about Scroll Free September from an article my niece shared. Still, I X’ing out of all those apps.
I’m mostly over my fear of missing out. Probably because I’m pretty sure I won’t be missing much that would do me any good. At least, nothing I need to know about while standing in line at Walgreen’s.
I can always take a look when I’m on the computer.
It’s a holiday!
So, happy Labor Day, my friends.
I hope this day of rest is the perfect reward for all of your hard work.
Put your phone down.
Go out and play.
If you need me, you can reach me the old fashioned way…maggiewells1@gmail.com