Monday Mayhem – As high as an elephant’s eye

Well, in truth I’m fairly crashed out. We just had the best dinner and I am stuffed to the gills.

The local grocery has a butcher who makes these fabulous chopped sirloin steaks edged in garlic and coarse pepper. When I was cruising the produce section to pick up Tim’s leaf lettuce (why else would I go there?), I spotted some fresh sweet corn on sale 3 ears for a buck. I had a bag of Yukon gold potatoes in the pantry and an envelope of Lipton onion soup mix in the cabinet.

The steaks were juicy and flavorful, the potatoes crisp, and the corn the sweetest I have tasted in a long time. In other words, it was the perfect storm of a meal.

So in addition to the better-than-George-Clooney-in-a-yellow-raincoat meal, here are four other highlights from a lovely holiday weekend:

  • On July 4th, someone who sounds a lot like me, but has a different name received their first recommended read on the USA Today Happily Ever After blog!
  • The clingy monkey boy wanted his Moogie when the big, mean fireworks scared him. Nothing beats having the little man you love choose you.
  • I had my annual July 4th viewing of The Music Man. Yes, I sang. No, Jewels, I didn’t record it. As for the rest of you, you’re welcome.
  • I wrote over 5k this weekend. And I have a crazy impulse to start an entirely different story tonight. Somebody stop me!

How about you? What were the highlights of your weekend?


Monday Mayhem – It’s not all popsicle sticks and mosquito bites

Tomorrow is July 1, and I will be heading off to camp. Camp NaNoWriMo, that is.


Unlike the 50k in 3o days required in the November NaNo challenge, this one allows the participants to set their own goal for the month. Just a way to kickstart some creativity. You also get to set up a cabin with your fellow writers. This month, I’ll be sharing Cabin Awesome with Evelyn Jules, Lisa Fox, Emily Cale, Katie Kenyhercz, Sara Brooks and whoever else we can lure in with the promise of s’mores.

Wish us luck!

As for last week’s Sinatra song giveaway, the only person to guess the correct song was Jewels. She also had an edge, as she’d already read through the synopsis I’d written while plotting Something Stupid. But because you were all such good sports, I’d be happy to give you or a friend a digital copy of one of my books. If you commented last week, email me at and let me know which book, file format, and the email address where you want it sent. 🙂

Happy Monday, everyone! Oh, and happy anniversary to my own hero. Thirteen years later, I still think he’s dreamy.





Special Guest: Tina Donahue

Today I’m happy to share a bit from the fabulous Tina Donahue’s new release, Taking Eve!

taking-eve-2-copy (2)

A willing slave to possession, punishment, pleasure…

Dreams of a manor where submission and dominance once ruled draws Faith to hypnotherapist Colin Danes. Potently virile, he looks remarkably like her most cherished master from a past life. Desire smolders in his eyes, proving he’s never forgotten her.

Their carnal dance continues in the present and leads to their past when she was known as Eve. Through hypnotherapy, Colin brings her back to the Victorian era, a hidden estate where she eagerly submits to whatever he and her other noble masters crave. The exquisite discipline of the strap. Being bid on and mounted each night. Displayed and used for the enjoyment of all.

Most will take her. One will try to imprison her. Only he will be her true master in that life and this.


The advertisement challenged, Are your dreams so real they seem to have come from another time?

Faith Montgomery gripped the mail circular. Its paper made a sharp, crackling noise, no different from ice snapping.

Frigid wind swept past, delivering more snow. Feverish and unsettled, Faith stood in front of the medical arts building that catered to doctors, nutritionists, shrinks and hypnotherapists. Unlike Seattle’s typical brick or glass structures, this place had a granite façade and steepled ceilings. Similar to a castle where dominance, submission and punishment played out. Where men wore dated clothing, while women were nude, defenseless, sighing then crying out their arousal and pleasure.

Her mouth went dry.

From behind, a car’s horn blared, sending her pulse into a faster sprint. Traffic continued to crawl along the slick streets, headlights brushed past, illuminating the building’s directory. Faith didn’t bother to search it. According to the circular, his office was on the second floor. Her appointment in a few minutes, made earlier in the week by phone. The first time she’d heard his voice and yet not the first time.

“Why do you want an appointment?” he’d asked.

Something inside her had fluttered at his smooth baritone, enticing and strangely familiar, reducing her to silence.

“You’ve seen things,” he’d coaxed. “Felt things.”

God, yeah.

While he’d waited for her response, she’d stared at his picture on the glossy flyer.

Several locks of his hair—thick, wavy, the color of espresso—grazed his forehead. His strong, masculine features were handsome as hell, nearly aristocratic. In her mind, Faith saw him dressed in eveningwear, the kind worn during the early Victorian era. A coat with tails, snug at the waist to accentuate his impressive shoulders. Dark trousers and a shockingly white cravat. Identical to heroes in romance novels that she’d read in high school.

He definitely had those guys beat.

His long-lashed eyes were a striking blue. Even from the picture, they stripped Faith of all privacy, reaching into her soul, the same as the promise of his full, rich mouth. A hint of stubble graced his upper lip, chin and cheeks, virile and tempting. Young, possibly early thirties, he was the kind of man a woman wouldn’t forget.

Faith certainly hadn’t.

“Yeah,” she’d murmured during the call, at last answering him. “I’ve had recurring dreams, flashes of another time.”

Rather than questioning her further, he’d given her the last appointment of the day, well past the time other professionals did business. His office windows were the only ones lit on the second floor, the lights’ golden glow spilling onto the street. Waves of snow, carried by the wind, twinkled like stars within the brightness.

Faith half-expected—and fully hoped—he’d be at the window, looking down at her. Watching. Waiting. Anticipating as she was.

He wasn’t.

His absence only stoked her stark need. Clearly, he had no doubt she’d keep their appointment. Now, as before, he commanded and figured she’d obey.

On an edgy sigh, she entered the building. Heated air and the scents of polished wood, leather, wool washed over her. In the absolute quiet, she heard each click of her heels across the floor, a dark-green marble veined with white.

Faith avoided slick spots made by others who’d come and gone, tracking in the snow. She should have worn more practical shoes in this weather, pants instead of a skirt, but hadn’t, sensing he wouldn’t have approved.

Like one possessed—or commanded by a Master—Faith climbed the stairs, reaching the second floor. The walls were paneled in polished walnut, which gave them the air of a private club where men called the shots. Their decisions law. Their desires the only rule that counted, no matter what they demanded. A woman’s full surrender to their needs. Having her down on her knees before them, her lips parted for the taste of a thickened cock or to release her whimper of delight at the strap one of them held, eager for him to discipline her.

Lightheaded and breathless, she stared at the hall. His office was at the end, the door open, a wedge of amber light demanding she go inside.

No receptionist greeted her in the snug waiting room. Faith hadn’t expected one, figuring he’d want them to be alone. Exactly what she craved.

She inhaled as deeply as she could. Leather from the burgundy chairs perfumed the small space, claiming it for a man. Beyond the reception area was his office, the door open. He stood at his desk, his attention on a book he read.

Her legs went watery. With indecent curiosity, she drank him in, the charcoal sweater and dark trousers that matched the color of his silky hair and fit his powerful frame so well. Broad shoulders. Muscular thighs. She forced down a swallow, knowing there was raw power in his strong hands. She’d dreamed of it, had seen glimpses in her mind.

And would do anything to experience it again.

As though he’d heard her thoughts, he closed his book with a faint snap and looked up.

Time shifted, the past bleeding into the present. Faith forgot to breathe or to step closer, trapped within his potent gaze, overwhelmed with a sense of recognition, irresistible and welcoming.

I know you…you know me.

Unmistakable longing flared in his eyes, the same yearning she felt. Beneath it was a flash of lust.



Please leave a comment. Tina will be choosing one winner randomly from the comments section. The winner gets her choice of one of Tina’s backlist ebooks – FIFTEEN IN ALL – contemporary, paranormal, suspense, ménage. From this list:

1. Adored – RWA award-winning; EPIC 2011 Finalist; 4 Stars RT

2. Deep, Dark, Delicious – EPIC 2011 Finalist; Holt Medallion Award of Merit

3. Lush Velvet Nights – EPIC 2011 Finalist; Golden Nib Award

4. In His Arms – SIX 5 Star Reviews; 4 Stars RT

5. Sensual Stranger – 2010 Book of the Year (erotic); 4 Stars RT

6. The Yearning – Top Ten Bestseller

7. Take Me Away – #1 Pick, Miz Love Loves Books

8. Unending Desire – Best Book Rating LASR

9. SiNN – Nominated for Book of the Week LASR

10. Sinfully Wicked – Magnificent – Romancing the Book

11. Claiming Magique – Top Pick – NOR

12. Illicit Desire – Four Stars Romantic Times

13. Come Fill Me – Five Stars – Guilty Pleasures

14. Losing Control – Four and a Half Stars – Sensual Reads

15. Shameless Desire – Four and Half Stars – The Jeep Diva


Get to know Tina!

FB Fanpage:








Amazon author page:

My page at TRR:

EC Author Page:

Samhain Author Page:



Monday Mayhem – Reclaiming my routine

This week I’m going to focus on getting back into my pre-2014 routine. What does this mean? I need to figure out how to manage my time in this brave new world I’ve entered. Since I’m working toward feeling better physically, my first order of business will be to figure out how to fit gym time into my day. Next, I’ll tackle reestablishing the daily word count.

So I thought I’d start here with the good old fast five. Ready? Here we go!

What I’ve been working on: I’m about halfway through the battle of the sexes story I’ve been working on, but need to narrow the focus a bit. I’ve spent the least week reading, editing, and rewriting what I have so far in hopes of getting it on track to finish.

What’s running around in the back of my mind: A plot bunny inspired by an old Frank Sinatra song. Can you guess which one?


What I’ve accomplished: I worked all weekend, but I did get this post done. Does that count?

What new goal I’m chasing: Reclaiming my writing routine.

What I saw: Park Hill Collection showroom at the Dallas Market Center.


So, to get things back on track, let’s do something fun…Comment below and take a guess at which Sinatra song is making me itch to write a story and I’ll draw one winner from the correct answers for a choice of any book from my (or Maggie’s) digital backlist – one copy for you, and one for a friend!


Monday Mayhem – I spoke too soon

So yeah…spent most of last week sick as a dog. Have accomplished very little. Still, there were some good bits. I returned to work to find my office had been set up:


The weekend came, and so did the chance to spend the day with my two favorite guys.


I am 50% done with the latest in the Outlander series:


And there’s Italian beef in the crock pot for Father’s Day. So, here’s hoping this week is a little better. How about you? What’s on your agenda for the week?

Oh! And…looking for something to read? Be sure to grab the Love Finds A Way boxed set while it’s only $0.99 (thru June 28th)! Four full-length novels for less than a buck! Please tell your friends!



Monday Mayhem – Remember me?

I know I’ve been MIA lately. I’m sorry. My life as been in sort of a state of flux lately. I’ve left the company where I’ve worked for the last twelve years and started a new job. I’ve also been battling strep, staph, and a good, old-fashioned sinus headache. So yeah, I’ve been kind of a mess.

But I’m better now.

The decision to change jobs took a huge weight of my shoulders. And even though I’m having to deal with the inherent awkwardness of being the new girl who knows nothing, I’m a much happier person.

So far, 2014 has been all about cutting myself some slack and making necessary changes. To be honest, I’ve been doing a good bit of this:


Other than the release of boxed sets, I don’t really have anything new coming on the writing front. That’s something I hope to remedy in the coming months. Spring Chickens is all mine again. I plan to revamp it a bit and re-release it later in the year. Then, I think I want to make another run at Containment.

Of course, Miss Maggie is seeing all sorts of action – the tramp. It’s all about striking when the iron is hot in this business, and the steamy stuff is hotter than ever right now. There’s a new release from Harlequin just last week (The Last First Date), an upcoming boxed set from TMP (including Seducing Steve!), and a smoking hot story for the born before 1970 crowd (Three Little Words) coming from Kensington/Lyrical.

Sooooo, that’s what’s new with me. Thanks for your support and patience. I hope you know how much I appreciate you!

Tell me, what are the haps by you?


The words thank you seem inadequate, but they are the best I have at my disposal.


Harlequin-E Contemporary Boxed Set (Volume 2) GIVEAWAY!

We are less than 2 weeks away from the release of the Harlequin-E Contemporary Boxed Set (Volume 2) and we’re giving it away! This fabulous four book set will be available June 2, 2014 and we can’t wait!


This set includes my story, The Last First Date – whoo hoo!


Go here to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway.

Be sure to add the boxed set to your Want To Read shelf on Goodreads.

The boxed set is available for pre-order now at Harlequin, Amazon, B&N, & Kobo!


Monday Mayhem – Marvelous

You guys, I have to tell you that I had the nicest weekend. It was a hectic week, starting out with a case of strep throat and continuing through to Friday, which has become back-to-back meeting day for me at the day job. I kicked the weekend off by doing one of the funnest of all fun things…having an eye exam.


Okay, maybe not such a blast, but it was a relief to have it done. I had an appointment back in February, but had to cancel due to an ice storm. Then, I was on the road most of March. I have no idea what happened to April, but I have been running on my last pair of contact lenses. It had to be done.

So there. I checked it off the list. Made the man get his peepers looked at too. Goose-gander, birds slain with a single stone….

Since we were already in chore mode, Fodder and I did the grocery shopping while we were out. That onerous task complete, I was able to retire to the recliner where I chatted with my girls and generally goofed off until it was time to crawl into bed.


Fodder and I had talked about having some type of getaway over the weekend. It’s been a stressful few weeks months year, and we just wanted to do something a little fun. We settled on spending a few hours just about 45 minutes up the road in Conway, AR, where the Toad Suck Daze festival was in full swing.

No, I did not just make up that name. It’s a thing. Here’s the website.

Sadly, to get to the festival, we had to pass through tornado-stricken Mayflower, AR. I won’t post pics or say anything more here because I can’t do justice to the utter devastation left in the path of that storm. I will simply ask you to please continue to support your own local Red Cross and other relief organizations.

The festival was fun, the day was beautiful, and the fair food? Well, let’s just say no one left hungry. We had toasted ravioli and cannelloni, jambalaya with sausage and chicken, kettle corn, and our new fair friend: deep fried cookie dough.


Yes, that is a hunk of frozen chocolate chip cookie dough (egg-free, we were told) deep-fried, dipped in chocolate, and rolled in pecans. Yeah…good times.

My handsome escort also won a prize for me at one of the many sucker magnets games of skill set up along the midway. Meet Colonel Corn – the latest and greatest weapon of spousal torment token of my love’s esteem and affection.

Colonel corn

I’ll leave the ensuing conversations to your imagination. Now, multiply everything you just thought by ten, and you may have an inkling of what Fodder’s ride home from Toad Suck might have been like. I haven’t laughed that much or that hard in a while.

Back on the Ethridge Estate, we proceeded to nap in anticipation of another storm blowing through our neck of the woods. This tiny tempest was thoroughly enjoyable, though, and the path of destruction he wrought much more easily set to rights.

Who, me?

This morning, Fodder and I drove down to the Arkansas River to walk the lovely paths at Two Rivers Park.


While we were strolling we sighted a couple of does and a yearling not 100 yards from us. The sun was sparkling on the river, the sky was blue and cloudless, and the hills fresh and green with spring growth. It was the perfect way to start the day.

Later in the afternoon, I planted impatiens in the hanging baskets and spent a little time holding paws with my puppy dogs whilst my hero grilled steaks. And now, here I am in my chair – full, happy, and more relaxed than I’ve been in a long, long time.

I think we’re all caught up on my side now. Tell me what’s been happening in your world!

Oh! And don’t forget (like I almost did) about Love Finds A Way – the new boxed set that includes Contentment! It’s available now for only $0.99! Please tell all of your friends!



New release!!!!

Available now!


BRING ME BACK by Karen Booth

“Fast-paced, sexy and altogether irresistible. A flat-out fabulous read!”–New York Times Bestselling author Celia Rivenbark

 “Ms. Booth has hit a home run with this riveting story that’s full of life, trials and tribulations, joy, but most of all, love.”—5 stars and a recommended read, BlackRaven’s Reviews

 “If you are a fan of drama, humor and heart with a wonderful blend of bittersweet and delicious sensuality, then you need to read Bring Me Back. I’ve added it to my absolute favorites, the ones I curl up with when I’m down and need to remember to love and laugh and believe in magic.”–5 Stars, The Book Tart

CONTENTMENT by Margaret Ethridge

“The story is honest, well told, and so sweet. I loved it.” –5 stars, Amazon bestselling author Jennifer Johnson

“You’ll want that Hollywood ending that never happens in real life. What you will get a story that is so true to real life that it’ll make your stomach twist and your heart hammer.” –5 stars, Another Look Book Reviews

 “This is story-telling at its best.” –5 stars, Amazon customer review

“Have you not read Margaret Ethridge? Hop to it! Although she is a new author, her work is consistently intriguing, even while writing different romantic genres.” –Booking It

 MEANT TO BE by Karen Stivali

 Best Books of 2012 – Literati Literature Lovers (Meant To Be and its sequel Holding On) Books That Rocked My World 2012 – Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews (Meant To Be and its sequel Holding On)

Meant To Be is simply an amazing story that is heartwarming and genuine, it is one that will make you believe in soul mates.” –5 stars, Jersey Girl Book Reviews

“If you’re looking for engaging, soulful characters, enough drama to take you through a myriad of emotions that entail everything from laughter to anger to crying, and enough passion to make you sizzle in all the right places, then Meant To Be is the book to read.” 5 stars and a Recommended Read, BlackRaven’s Book Reviews

′TIL ST. PATRICK’S DAY by Holly Gilliatt

 “With the author’s ease of putting words on paper, the story flows through your mind, connecting on a deep emotional level. You will find yourself hoping, gasping, shedding a tear or two and smiling with happiness as the story unfolds.” — Literati Book Reviews

“Gilliatt creates characters who you connect with… The reader is placed in the middle of these three women’s lives; you experience their ups, their downs and their own journey of self-discovery.”–

“The main theme of this novel was friendship, but it’s followed very closely by love—and not just romantic love. …It’s fantastic.”–5 stars, Pink Fluffy Hearts

Ebook Price: $0.99 (Special Introductory/Promotional Price)