Monday Mayhem – Hey, it’s Monday!

What do you know? I’d completely lost track of the days.

Closeup of dates on calendar page

So what have I been doing with my Labo(u)r Day weekend? Laboring.

Okay, not really doing hard labor, but I’ve been working on my next book. I tacked a couple of vacation days on at the end of last week (since I’m not going anywhere anytime soon) and decided to hunker down and get a chunk of my next Intrigue book written. And guess what? I did!

Party puppy!

Okay, maybe it’s not quite time to pull out the confetti cannon, but as of this morning, I am over 1/3 in, and feel like I’ve got some momentum going to carry me into the workweek and beyond.

We’ve also been puttering around the house. Fodder has a project he’s been working on in the barn. Basically still trying to stay as far away from the rest of the world as possible in hopes of staying healthy.

I hope you and yours are well. My thoughts are with all of my teacher friends and pals who are wrestling with kids going back to school. Continued prayers for our healthcare professionals and first responders. Everyone is doing the best they can, and I just know you are rocking it!

So here’s a little celebration for you too. Your labo(u)rs are not in vain!

Cat with confetti cannon!