Let’s catch up!

This year… 2024 has been a bit of a rollercoaster in my household, but I wanted to take a minute to catch up. I used to laugh when my mother would complain about time moving too fast as she got older, but now… Sorry, Mom. I totally get you.

How is it we’re more than halfway through March? I kicked off the year with my first case of COVID, and things have been a bit bumpy ever since.

But Spring has sprung, and rather than complain about the pollen, I’m basking in the sunny days and blooming flowers. And though things have not been optimal, all is well. I’m finding I’m becoming more and more about the big picture these days.


The writing is happening. I’ve turned in the first book for my next Intrigue series – Arkansas Special Agents: Cyber Crime Division. I’m working on book #2 now.

My mom-com manuscript is currently on submission with a number of editors. It’s a story about a single mom and her fabulous support network of family and friends. Cross your fingers!

Speaking of friends… I’m planning some trips to visit girlfriends this year. We’re spread out geographically, but somehow have managed to remain in one another’s pockets for decades. I’m feeling the need for a little time with my ladies.

On the homefront, the grandsons are growing and thriving. The house is a mess, but it’s our mess and we can live with it. It’s almost time to start haunting the garden centers – yay! But mostly, the dogs still rule our lives. Our sweet Sally has not been feeling well lately, so we’re spending some extra time on the puppy cuddles.

Catch a snooze with Sally (lab) and Timber (germador)

Can you blame us? Look at these big babies! Fodder turned from his desk and caught his co-workers slacking off. It happens most days. As a matter of fact, he snaps a pic and sends it to me with the caption: Daily Dog. I smile like a goof each time I get a new one.

I’ve been listening to a ton of audiobooks. I’m on book 17 of Louise Penny’s fabulous Three Pines books. I’m trying (and failing) to pace myself. My favorite read so far this year has been The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston. It may not be for everyone, as there’s some time travel involved, but I really enjoyed it.

How about you? How is 2024 treating you so far? What are you reading? Catch me up!