It’s release day!


Spring Chickens – You don’t have to be a spring chicken to fall in love.

Bram Hatchett thought he buried his heart with his wife, but when a big city beauty blows into town to dispose of the family farm, she captures everyone’s attention. Particularly his.

Lynne Prescott’s former marriage was marked by her husband’s infidelities and doomed by the secrets and lies he left in his wake. Disillusioned and adrift, she seeks refuge in the simplicity of small-town life.

There are few secrets in Heartsfield, Arkansas, but when a few loose boards on a rickety old porch bring them together, not even the combined forces of nosy neighbors, disapproving children and a disturbing decrease in the poultry population can stymie the attraction between the handsome widower and the intriguing divorcee.

But Lynne and Bram are both old enough to know there are no guarantees in life.

Can they set the fears of their pasts aside and learn to trust their hearts just one more time?

All Romance ~ AmazonAppleB&N ~ TMP Bookstore Kobo

Monday Mayhem – Makeover Edition

New year, new website, new combined blog…what does it all mean? Well, hopefully it will translate into a whole lot more action around here. With Facebook tightening the clamps on what you can see on my author page and Twitter becoming more and more negative, I plan to take refuge here on my blog.

With you.


Combining my pen names will certainly make it easier to maintain things, but I want to have more of a chance to interact with readers. Therefore, I will continue my Weekend Writing Warrior posts on Sundays and my usual Monday Mayhem mumbling, but I’m going to add in some days to talk about the stuff we love.

Please join me (and bring your friends) for Whatcha Reading Wednesdays (there will be book giveaways) and Fangirl Fridays to celebrate all we love that is shippable, but won’t fit in a box. Yes, I need people to talk about Scandal, Downton Abbey, Outlander books and series, Chicago Stars novels… You see where this is going?

So yeah, lots going on here. Be sure to click the email subscription box on the sidebar so you’ll receive notifications of new posts in your inbox!

Happy New Year!

special-quotes-for-new-year-2015 (800x450) - Copy

The Winner of The Last First Date and Lisa Fox’s fabulous One Kiss is:

Lindsay Cross!

Congratulations, Lindsay and thank you all for stopping by to check out my new blog. I hope to have more fun and giveaways for you all in 2015!


Monday Mayhem – Notice anything new?

Christmas may be over, but I’m still unwrapping stuff on the new website. I believe my #8Sunday post went live, but I forgot to update the new blog address for the sign-up list. I’m scheduling this post for Monday morning. If you see it, I didn’t screw it up….

So, how do you like the new digs? Click around a bit, let me know what you think.

My Christmas was fabulous, and I hope yours was too. I’m looking forward to a quiet New Year’s Eve. At least, as quiet as it can be with the fireworks stands open this week.

But I’m happy to make your 2015 a little spicier. That’s why I’m giving away a copy of my New Year’s Eve gone wrong story, The Last First Date PLUS a copy of my pal, Lisa Fox’s One Kiss to one lucky commenter. All you have to do is answer one question: Are you more likely to kiss or be kissed?

Please share this post with your friends! I’ll pick a winner from all comments made before Midnight, December 31, 2014!

onekiss The Last First Date_Maggie Wells

Monday Mayhem – Overhaul edition

Did you see? Did you see? We have new cover art for Spring Chickens!!!! Just a few more weeks until release day – January 8, 2015!


In other big news: I’m in discussions with a web designer on the planned Margaret/Maggie website makeovers. I’m loving the samples she’s shown me and I think it could look pretty slick. Stay tuned!

Oh! And Maggie has a new release today! If you’re looking for a short, hot read featuring a couple who aren’t twenty-something, check out Three Little Words!

Three Little Words_Maggie Wells

It’s never too late to make the best impulsive decision of your life.

Jo Masters isn’t the party girl she used to be, but now that she’s a woman without obligations, she’s ready to recapture a little of her misspent youth. Her niece’s wedding, with its open bar and dark dance floor, proves to be the perfect opportunity to let loose.

Gregory Stark is just trying to make it through his son’s wedding day… and make some time with the gorgeous brunette on the bride’s side of the aisle. His kid’s wedding probably isn’t the best occasion to put the moves on the sexy woman, who introduces herself only as ‘Josie’, but his best friend is closing in on her too and he has to act fast. With a couple of tequila shots under his belt, Greg propositions Josie — and neither wants to refuse.

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And finally: All of the TMP boxed sets will be going back to full price as of January 1, 2015. Please, please, please help me with one last push on these. Each set is only $0.99!

Unforgettable Heroes – includes Long Distance Love


Love Finds A Way – includes Contentment


Enchanted Lover – includes Paramour


Heat Wave – includes Maggie Wells titles Seducing Steve and The Art Lover


Hot Nights in St. Blaise – Maggie Wells – the complete 12 novella collection

stblaisecollection-1 lg



Cover reveal! Spring Chickens

We have new cover art for the reissue of Spring Chickens – coming January 8, 2015!


You wanna see?


Maybe just a peek?


I promise there are no disembodied heads floating above the hills


And no poultry in sight


You ready?
I said…


Here it comes…


Bram Hatchett thought he buried his heart with his wife, but when a big city beauty blows into town to dispose of the family farm, and she captures everyone’s attention. Particularly his.

Spring Chickens – coming soon from Turquoise Morning Press!

Monday Mayhem – Wish List

Okay, so this week I want you guys to blog. If you could ask for five things, large or small, what would be on your list? Not the world peace, end to hunger type things, I mean gifts your loved ones could actually buy or make for you.


They can be completely random or your heart’s desire. You share yours this week. Next week, I’ll share mine. Ready? Go!

Monday Mayhem – Diving Into December

If you need me, I’ll be over here having a nap…

Kidding. Actually, I had an awesome long weekend. Here’s my recap, complete with pictures!

Thanksgiving brunch was yummy.


My baybeh came over to play


I kept cranking away at the NaNoWriMo word count


Until I got this:


Then I spent some time doing this:


and this


But there were still things to do. I had to finish a read through on Spring Chickens and do first-round edits on Going Deep


Then we made our annual contribution to the electric company


December will be the month of revision for me. I have 2 mostly complete manuscripts that are pretty darn messy. I have 2 websites I want to overhaul. I also have 2 releases to promote, 2 holiday parties on the same day…Oy. Maybe we can skip right to January?

How about you? Is your December shaping up to be crazy as well, or are you going low-key this holiday season?



It’s release day!



The Complete Calendar Collection – January – December

Welcome to St. Blaise

Home of the Men and Women of St. Blaise Regional Medical Center

When the St. Blaise Regional Medical Center Board of Directors hired hometown girl, Beth Watkins, to jump-start their public relations, they never imagined she’d be stripping their most prominent doctors, nurses, and support staff down to their birthday suits in order to beef up the hospital’s bank account.

Six men and six women were chosen to represent the best and brightest of this little town nestled in the heart of the Mark Twain National Forest. They also happened to be the hottest tickets in town. Soon the fundraising calendar is spiking temperatures throughout the Show Me state, and the men and women of St. Blaise are setting their small-town nights on fire.

Limited time price only $0.99!



Monday Mayhem – Magoo edition

Greetings, my friends, and welcome to the home stretch. As we round the bend into the final week of November, there are tons of things happening. Big things, wow things, as well as little things and ‘do this now’ things.

It’s the final week of NaNoWriMo and as I type this I have just over 10k left to make my goal. As many of you know, I am a write by the seat of my pants girl, and though I always start with a loose outline, most of my stories veer off at some point. This one (Bossy Pants) has  pretty much been pretty much like taking a drive with Mr. Magoo.

I’m also in the midst of the first round of edits on Going Deep (Kensington-Lyrical – September 2015) and just returned the second round of revisions on Spring Chickens (Turquoise Morning Press – January 2015)

While I do all of that, I’m preparing for 2 more Maggie releases.

The first will be a boxed set of the Hot Nights in St. Blaise series. This will be all twelve novellas (including both Passionate Plume finalists-August Awakening and Daring Miss December) for the awesome introductory price of only $0.99! You can pre-order yours here:

Amazon ~ B&N ~ Kobo ~ Apple ~ All Romance ~ Smashwords ~ TMP Bookstore

On December 15th, I’ll be celebrating the first of my Kensington-Lyrical releases, Three Little Words.

AmazonAppleB&NGoogle ~  Kensington Kobo

December is shaping up to be a busy month as well. I’ll have two mostly finished, but really rough manuscripts (Full Court Press and Bossy Pants) to wrestle into shape.

I have to sit down and work on my 2015 business plan (Bet you didn’t know authors actually did those, did you?) and set my goals for the year.

I’m also planning to undertake a website overhaul…or two. You may have noticed that I’ve been mentioning my Maggie Wells work here more often, and talking about some of my Margaret books on Maggie’s blogs. I plan meld my websites and combine my blogs (if I can).

I’m taking on two board positions with my two Romance Writers of America chapters. In 2015, I’ll be President of the Diamond State Romance Authors, and Vice President of Passionate Ink RWA.

Oh, and Thanksgiving is Thursday.

And Christmas is just 30 days away.

So yeah…the holidays are here! What are your plans for wrapping up 2014?