My Snowy Week: Books, Baking, and K-Drama

I have never been a big TikTok user. I mainly went there to watch videos of people making sourdough bread or scrambled eggs. For this reason, the short blackout of that platform didn’t have a big impact on me, other than to reinforce the mercurial nature of all social media/sharing platforms.

Remember Napster? Yeah. I do too.

They can disappear at any time. Add that to the fact that what we see is controlled by an algorithm and our feeds are flooded with ads, and I find I am losing interest.

And for that reason, I really am going to making an effort to post to social media less, and concentrate on sharing things here and in my newsletter more.

So, here is what I did this weekend…

I made sourdough!

After weeks of voyeuristic video watching, my starter, Suzanne, was finally bubbly enough to jump in and join the cult of cultured bread! I wasn’t quite ready to go full nature-girl on this outing, so I followed Paul Hollywood’s step-by-step and used the KitchenAid.

And look what happened!

Isn’t she lovely? I plan to try different techniques and I’ll have to get a better handle on my timing, but overall, I am pleased!

In other news, I have a new book coming out this week. My latest Intrigue series kicks off with SHADOWING HER STALKER, and should be available wherever Harlequins are sold!

We had a big (for us) snow here in Arkansas last week, and I tell you, I had the best snow-weekend. I read, watched my first K-Drama (The Extraordinary Attorney Woo), read, and napped. I wore soft pants for days and admired the view from my window, It was glorious.

So that’s what I’ve been up to this week. What’s new with you?

Hello, December

Hi friends. Can you believe it’s December already? Me either.

Truthfully, I won’t be sad to leave 2021 behind. This has been a hard year. Not that it’s been all bad – just a bit of a slog. Tons of good things happened, and I have been keeping up with my monthly #happythings lists. I’ll post the year-end wrapup here at the end of the month.

But a New Year is coming. I have high hopes for 2022, how about you? Is there anything you’re looking forward to?

If you’re looking for some holiday romance – I have some for you. I have a new one-hour short story called LOVE ON DELIVERY available in both ebook and audio formats, LONG DISTANCE LOVE is on sale, and our favorite New Year’s Eve gone wrong/right story, THE LAST FIRST DATE is always a fun way to spend a night in.

So, take some time to curl up in your cozies, maybe add a splash of “special coffee creamer” to your mug, and be sure to breathe deeply.

Peace, friends.

Happy things

Do you track the little things that make you happy? If you follow me on Facebook or have seen my newsletter, you might have seen me post my #happythings lists. They’re pretty simple. Every day, I pick at least one thing (usually food-related) that made me happy that day. I know that (like me) many of us are cutting back on social media, so I thought I’d share a few happy things here.

I have more Intrigues coming! I’ll have one in June 2022, and another series of three coming late 2022 or early 2023.

My latest – FOR THE DEFENSE – is available everywhere! Show me your “spotted in the wild” pictures!

Me in Walmart with my latest release
Don’t worry, I bought the copy I touched, signed it, and gave it to the cashier.

TRIAL IN THE BACKWOODS is coming out at the end of this month. Its release will mark my 10th book with Harlequin!

But usually, my happy things are not a big deal. Some days, I have to scrounge for them. Other days, I have to take something negative and find the silver lining.

We’re all struggling. We’re all tired. You are not alone. Neither am I.

I hope you can find a way to celebrate the happy things in your life. Wanna copy off my paper? Go ahead, I won’t tell Sister Elizabeth. Here are my #happythings from August 2021.

  1. The gathering of energy pennies like Scrooge McDuck. 🪙💰
  2. Bob Jog 5k with Kelli. 🏅
  3. A good/productive afternoon for the Ethridge men.
  4. Sally made me nap. 😴
  5. Brainstorm 🌩 with Katie and Kristina.
  6. Ted Lasso – the best part of any Friday.
  7. 7k words today!
  8. Hit the 50k mark! Over 10k this weekend. Closing in on the finish line.
  9. Spotted in the wild with my Canucks and Aussies!
  10. Deal announcement. 📢
  11. Playing with me plot bunny. 🐰
  12. Baked sugar cookies for my sweet sugar babies.
  13. My boys!
  14. A fun evening of Ethridge mayhem.
  15. Rumpus nap with Sally. 😴
  16. Thankful I am vaccinated, praying my family comes through this well.
  17. “I’m sorry to inform you that you have earthworms.”
  18. Two negatives and mild positives. Chat with my Cabinet. 💻
  19. Officially cleared to live in our bubble again. Chat with the ISU OG.
  20. Ted Lasso is like a rainbow 🌈!
  21. Trader Joe’s sea salt dark chocolate caramels.
  22. Great chat with the ladies from Categorically Romance podcast! 🎙
  23. A good BFA call with Jess and crew.
  24. Release day! Walmart, Luigi’s, and Small Cakes. 🧁
  25. MasterChef and reader recovery programs.
  26. “Sorry I touched your label maker area.”
  27. Leftovers feasts and big fires 🔥
  28. College football makes revisions more bearable.
  29. Butter roll. 🥮
  30. Celebrating Luluday with microwavable cups of Steak ‘n Shake chili. As one does.
  31. Got fresh with Bill over dinner. I had him at Hello Fresh. 🍋

Look out, September, I’m coming for you!

xoxo Mags

Busy, busy, busy!

As I write this I’m getting ready to do an interview for a podcast. It also just occurred to me a couple of days ago that book #2 in the Raising the Bar Briefs series, FOR THE DEFENSE will release on Tuesday. Oh, and did I mention that I’m trying to finish drafting a book that will release next summer?

So what have I been doing? If you said hanging out with Fodder, napping with the beasts, watching Ted Lasso, you’d be right! Or, should I say, spot on!

Ted Lasso pointing the affirmative

But I have been working here and there. This is part of my new process. I know that the work will get done, and I’m not stressing about it.

So let me remind you of this. If you want a paperback copy of AN ABSENCE OF MOTIVE (Book 1), today is the last day to buy one in stores. Tomorrow, they will switch out the stock. Of course, ebooks will be available in perpetuity and you can order paperbacks through

In case you missed it, I chatted with Renee from the kt literary podcast recently and had a new book deal announced. Yay!

So, yeah, that’s where I’m at. I need to go get ready to try to string coherent words together. Wish me luck!

Back to blogging

I’m coming back to the blog.

Why? I miss it. I miss the interaction I get to have with people here, even if it’s only a few.

Aren’t blogs kind of, you know, dead? I don’t care. I’m tired of chasing trends, disenchanted with social media, and want something more personal than my newsletter.

Will you still send newsletters? Of course! But there will be a little more of me in the posts here.

How often will you post? I’m not sure. I think not weekly, but maybe a couple of times a month.

About what? General babbling. Life, writing, books, anything, and everything.

Is anyone still out there in the blog-o-sphere?

Monday Mayhem – Are you an innie or an outie?

Are you an innie or an outie?

I don’t mind telling you, I am an innie. Total introvert. An INTJ, to be exact. So, this weekend was challenging for me. 

I had two holiday parties to attend on Saturday. If you know me well, you know I am not an overly social person. Oh, I can turn it on and have a good time, but I have to be revved up for it.

It’s not that I don’t want to do these things. I always have a wonderful time once I’m there. It’s the ramping up and coming down that takes it out of me. If I had my way, this is how I’d celebrate the season:

girl reading

However, like the Architect I am, I have a plan for how to tackle the season’s greetings. I plan my naps. Block out chunks of time spent in yoga pants. Map tub time into my days. Then, I sprinkle it all with a liberal dose of seasoned salt.

Chex Mix

How about you? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Have you been partying the month away?

Monday Mayhem – Pantser life

Yo-ho! Yo-ho! The pantser life for me!

Hey, gang! I’m back again this week, with a new/old trick. I’m reverting to my old pantser ways.

Reader say, “Wha?”

You see, the writing world is generally comprised of two types – plotters and pantsers. Plotters work out every detail of the book before they even open page one. Pantsers have an idea and run with it.

In other words, a pantser writes a story by the seat of their pants.

Most writers naturally gravitate to one style or the other. I started out as a pantser and continued that way for a number of books. But as my career progressed, I started selling books to publishers on proposal. Therefore, I needed to submit a detailed synopsis of each book I intended to write.

This is how I evolved into sort of a plantser – someone with a pretty sketched out outline of the book, but still winging it on a chapter by chapter basis.

But I am not currently under contract. I have no series to complete. I am, at the moment, free as a bird.

So what did I do?

I started writing a book I hadn’t even thought about until I opened my mouth Tuesday morning and a story started coming out.

One that hadn’t been hopping around in the plot bunny file. One I haven’t plotted, or even barely thought about. An idea popped into my head Monday night, and Tuesday, I started writing it.

This should be fun, huh?

In other news

Double Play is coming in October! Digital pre-order is available at all e-book retailers. The audio production is in progress, and should be ready for October 25, 2018 release.

Paperbacks will be available, They look fabulous, but I have to tell you, they are a little pricier than the usual mass market paperback. I wanted to produce them in the 4×7″ size to match the other two books, but there’s limited production availability for that trim size in print on demand.

ANNNND – I have declared 2019 the year of the backlist. As part of the celebration, I’ll be resurrecting some out of print friends – like Tracy & Sean from Contentment, Maggie & Tom from Commitment, and Lynne & Bram from Spring Chickens!

Whew! That’s what I have going on. What’s new with you?



Monday Mayhem – Whatcha doin’?

Whatcha doin’?

I can tell you, I haven’t been doin’ much. I’ve been having an odd sort of summer. Still unemployed. Still not heartbroken over said unemployment. I’ve been enjoying my summer off. It’s the first summer off from work or school I’ve had since 1984, so I’m not feeling too guilty about it.

Okay, I am, but that’s only because I am a Catholic semi-workaholic whose identity is tied pretty closely to external indicators of success.


So, anyhoo, I’m trying to enjoy the time off. Lots of time with Fodder and Sally. I have been working out each day, and continuing my yoga and meditation practices.

But I have to admit, I haven’t been writing much.

Like, hardly at all. I have no excuse, because I certainly have the time. The only thing I can think is that my lack of productivity is tied to the identity issue mentioned above.

I have been spending a lot of time with #Rover, as those of you who follow me on Facebook and Twitter know.

As a matter of fact, my little friend will be attending the Romance Writers of America conference with me, only in a 2D version. #FlatRover

I am working on edits and revisions for DOUBLE PLAY (Love Games #3) and have set a release date of November 1, 2018. I figure loosing Avery and Dom’s story on the world will be a good way to kick off my birthday month.

And, in my quest for a little inspiration, I’ve been toying with a chapter of Gilmore Girls fanfic. It’s been slow going, though. Hard to believe I used to crank out one of these every day or two.

So, that’s what I’ve been doin’. What about you? Whatcha doin’ this summer?




Monday Mayhem – I’m a pod person!

I’m a pod person now!

Okay, I’m not really a pod person, but I was a guest on Sarah William’s Write with Love podcast. If you want to hear me ramble or watch me wriggle and roll my eyes at myself here:

I’ll be over in the corner cringing, if you need me.

Monday Mayhem – Figuring it all out


I’m almost 50, and I’m still figuring it all out. Where did we ever get the idea that people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond should have their lives completely under control?

woman trying to keep track of it all

Did you read the the headline? We don’t.

Who started this rumor? Whoever it was, has obviously never spent any time wrestling mid-life into submission, that’s for sure.

The only thing I’ve figured out about life, is that I will never have it all figured out. And, I’m not sure I want to. How boring would that be?

Here’s my take on it:

Life loves to throw curveballs, and no one is prepared for them – no matter how many candles they blew out on their last birthday cake.

I write a lot of romance featuring characters 40+, which is a little out of the main for commercial romance. Inevitably, someone (usually and acquiring editor, an online reviewer, or maybe a reader who is email inclined) will ask whether the heroine/heroine should have had a better grip on what they wanted, needed, or even their physical desires.

My answer is no. The fictional characters I create are supposed to be human, just like you and me.

We are supposed to be continually figuring it all out.

Our relationships blossom, fail, or float along until the next storm brews.

I’ve been over a decade into a job, only to discover the career ladder I thought I was climbing was actually a rope ladder, and someone was taking a blowtorch to the rungs below.

Our bodies will betray us. That’s an inevitability.

At times, our minds play nasty tricks on us.

People we love will disappoint us.

We will disappoint ourselves.

Love is a shape-shifter. Our ability to love and allow ourselves to be loved is constantly evolving.

Mistakes will be made.

Failure is not fatal.

This is all I have figured out so far. How about you? Any wisdom to add?