I’m so excited! I finally get to announce that my steamy battle of the sexes, FULL COURT PRESS, has been sold to Linda Ingmanson at Samhain Publishing!!! Check this out:


That’s right – a THREE BOOK DEAL!


FULL COURT PRESS (December 2016) will be followed by RANSOMED HEART (March 2017) and TOSSING THE PLAYBOOK (June 2017)!!!

I can’t tell you how happy I am that this book found an editor who loves it and understands it as much as my #superagent Sara Megibow did when she first read it. Check out the fabulous things she had to say about it:

Huge thanks to Sara and Linda for falling for Kate and Danny as hard as I did.

I also owe a huge debt to my Prime Minister of Posisitivty, Julie Doner, for her unflagging support and optimism. I can’t wait to share these stories with you all!




Monday Mayhem – Here I Go Again!


Yep, I’m doing it again. This time, I plan to finish LOVE AND ROCKETS (Coastal Heat #3) and start RANSOMED HEART, which will be book 2 in a new series I’m working on.

So yeah…see you in December!

Just kidding. I’ll see you next week.

Have a great Monday!

Oh, and in case you missed it:


Sorry. I just love it so.

Teaser Tuesday – Jen Crane is back!

OE ebook cover 782x1251
A Dangerous Secret

In fiery redhead Stella Stonewall’s new world magic and shape-shifters are everyday life. Scales, sorcery, shifters—no big. Stella has learned she’s not only descended of dragons, but of powerful skin changers. She struggles to keep this rare form a secret, even from her closest friends.

A Bitter Betrayal

Stella turns to her mentor Rowan Gresham for help. The charming but enigmatic Gresham forms a plan to improve her troublesome public image. The problem? The plan revolves around betraying the only family she has left.

A Potential for Something Real

When Gresham’s motives come into question Stella must rely on the new friends she’s made at a college for magical shifters. The feral bunch helps set Stella’s inner beast free. As these friendships flourish, so does the magnetism she’s always felt toward fierce and noble Ewan Bristol. But it’s so strong it threatens to overwhelm her.

Can Stella afford to open her heart now, when her entire future’s at stake, or is it bolted shut for eternity?

Purchase Origin Exposed


B&N Nook:




Find Jen Crane online




Twitter: @JenCraneBooks

Instagram: JenCraneBooks

Pinterest: JenCraneBooks

Cover reveal!

Look at this beautiful cover for FLIP THIS LOVE (Coastal Heat #2)!!!!

I’m so excited!


Nothing draws a magnate like a steel magnolia…
Harley Cade is back in town—and the former bad boy is downright irresistible now that he’s donned a hard hat and set to work restoring the South’s finest homes to their former grandeur. While wealth may have gained Harley entry into high society, it’s going to take a lot more than a fat bank account to win the lovely Laney Tarrington.
Laney isn’t open to giving the self-made magnate a second chance—no matter how much she needs him. With her family fortune gone, Laney finally has to stand on her own two feet. The last person she’d ever lean on is Harley, the man who left her behind with nothing more than memories of the passion they once shared….
With the attraction still burning hot between them, Harley isn’t above seduction—or secretly buying Laney’s bankrupted family’s estate. After all, he no longer has to prove himself to anyone, least of all the daughter of Mobile, Alabama’s most prestigious family. But will pride keep Harley from gaining the biggest prize of all—a place in Laney’s heart?
Add it to your GoodReads shelf!
Better yet, pre-order it from your favorite retailer!

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Monday Mayhem – Highs, lows, and a revelation

Well, it’s been another one of those weeks. A great cover in the inbox, some exciting news soon to come (fingers crossed), then the day I’ve dreaded finally came. Those of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter have already heard, but Saturday morning I lost the two pound love of my life, TimBunny.

Fodder and I were (and are) heartbroken. Tim came to live with us in 2006, after our son won him at at a county fair. I initially said and emphatic, “No,” but the minute I saw him, it was a done deal. True love.

Me & Tim

Every night, I kissed his little bunny nose, hand-fed him a pumpkin seed, and pledged my adoration even though he was by far the most rude, inconsiderate, aggravating, and downright disgusting roommate I’ve ever had. I lack the words to convey how much I miss him already.

Now, I will move on to some good news. I got the approved back cover copy for FLIP THIS LOVE (Coastal Heat #2) Here’s the scoop:

Nothing draws a magnate like a steel magnolia…

Harley Cade is back in town—and the former bad boy is downright irresistible now that he’s donned a hard hat and set to work restoring the South’s finest homes to their former grandeur. While wealth may have gained Harley entry into high society, it’s going to take a lot more than a fat bank account to win the lovely Laney Tarrington.

Laney isn’t open to giving the self-made magnate a second chance—no matter how much she needs him. With her family fortune gone, Laney finally has to stand on her own two feet. The last person she’d ever lean on is Harley, the man who left her behind with nothing more than memories of the passion they once shared….

With the attraction still burning hot between them, Harley isn’t above seduction—or secretly buying Laney’s bankrupted family’s estate. After all, he no longer has to prove himself to anyone, least of all the daughter of Mobile, Alabama’s most prestigious family. But will pride keep Harley from gaining the biggest prize of all—a place in Laney’s heart?

Oh, and you wanna see something pretty? This landed in my inbox too:


Yay! I love Harley and Laney’s story, and I think the cover is perfect for them. For those of you keeping track, FLIP THIS LOVE will be available April 16, 2016.

So, yeah, the roller coaster of life keeps streaking along. I’m hanging on and hanging in, and hoping I can make it through a day without trashing another pair of contact lenses.

If you have a furry critter living with you, go kiss him/her.



Monday Mayhem – Wibbly wobbly

I have not felt well all week.

That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

I don’t have much to report this week other than the fact that I’ve been a complete slug. I’ve been fighting allergies/migraine/the after effects of dental torment all week and I have been totally lazy. At least, when it comes to writing.

Someone posted this on Facebook the other day, and it’s so true:


Too true. Book #2 in the Coastal Heat series just flowed right out of me. I may need a stash of dynamite to get #3 out.

The good news is, I’m feeling a little better, so I’m upgrading my look from this:


To this:


Oh, and my Spider Solitaire skills are wicked sharp.

How about you? Lose your head over anything (besides a good chop) lately?

Teaser Tuesday – Sierra Donovan

What grown woman claims to have seen Santa Claus? Mandy Reese, for one—on a very special Christmas Eve when she was eight years old. These days, Mandy works at a year-round Christmas store in Tall Pine, California, where customers love to hear about her childhood encounter with Saint Nick. But when Jake Wyndham arrives in town—charming, gorgeous, extremely practical—Mandy faces a dilemma. Deny what she saw, or let Jake think she’s sugarplum crazy?

Jake scouts hotel locations all over the country, but he’s never met anyone quite like Mandy before. Her warmth and sparkle are irresistible, but…meeting Santa? Really? Jake’s no Scrooge but he’s definitely skeptical. Then again, there are all kinds of things Jake never experienced until he came to Tall Pine. Like autumn snow. Mind blowing kisses. And the magic of falling head-over-heels, madly in love…

COVER - Do You Believe in Santa


In my Teaser Tuesday excerpt, Jake is at Mandy’s house for the first time, looking over her movie collection for something to watch. The top shelf, she’s explained to him, is her “comfort food” – her all-time favorites. What she hasn’t told him yet is that she saw Santa as a child….


A movie collection, Jake decided, was a window to the soul.

He started with that top shelf. Casablanca, of course. He was pleased to find To Kill a Mockingbird there too. Breakfast at Tiffany’s and The Princess Bride were obvious, female-friendly favorites. But there were a few surprises.

“The Godfather is comfort food?” he called out to the kitchen.

“Only the first one. But the other two have to go with it, because I didn’t want to separate them.”

“You’re a regular Library of Congress.” He stood and joined Mandy in the kitchen.

It didn’t look like she’d made any progress on the coffee yet. As he entered, she was transferring glasses from the sink to the dishwasher. She closed the dishwasher quickly.

“Something’s fishy,” he said.

She turned with a start. “What?”

“I don’t see any Christmas movies.”

She grinned. “There wasn’t room. I’ve got a whole separate box for those. They’re put away with the Christmas decorations.”

Jake folded his arms. “How many?”

She inclined her head, considering. “About forty. But that’s because I’m selective. Did you pick anything out?”

“Help me narrow it down. I can’t handle the responsibility.”

“You saw the favorites shelf.”

“That’s a pretty broad selection. What are you in the mood for?”

“Well …” She opened a cabinet and brought out a can of coffee. “Ghost might be my all-time favorite, but I’m not sure if you’d care for it. I’ve been trying to get Mrs. Swanson to watch it for years. She can’t get past the basic idea. She thinks, if it couldn’t happen, what’s the point in watching it?”

“That lets out a lot of movies. Especially if you count Pretty Woman.”

She started judiciously measuring coffee into the filter basket of the coffee maker. As she brought out another scoop of grounds, she eyed the size of the mound that crowned over the top of the scoop, then shook it to level it a little more before she dropped it into the filter.

So painstaking … and so irresistible.

Jake stepped behind her and spoke just above her ear. “Ghost is fine with me,” he said. “Believe it or not, I’ve never seen it. Something about Demi Moore being haunted by her husband?”

He smoothed her hair back, tucking it behind her ear. A delicate gold pine tree earring dangled from her earlobe. It shimmered when his fingers brushed it.

Mandy measured out another scoop of coffee, not so precisely this time. “I can’t concentrate if you do that.”

“That’s the idea.” He moved his lips downward and kissed her ear. She gave a little shudder that triggered a matching shudder of his own. She relaxed against him. He closed his eyes and buried his face against the side of her neck, drinking in the scent of whatever it was she wore, that delicious hint of spice. For several exquisite moments, he didn’t move, just standing there with her, hearing her breathe.

Then she stepped away and carried the coffee carafe to the sink to fill it with water.

“Seriously, though,” she said. “Have you ever wondered what you’d do in a situation like that?”

He was crushed that she’d kept her train of thought. He’d certainly lost his. “Like what?”

“If you were a character in a movie like that. With ghosts, or angels, or … whatever.”

Her tone was offhand. Her back was turned, so he couldn’t see her expression. “How would you handle it?”

“Handle what?”

“What if you saw something you thought was impossible? You don’t believe in—say, ghosts, right?”

He blinked. “Right.”

She brought back the water, poured it into the coffee maker and switched it on. “So what would you do if you walked into your kitchen and a ghost was standing by the sink?”

She’d left him far behind. “I guess I’d figure it was my imagination.”

“But what would you do? They’re standing right there in front of you.”

“This is a weird conversation, Mandy.”

“Come on. Humor me. Think about it.”

“Okay.” He tilted his head back and squinted up at the ceiling. “If I could see through them, I’d know it was my imagination, or that I was dreaming. And I’d go back to bed. If they looked solid … I’d probably try talking to them and find out if they had the wrong house. But first I’d grab a baseball bat.”

It sounded reasonable to him. She didn’t seem satisfied. Jake had no idea what kind of an answer she was looking for.

“What would you do?” he asked.

“I think about it sometimes.” She watched the stream of coffee trickling into the clear carafe. “And I think … I think I might believe my own eyes.”

She looked at Jake again. The coffee maker chugged out its brewing noises.

He risked a smile. “Mandy, are you trying to tell me your kitchen is haunted?”

“No.” She returned his smile with a much smaller one of her own. “I was just kidding around.”

He had a feeling he’d failed an exam of some sort. And he wasn’t so sure that Mandy hadn’t seen a ghost in her kitchen.

Sierra Donovan is a wife, a mother of two and a writer, though not always in that order. Her greatest joy is helping people find true love on the printed page. She believes in classic movies, Christmas, happy endings and the healing power of chocolate.

Sierra’s first novel, LOVE ON THE AIR, was a Holt Medallion finalist. Her Kensington debut, NO CHRISTMAS LIKE THE PRESENT, won the Golden Quill for Sweet Traditional Romance. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SANTA?, out September 29th, is the first book in her new Evergreen Lane series.

You can email Sierra at, or visit her website at






Amazon author page:

Kensington Publishing author page:


Monday Mayhem – Woohoo!

If you’ve been following this blog for the last few weeks, you know I’ve been struggling with my mojo lately. Well, I’m pleased to announce that the word drought has ended!

This weekend was the Diamond State Romance Authors annual writing retreat in Hot Springs. I was hoping the change of scenery, gathering of like-minded friends, and structured writing time away from the distractions of home would help pull me from this slump, and it did!

I set a goal of trying to write 5000 words per day and 10000 words total. Here’s my play by play of how the weekend unfolded.


I was up and ready early, so I decided that I needed to use the time before I left productively, so I sat down in the recliner and didn’t move until I finished chapter four.


Pre-retreat word count – 2214

We stayed at the Blue House on Lake Hamilton again

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I staked out the same spot as last year

And tried not to spend too much time staring out at the view

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We called Papa John’s to deliver and wrote into the night, stopping only when it was time for refreshment

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Word count before retiring to the hot tub – 2840


Total Friday: 5054

Saturday we were up and at it early. The forecast called for warm temps and sunny skies, so this served as my motivation

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I managed to put up about 3000 words before this happened

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Then I wrote some more before we decided it was time to head for Mi Pueblito (aka: the gas station Mexican place) for fortification


Word count before enchiladas and cheese dip: 4575

Word count while in food coma: 688

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Total Saturday word count: 5263

We knew we had to be out by noon on Sunday. We also knew many of us were close to our previously state goals, or close to a new one. Me? I realized I could make it to the the approximate halfway mark in my book if I could manage just a couple thousand more words. Fueled by the last few cookies in the Snoopy tin, I made it!


Sunday word count at retreat: 2014

Total weekend word count: 12331!

So yeah, I’m home now and totally stoked to have made so much progress on the first draft of LOVE AND ROCKETS. I’ll keep plugging away at it, a little bit during the week and a little more on weekends and soon the bones of the book will be there.


Happy Monday, everyone. I hope this is the most mayhem you’ll be forced to endure this week!


Teaser Tuesday – Parker Kincaid

Southern Heat


He’s down, but he’s not out of the game.


Tyler Brady earned his reputation as the bad boy of baseball the old-fashioned way: by playing hard—on and off the field. After suffering a shoulder injury, he faces his first summer off in twenty years. Between the endless physical therapy sessions and missing the season, Tyler’s patience is about to blow.

After suffering a devastating breakup, Gabriella Marano is ready to get her life back. Who better to reacquaint her with the pleasures of sex than a devastatingly handsome ball player? Tyler is well equipped to give her what she needs: a little harmless fun.

As their passion soars, Tyler realizes the woman who fires his blood holds his future in the palm of her hands.

In more ways than one.


Amazon US:

Barnes & Noble:





Monday Mayhem – Ready to retreat!

It’s been a crazy busy week. Thanks to all who shared, tweeted, and otherwise helped to spread the word about GOING DEEP! If you’ve already read it, please don’t forget to leave a review at your favorite retail site or on GoodReads. If you haven’t read it, what are you waiting for?


Hey, and don’t forget that I’m giving away this fabulous tote bag to one lucky newsletter subscriber at the end of the month! If you’re not on my list, enter your email in the space in the right sidebar –>

Beach Bag giveaway

I’m so stoked to have GOING DEEP out in the world. I took a look back at my files and discovered that I started writing that novel exactly two years ago today!


As of now, I have started work on book #3 in the Coastal Heat series, LOVE AND ROCKETS. To be honest, I’m struggling a bit with it, but I think I’m finally starting to get the handle on it. Maybe. I hope so.

Next weekend will be our fourth annual DSRA writing retreat, and I’m hoping to really get rolling with it.  We’ll be back in the Blue House again this year and I can’t wait!

House PoolBoy

What do you have going on this week?