Monday Mayhem – holding on

I visited my mom this weekend. Though it makes me sad to see her struggling, it was just good to see her.

And to hold her hand.


Her skin is now thin and soft with age, but though I may have my daddy’s eyes, nose and mouth, these delicate digits are one thing I undoubtedly inherited from my mother.

They may be small, but their grip is mighty.

Monday Mayhem – Wibbly wobbly

I have not felt well all week.

That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

I don’t have much to report this week other than the fact that I’ve been a complete slug. I’ve been fighting allergies/migraine/the after effects of dental torment all week and I have been totally lazy. At least, when it comes to writing.

Someone posted this on Facebook the other day, and it’s so true:


Too true. Book #2 in the Coastal Heat series just flowed right out of me. I may need a stash of dynamite to get #3 out.

The good news is, I’m feeling a little better, so I’m upgrading my look from this:


To this:


Oh, and my Spider Solitaire skills are wicked sharp.

How about you? Lose your head over anything (besides a good chop) lately?

Monday Mayhem – A new chapter

Some of my writer friends and I received some sad news this week. Turquoise Morning Press will be closing as of November 1, 2015. Though I have nothing upcoming in the pipeline with them, I was sad to hear the news. TMP offered my my first publishing contract in August 2010. Since that time, we’ve published over twenty titles together. It’s been a great run, and I appreciate the experience I gained working with them, but all good things come to an end.

What does this mean for me?

Well, in the grand scheme of things, I’m still moving forward. I still have 3 releases scheduled for 2016 with Kensington/Lyrical-Shine. My fabulous agent is shopping my upcoming manuscripts, and we have a plan for the next two series I want to write next.

What does it mean to you?

It means you have approximately 10 days to buy copies of the following titles:









Long Distance Love

LongDistanceLove-MKEthridge-LG (663x1024)

Spring Chickens


all of the Hot Nights in St. Blaise books


Grab them now! All rights will be returning to me, so I may publish some or all of these titles on my own in the future, but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get to them.

Happy reading!



Monday Mayhem – Woohoo!

If you’ve been following this blog for the last few weeks, you know I’ve been struggling with my mojo lately. Well, I’m pleased to announce that the word drought has ended!

This weekend was the Diamond State Romance Authors annual writing retreat in Hot Springs. I was hoping the change of scenery, gathering of like-minded friends, and structured writing time away from the distractions of home would help pull me from this slump, and it did!

I set a goal of trying to write 5000 words per day and 10000 words total. Here’s my play by play of how the weekend unfolded.


I was up and ready early, so I decided that I needed to use the time before I left productively, so I sat down in the recliner and didn’t move until I finished chapter four.


Pre-retreat word count – 2214

We stayed at the Blue House on Lake Hamilton again

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I staked out the same spot as last year

And tried not to spend too much time staring out at the view

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We called Papa John’s to deliver and wrote into the night, stopping only when it was time for refreshment

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Word count before retiring to the hot tub – 2840


Total Friday: 5054

Saturday we were up and at it early. The forecast called for warm temps and sunny skies, so this served as my motivation

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I managed to put up about 3000 words before this happened

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Then I wrote some more before we decided it was time to head for Mi Pueblito (aka: the gas station Mexican place) for fortification


Word count before enchiladas and cheese dip: 4575

Word count while in food coma: 688

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Total Saturday word count: 5263

We knew we had to be out by noon on Sunday. We also knew many of us were close to our previously state goals, or close to a new one. Me? I realized I could make it to the the approximate halfway mark in my book if I could manage just a couple thousand more words. Fueled by the last few cookies in the Snoopy tin, I made it!


Sunday word count at retreat: 2014

Total weekend word count: 12331!

So yeah, I’m home now and totally stoked to have made so much progress on the first draft of LOVE AND ROCKETS. I’ll keep plugging away at it, a little bit during the week and a little more on weekends and soon the bones of the book will be there.


Happy Monday, everyone. I hope this is the most mayhem you’ll be forced to endure this week!


Monday Mayhem – Ennui Edition

So it’s no secret I’ve been suffering a little end of summer ennui. I’m pleased to report that I have powered through, and Saturday I managed to get chapter one of LOVE & ROCKETS (Coastal Heat #3 – October 2016) done. Now I just need to psyche myself up for chapter two.

I got my first round of edits back on FLIP THIS LOVE (Coastal Heat #2) this weekend. Also got some great feedback from my editor on the story itself. Can’t wait to share this one with you in April 2016! Right behind it will be A WILL AND A WAY (sequel to Three Little Words – coming June 2016!) so I will be deep in the writing/editing cave as the leaves start to turn.

But first, I’m planning some prizes and giveaways for the release of GOING DEEP on September 15th!

Coastal Heatbanner

Found this super-cute beach bag that matches the cover colors that I plan to fill with books and goodies for my newsletter subscribers (sign up now at the top of the right sidebar!).


I also have some fun stuff for the Facebook party I’ll be participating in that evening.

So yeah, I’m hoping to gain a little momentum again as the summer starts to cool down. Give me another couple of weeks and I’ll be in full-on Fall mode. That means being football and first draft ready.

I plan on turning this ennui will be off-oui (Gilmore-ism – thank you Sookie St. James Bellville!) and getting back in the groove.

How about you? What are you looking forward to this fall?

Monday Mayhem – Catholic guilt edition

So I think I may have to change my author picture to something like this:


I was a complete slug this weekend. I mean, I didn’t leave my house other than to go to the Kum & Go to refill the massive mug.

Nor did I write.

What did I do? I read THE ANGEL by the fabulous Tiffany Reisz. I napped. I watched more episodes of Friday Night Lights than anyone should admit to watching in one weekend.

But somehow, I managed to make it through the entire weekend without adding a single word to my fledgling work in progress.

I did do authorly things. If you missed the Unforgettable Heroes II pre-release party on Facebook, you missed a good time. Lucky for you, you can still order your boxed set for only $0.99. It includes SPRING CHICKENS!

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/sales pitch

I also packaged prizes to be sent out and started assembling goodies for my street team. I just didn’t put any words on paper.

That’s when the Catholic guilt kicks in. I feel bad about having so much free time and not making anything out of it.

Yes, I know sometimes I need to give it a rest. I know that reading a book or watching television can and are helpful to me as a writer/storyteller. I just have a hard time with the need to have something to show for my time. And the upcoming month is going to be action packed. UNFORGETTABLE HEROES II releases this week, SEDUCING STEVE will be going on sale September 10-14th, then GOING DEEP releases September 15th. In the midst of all that, I will be working edits on FLIP THIS LOVE and possibly A WILL AND A WAY.

So, I should have used this weekend to crank on the draft of LOVE & ROCKETS.

But I didn’t.

And I feel guilty.

Apparently not guilty enough to stop ogling Kyle Chandler, but there you have it. My confession.

Bless me readers, for I have loafed…

How about you? Are you ruled by guilt, or do you revel in guilty pleasures?



Monday Mayhem – Gastronomic Edition

This weekend, Team Awesome took Little Rock by storm!


Okay, the reality is that we ate our way through Little Rock. There isn’t a whole lot to do around here other than eat. My fabulous Jewels arrived on Thursday afternoon, and we had her snarfing real southern BBQ and peanut butter pie at Three Sams before we even took her home.

threesams pbpie

Wanna know what else was on the menu?

A movie night feast fit for a Gilmore Girl!

Half-price shakes at the Sonic, David’s Burgers, the Flying Fish, Panera, Dunkin, Cantina Cinco de Mayo, movie theater popcorn, caramel pecan rolls, and of course….

frozen Nutella spoons



Bopper sundaes from Shakes.

Yeah…so if anyone is looking for me, I’ll be over here having my stomach pumped.

Between meals we managed to squeeze in a little writing, a spot of shopping, some cardboard box sledding, a bout with some dueling pianos, a few hours with the Diamond State Romance Authors, and about 5 movies.

How about you? Did you indulge in anything particularly yummy this weekend?

Monday Mayhem – I need a motivational speaker

It was a fairly unproductive week for me. The day job was crazy busy, so by the time I made it home each night, I didn’t have energy to do much more than mainline season 1 of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.


I did get some character and story outlines started for LOVE & ROCKETS, so I wasn’t a complete slug. I also suckered the man into riding with me when I drove up to NW Arkansas to hook up with my fabulous agent, Sara Megibow, for a couple hours.


We also managed to sneak in a Steak ‘n Shake stop (I know you are shocked). If you have one nearby, both Bill and I heartily endorse the Nutella milkshake.

This week & weekend, we’ll have a special guest star appearing at the Ethridge Estate…


Julie Doner will be in the house, ladies and gentlemen!

We have a full agenda planned, but I will share some of the highlights:

Peanut Butter pie at Three Sams BBQ at the Mablevale railroad tracks!

A visit to the container store to ooh and ahh over the variety and quantity of bubble wrap!

Stranger Than Fiction on DVD!

Trainwreck at the theater!

Big Bopper sundaes from Shakes!

Writing sessions conducted live and in person!

Exposing the unsuspecting members of the Diamond State Romance Authors to my crazy Canuck!

I can’t wait! It’s been an action-packed summer for me. How about you? Have you been out and about? Are things starting to settle in for you?


Monday Mayhem – Mostly lazy edition

In case you missed it, I did end up doing my RWA wrap-up post on Thursday. Thanks for letting me slide on the Mayhem last week.

I spent most of last week polishing FLIP THIS LOVE (Coastal Heat #2) to get it ready to turn in to my editor. I’m pleased to report that I pressed send on Friday – one day ahead of schedule! Woo hoo!

Though it was a sprint to write it on time, I loved bringing Laney and Harley’s story to life. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. It should be available from Kensington/Lyrical-Shine in April 2016. But don’t forget that book #1 – GOING DEEP will be out September 15, 2015.

Coastal Heatbanner

With this three book series plus the sequel to THREE LITTLE WORDSA WILL AND A WAY coming in June 2016, I’m going to have my hands full in the coming months. That’s why I am asking for help by forming a street team.

Street team members are a merry band of readers who help spread the word about new releases and promoting sales on back list titles. In exchange for their efforts, I provide them with advanced read copies of upcoming titles, swag (bookmarks, pins, etc.), books I’ve picked up from my fellow authors, and other prizes and gifts as my way of saying thanks. If you are interested in joining my street team, complete this form!

Other than that, I’ve done very little writerly work this weekend. Oh, I played around with my series bible (the document were I keep all the details for the Coastal Heat books) some, and I may have written a few sentences – 4 to be exact, and the gist of those were jotted on an index card while in NYC – but mostly, I relaxed and recuperated.

After the month-long writing marathon and the whirlwind that was RWA nationals, I needed it.

I took care of some chores, did a few errands (Did you know that apparently every grocery store in the metropolitan Little Rock area was closed while I was away?), napped a couple of times, cooked an actual meal, and watched multiple episodes of Friday Night Lights on Netflix.

And I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it.

Okay, that’s kind of a lie. I feel a little guilty about not getting more accomplished, and there are bits of LOVE & ROCKETS (Coastal Heat #3) floating around in my head, but…yeah.

How was your weekend?