Monday Mayhem – Farewell February

Okay, ‘farewell’ wasn’t my first choice of ‘F’ words to use, but I’m trying to keep things polite.

What craptastic month is has been. It may be the shortest month on the calendar, but February more than made up for its deficiencies by hitting me, my friends, and loved ones with an overabundance of deaths, illnesses, accidents, financial hurdles, as well as personal and professional disappointments.

So, yeah, buh-bye, February.


Take your extra day and hit the road, Jack. We’ve had enough of you and your shenanigans.

Coming next week: Attitude adjustment and forward progress. Stay tuned.



It’s been mayhem

We lost my mom on February 11, 2016.


It’s been a long couple of years for her. For all of us. And now she’s at peace.

I could write a thousand words about my thoughts, feelings, and blah blah blah, but I won’t. I can’t. It’s just not me. Let me just say I’m sad. Very sad. I’m trying to keep moving forward because that’s the way I cope. But it isn’t easy.

So my plan is to keep trying. I may spin my wheels a bit, but eventually I’ll get traction.

In the meantime, I’ll take my mommy’s advice and try not to let my ‘little heart grow weary.’

Hug your loved ones.




Monday Mayhem – Old flames and new loves

Big news in my world this week – the Gilmore Girls revival is a go!


The table read took place last week, filming is set to start, and my posse is starting to make plans to watch it together!

This week, I also fell in love with a new show this week. Until the People’s Choice Awards, I had never hear of Mozart in the Jungle. I just watched two seasons in 24 hours and I’m soooo in love with it.


I don’t feel the least bit bad about the indulgence, because once again I have met my goal early. Ransomed Heart is approaching the 1/3 mark. One more chapter and I think I’ll start pulling what I have apart, trimming away the loose threads, then shoring it up so I can soar right over any threat of a saggy middle.

How about you? Run into any lost loves or new sparks this week?

Monday Mayhem – All the news

Okay! So this week’s post is all about the news. First, the big news I’ve been hinting at for a month or so:


That’s right, the Warrior series (FULL COURT PRESS, RANSOMED HEART, and TOSSING THE PLAYBOOK) will be available in audio starting with the release of FULL COURT PRESS in December 2017! Read all about it here!


Second, as you know, I re-released the HOT NIGHTS IN ST. BLAISE novellas as a set. You can grab all 12 stories for just $3.99. If you’d like to tempt a friend into trying them out, I’m posting book #1, JUMPING MR. JANUARY on Wattpad as a free read. Chapters 1, 2, & 3 will be available as of this week. Please help me spread the word!


Third, don’t forget that GOING DEEP is on sale for only $0.99. I think the sale ends this week, so tell all of your friends to pick up a copy today. FLIP THIS LOVE will be out in April, and LOVE AND ROCKETS in October. If you haven’t read it, give it a shot – I think you’ll really love the Coastal Heat series!


Whew! That’s a lot going on, isn’t it? Well, it’s not all I have cooking. I’m over 15k into drafting RANSOMED HEART and I have to tell you, I’m loving this story! I’m using the delicious Boris Kodjoe as my inspiration for basketball coach, Ty Ransom. I’ll just leave this here for a minute:

Ty Ransom

Yeah. Uh huh.

You’ll be pleased to know that I was a good girl this past week and got ahead of my goal. Keep your fingers crossed that I can keep the streak going!

What’s new with you?


Monday Mayhem – Diving in

Here we go, kids!

I just turned in the manuscript for LOVE AND ROCKETS (Coastal Heat #3) last night. Wooohoo! What does this mean? It means it’s time for me to get to work on RANSOMED HEART (Warrior #2)!

I’m excited to start on something new, but that doesn’t mean I’m done with the Coastal Heat series. I’m preparing a proposal for two more books in the series, so cross your fingers and toes. I’m also excited because the first book in the series, GOING DEEP, is on sale!


Brooke and Brian started it all. Now they’ll have company as Laney and Harley’s story comes out in April and Jake and Darla’s in October. It’s so much fun to see this world grow to encompass so many new love stories.


A new year means new plans. As 2016 starts, I’m working on 2017 and beyond. I can’t wait to share these new adventures with you!


Monday Mayhem – The last of 2015

I know I said I’d post my 2015 happiness list this week, but I forgot I’d be doing the holiday travel thing and I might end up with more good things to add to the jar, so I think I’ll save that for the first post of 2016.

I’m hoping your holidays have been fabulous so far, and I wish you nothing but health and happiness in the new year!

2015 has been the most fantastic roller coaster ride. Here are a few random photos I’ve posted through the year. Thank you so much for coming along with me!



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Monday Mayhem – Welcome to the world

It’s that time of year again…those crazy few weeks when ‘I have revisions’, ‘this book is going to galley’, and ‘I need to write this proposal’ are not counted as valid excuses for avoiding the world and all around me.

I do have revisions to do, and a book going to galley, and the first few pages of a proposal started, but those things count for nothing when this needs to be done:





I also need to attend to some shopping and baking. Somewhere out there, some poor, unsuspecting Christmas tree is out there just waiting to be dragged home and dressed up in a decades-old collection of mismatched ornaments.

The revisions, galley, and proposal will have to take a backseat for a few weeks. The holidays are upon us, and I have a candy apple red KitchenAid that needs to be christened.


To all my friends who celebrate Hanukkah, I wish you the happiest of holidays.


The rest of you…well, on your marks, get set, GO!

Monday Mayhem – NoMoWriMo!

Well, this is it. The last day of NaNoWriMo for 2015. I’m happy to announce that I verified my word count yesterday and have completed my seventh challenge!


Also, in the course of NaNoing, I FINALLY typed ‘The End’ on the first draft of LOVE AND ROCKETS!

the end

Every year, I tell myself I won’t do it again. Who needs the worry? The stress? The sore wrists and fingers? Then, every year, I sign in, sign up, and get going again. Unlike the first time I did it, I know now that what I have at the end of NaNoWriMo is far from being ready to go out into the world. Thirty days and nights of literary abandon is great for writing, but doesn’t make for good reading.

Trust me on this.

For this reason, I have deemed December has become EditThisCrapMo. There are three stages to this process.

1) Distance. I can’t look at this book anymore. I can’t think about it. I just need to put it out of my mind and play with some other idea for a while. Believe me, it’s for the best that these characters and I go to our separate corners for a while.

2) Clarity. There are two parts to this one. The first part is acknowledging that a good portion of what I churned out in November is crap. But, even better, is coming to the realization that the majority of it is not-quite-crap. Crap gets cut, but I can work with not quite crap.

3) Reading like a reader. I think this is the most important step for any author. I read through the entire steaming pile before I make any drastic decisions. What might look like a dangling plot line at first glance, might be transformed into an additional layer of conflict, or a set up for future series installments. Reading like a reader means I have to look at the hot mess of a novel a whole before I tear it to shreds.

This is what I’ll be doing this month.

And shopping. Picking out a tree, decorating, and going to holiday parties. I’m also hoping to catch a few of my holiday favorites, now that I’m not in full-on writing frenzy. I always look for Holiday Inn, Going My Way, and the original Miracle on 34th Street when I’m cruising the listings.

Oh! The Grinch. Boris Karloff, not Jim Carrey. And, I love the one with Heat Miser and Snow Miser. Of course, it’s not Christmas until Lucy and I extort a few nickels from the mister.


Oh, and the baking! My 17 year-old stand mixer is moaning and groaning. The knobs have all cracked and been super glued. The plastic coating on my flat beater is worn through. I think I need this sexy beast as an early Christmas gift, don’t you?


Looking for a quick and easy recipe for the office party? Try these Magic Cookie Bars. Even my coconut-hating hubby eats these tasty tidbits.


What’s your plan of attack for the holiday season? Got any yummy recipes you want to share?


Monday Mayhem – Thank you

It’s Thanksgiving week here in the States, and I want to tell you that I am thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you for being a part of my life. Here’s hoping the coming year is filled with popcorn, jelly beans, toast, and pretzels sticks.


And if there’s an ice cream sundae sitting around, make sure you eat it too!


Monday Mayhem – Another year older…

…and not one bit more mature.


I contemplated this dichotomy as I slathered Oxy 10 on my face the other night (stupid hormones). Sometimes I feel like I’m just starting out. Others, I look back at what I’ve accomplished so far and I think, “Wow! I did that!”

Birthdays rarely get me down. No, I’m not crazy about getting older, but there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it, so that’s that. All I can do is keep moving forward and trying to grow. When my forties began, I resolved to try to lead a braver life.

This has been another big year of change. Some sad, some good, and some great. All in all, I’ve tried to not only stay in the moment, but to enjoy that moment to it’s fullest.

On Saturday, Fodder and I were out running errands. It was past lunch time and our tempers were getting a bit short, so we did the only thing a rational person could do in that situation: we stopped at the local ice cream parlor and ate sundaes for lunch.


This year, I made it my goal to ignore other people’s yardsticks and keep my eyes on my own paper. There are days when I’m better at this than others, but for the most part, it helps me lead a happier life.

Well, that and cake.

It’s my birthday today, and I want you to be happy too. If you were here, I’d buy us all one big cake to share. Since we aren’t able to celebrate together, I want you to do this: go buy some cake. A sheet cake, a layer cake, a cake you have to bake, or even just a cupcake. Buy yourself a piece of cake today and eat it. Because birthdays aren’t the only days that need to be celebrated and we all need more cake in our lives.

What can I say? I am a work in progress. I’m also a bad influence.

You like that about me.

Now, go forth and eat cake! Oh, and stick around for the next chapter, I think there’ll be some good stuff coming up.