Busy, busy, busy!

As I write this I’m getting ready to do an interview for a podcast. It also just occurred to me a couple of days ago that book #2 in the Raising the Bar Briefs series, FOR THE DEFENSE will release on Tuesday. Oh, and did I mention that I’m trying to finish drafting a book that will release next summer?

So what have I been doing? If you said hanging out with Fodder, napping with the beasts, watching Ted Lasso, you’d be right! Or, should I say, spot on!

Ted Lasso pointing the affirmative

But I have been working here and there. This is part of my new process. I know that the work will get done, and I’m not stressing about it.

So let me remind you of this. If you want a paperback copy of AN ABSENCE OF MOTIVE (Book 1), today is the last day to buy one in stores. Tomorrow, they will switch out the stock. Of course, ebooks will be available in perpetuity and you can order paperbacks through Harlequin.com.

In case you missed it, I chatted with Renee from the kt literary podcast recently and had a new book deal announced. Yay!

So, yeah, that’s where I’m at. I need to go get ready to try to string coherent words together. Wish me luck!

You guys!!!!!

So this little bit of news dropped in Publishers Marketplace today:

Maggie Wells’s Pine Woods trilogy, about local law enforcement, prosecutors, lawyers, and DEA agents who combat drug trade in small-town Southern USA, to Denise Zaza at Harlequin Intrigue, in a three-book deal, for publication in September 2021, by Sara Megibow at kt literary.

That’s right, I’m diving into the world of romantic suspense! I’m thrilled and terrified, and so very grateful to have you all along for this ride. Buckle up!

Couple on roller coaster