Two fan favorites will be getting a makeover soon!
Check out this lovely new cover art for Paramour
And this smoking hot new look for Inamorata
Coming soon from Turquoise Morning Press!
Maggie Wells-Margaret Ethridge
Love Without Limits
Excerpt from Tempting Meredith
Blaine had just wanted some alone time after spending most of the day campaigning. He’d been walking quietly, a habit formed from years of hunting, when he’d seen them.
Fuck. He didn’t know who was sexier—Charlie or Meredith. But both of them together was a sight that paralyzed him. He told himself that a gentleman would turn his back and leave. Give them the privacy they expected. Well, maybe not expected, since they were out in the middle of God and everybody. But they deserved more from him. His feet weren’t listening. Or if they were, they refused to obey. His cowboy boots remained planted in the leaves and dirt and undergrowth.
Meredith saw him, looked him right in the eyes. He thought she was gonna stop. Instead, she stripped off her jeans. An invitation or his own twisted, wishful thinking?
Buy links
You guys, I have so much to tell you, but none of it is set in stone yet, so I can’t. Let’s just say it’s been another awesome weekend and I am very happy, very blessed, and very tired (but for the best possible reason-too much to write).
I’m too BLAAAAGAH-YIP-YIP-YIP! to put together a coherent post, and for that I apologize.
I promise, I will spill all as soon as I can.
So…how was your weekend?
My friend, Sandy James, has her hands full. She has three new releases this month, and is in the middle of helping her husband battle cancer. If you will, please share this post so we can help her out by spreading the word about her books!
Sing a Song of the Stars — A collection of eight sci-fi romance novels and novellas.
Spanning the universe, from futuristic Earth to unique alien worlds, these stories combine the realms of science fiction with heartfelt romance and tantalizing sizzle. Adventure, mystery, space exploration, technology, betrayal, and love, these eight stories sing the songs of the stars–igniting the imagination, arousing the spirit, and uplifting the heart.
Farewell Andromeda by Laurie A. Green
The last thing deep space pilot Tiharra Bell needs is another romantic entanglement, and certainly not with the galaxy’s most famous astronomer. But she’s about to be fooled.
Reckless Rescue by Rinelle Grey
He crash-landed on her planet. Can they survive the winter together without falling in love?
The Seeker by Sandy James
The Vymalns have conquered Earth but Kara Michaels refuses to surrender. When Aiodhan Riel is sent to assassinate the Vymaln leader, he crash lands. Will he carry out his mission or fall for the rebellious Kara?
Unbound Instinct by C.E. Kilgore
Vex is unique among his kind. Cris is the last of hers. Freed from slavery, they seek an acceptance of themselves and an understanding of each other.
Alien Encounter: Janaya by Shelley Munro
Janaya is stuck on Earth. And because she neglected to have her travel inoculations in her hurry to protect her aunt from Torgons, she has bonded with an Earthman.
A Matter Of Trust by Greta van der Rol
Surrounded by enemies, it seems the only man prepared to help Princess Amira is the Demon Admiral. But can she trust him?
My Name Is A’yen by Rachel Leigh Smith
A’yen Mesu, a Loks Mé slave, doesn’t believe his homeworld exists. Dr. Farran Hart does. When she finds it, he’ll do anything to protect her. Even if it costs him his heart.
Captured By The Hawk by Aurora Springer
A Space Operetta: Kat steals codes from the Emperor’s Revenge. Captain Black Hawk hides his face under a mask. Will he win her heart before she uncovers his tragic secret?
Yesterday, I ate bee pollen.
That’s a sentence I never thought I’d type. Those of you who know me are aware that I’m insanely picky eater. Add in the fact that I’m petrified of bees, and you might get an inkling of why it was so weird for me. But, bee pollen is supposed to be some kind of all-natural super-food. Fodder had a friend who was a long-distance runner who swore by it. We’ve both been trying to be better about exercising lately, and you know I’m a sucker for anything with the word ‘super’ in front of it. The truth is, I’ve been battling seasonal allergies for the past two weeks and am willing to do just about anything to feel better at this point, so yeah…we bought a jar of locally collected bee pollen. I’ve started sprinkling a 1/4 teaspoon full into my morning yogurt.
I apologize in advance if I inadvertently start buzzing.
In other news Jamie Fraser and Don Draper are back in my life. I couldn’t be happier. Not that Fodder isn’t enough for me, but… you know. *wink-wink*
Of course, their return takes place in a month when I am already overbooked. I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month, and have set a goal to write 30k words by month’s end. In truth, I hope to find the energy to exceed that. I’d love to complete the first draft of Play Dates within the month. It’s totally do-able. I’m a little over 1/3 in already.
I also started doing a 30-day yoga challenge that I found online. Suckered my friend Lulu into doing it too, so we’re keeping each other on track.
I’m pleased to report that we have yet to drape any article of clothing on the elliptical machine. This is particularly good news, because we parked that bad boy in the living room. I’ve been slowly but surely building up my endurance. I can now go the entire length of a Gilmore Girls episode (@44 mins) without keeling over. Yay, me!
So what’s new with you? Eat anything weird lately? Doing any challenges? Is your exercise equipment wearing your clothes?
Grace falls ill on her journey, but she manages to make it to the Twin Springs ranch where her brother is supposed to be living. Adam takes her in, concerned for her health and the reason she’s searching for one of his adopted sons. Their chemistry is immediate and intense, but can Grace heal from her past of pain and fear? When her secrets are finally revealed, can Adam forgive her deceptions and learn to love again?
Runaway (Book 2)
Forced to flee her abusive fiancé, Cassandra Shay’s disappearance into Montana territory is delayed when she discovers her fiancé and uncle’s plot to murder her illegitimate brother and another innocent cowboy.
Ty Bishop hates the Shays, but accompanies Jake Curtis to meet Jake’s newfound uncle, Derrick Shay. Ty’s suspicions are confirmed when he and Jake are imprisoned and left to drown. After Cassie frees them, the men travel with her for her own protection.
When they arrive in Montana, the locals are horrified to discover a Shay in their midst, but Ty is drawn to Cassie like no other and is determined to win her heart. Despite her strong attraction to Ty, Cassie knows she must keep her distance to protect him from the hired guns the Shays send to retrieve her.
But their love will not be denied, and they must fight for justice before forging their future together.
Redeemed (Book 3)
Sold into prostitution, Sara Fuller robs a client and flees to her brother in White Pines, Montana.
Anxiously awaiting his mail order bride, rancher Caleb Young is delighted when a beautiful woman steps off the stagecoach. A series of misassumptions soon finds the two taking their marriage vows.
When Sara discovers she isn’t Caleb’s intended bride, she hides her scandalous past and sets out to prove she can be a good wife. Caleb adores Sara but suspects her of hiding something very important. Despite Sara’s secrets, their love grows and a child is conceived.
When Caleb’s real bride arrives, their troubles begin, only to be compounded by the appearance of the man Sara robbed. Now the two lovers must discover whether their love is strong enough to survive the forces threatening to tear them apart.
Today, I’m excited to have my pal, Jennifer Anderson back on my blog! She’s always a hoot to have around. 🙂 I sent her a list of random questions. Just wait until you read some of her answers!!!
Heeeeeere’s Jenny! (Sorry, couldn’t resist)
I have to start out by telling you lovely folks how the Faboulous Ms. Mags and I met. Before I attended #RAGT and received my first TMP contract, a blogger friend suggested a book by Maggie Wells (Seducing Steve) and I was so bummed she wasn’t there that year. Over the course of the year, we fell in love over email, Twitter and FaceBook and the following year, when I was knocked-up with kidlet #3, we met and it was like the Fourth of July! I love this woman and continue to be thankful for her friendship and continued support. **She really means it about the support. I was the one holding the preggo steady while she was standing on a chair for a group photo. She’s a nutjob, but she’s my nutjob and I like her just fine. 🙂
*smacks hands* Alright, let’s get this show on the road…
Describe yourself in three words. Impatient, motherly, clever
Any nicknames? Mom, You, Jen, and by my close friends, Bitch
What was your favourite Christmas present? I do recall be overly joyed when I received my first Cabbage Patch Kid, but more recently, my husband had made for me a necklace with my birthstone, my daughter’s and my grandmother’s, who passed away that same year.
What’s your dirtiest secret? I pee in the shower! *dies* But I think it started when I was pregnant and having to go all the time and unable to move very quickly. I promise, I only do it alone (boring) and never in the bath!
In your opinion, what’s the most important part of the sandwich? The bread. I mean, yes, I love meat and cheese, but if the bread sucks, why bother. #GoTeamJimmyJohns
As authors we tend to have to research many bizarre and unusual topics. What’s the strangest thing you’ve Googled research-wise? I recently finished writing a New Adult about a girl off to college and she sells sex toys. While I’m familiar with the industry and even attended one of those house parties, I still needed more information. But I have to say, it was one of my favorite research assignments!
What was your favourite childhood toy? My purple bike with a flowered banana seat and white basket. I don’t recall where I got it and it was used but man, I loved that bike! That was back in the day when you’d leave first thing in the morning and not return until you were called. And by called, I don’t mean on the phone!
Share your favourite word or phrase with us. Right now, my 3-year old says “Sure thing”. Not sure where she got it (I blame TV) but I find myself using it all the time. I’m also a fan of awesomepants!
Do you believe in love at first sight? Absolutely! But I think it’s more of a physical attraction but that can certainly bloom into the type of love you read about! I mean, I think you have to be physically attracted to the one you love.
What writing accomplishment are you most proud of and why? I haven’t won any awards and that’s okay, because I’m good, smart enough and gosh darn it, people like me! But seriously, for me, it’s goal of getting published and to make it sweeter, my husband reading my book and then telling me how surprised he was by how good it was. There was also the time my beta reader told me she got teary when she read Ice Princess. Sick, maybe, but nice to hear!
If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choose? The year my grandmother passed. I would be more aware of her and how she was feeling. Because she knew she wasn’t well and hid it from her family and if I could have lengthened her life for 6 more months, or even a year, I would have been happy. I know this seems selfish, considering she knew she was sick and I should respect her wishes, but she was such a big influence on me that having her gone leaves me a little empty at times. She was my best friend.
What’s the funniest/weirdest/dirtiest status message you’ve posted on a social networking site? Friends don’t let friends drink and show their muffs.
Quick and dirty:
Cake or pie? A sliver of both
Jocks or nerds? a sliver of both
Coke or Pepsi? COKE
Boxers or briefs? A sliver of both
Poolside or beach? poolside
Pancakes or waffles? pancakes
Baked or fried? Baked but my alter ego insists on fried!
Aaaaaand, last but not least, tell us about your new book!
Finding You, a New Adult novel
Jessica Crispin sets out to find her mom but discovers more than she planned.
A long-lost grandfather dies, leaving Jessica Crispin a sizable inheritance. The only catch? She has to find her mom, whom she hasn’t seen since she was two, and she only has thirty days to do it.
Enlisting her best friend Violet, Jessica sets out on a road trip determined to solve a mystery fed by deceit and misinformation from people she thought she could trust.
On the way, she meets Jackson, whose kindness and sexy pale blue eyes make her wish he would come along for the ride.
Clues from her mother lead her far from home and to a secret Jessica never imagined. And as the deadline looms, Jessica must make peace with the ghosts of her past and risk dreaming of a future pursuing her secret passion with Jackson by her side.
About Jennifer:
Ref, chauffer, master chef and booboo kisser. When I’m not wielding my super mom powers, I like to weave sentences together and offer a little escape to my readers. You can usually find me sitting in the dark in front of my computer, falling in love with my characters. Send chocolate!
Additional Books by Jennifer Anderson:
Ice Princess
Prince Charming
Queen Mean
King of the Lake
My Brother’s Wedding
I received a rejection on a submission the other day. I half-expected one from this person, given what I’ve read about her preferences, etc., but it was a request and definitely worth a shot, right? Right. But…ouch. I still hate getting those letters.
Yes, they are the way of the publishing world. I know that, and I’m much better about receiving them than I used to be. To tell the truth, I think I’m about as good at it as I’ll ever be at accepting the rejection that is part and parcel of this business. And in the interest of efficiency, I’ve whittled the five stages of grief down to three:
1) Righteous indignation
2) Wallowing
3) Self-indulgence
So yeah, I zipped right through number one this time. Like I said, I was somewhat prepared for a no answer. The Wallow took place in the bathtub, where I gave myself the usual “You can do this. It’s just one person’s opinion. Other fish in the sea. somebody other there will love this book,” pep talk. Then Fodder and I hit the road. first stop, delightfully greasy hamburgers and fresh-cut fries. Then, we wandered around until something pretty caught my eye.
I’ve never had an orchid before, so it may prove to be as successful as this submission, but hey, it’s pretty and now it’s in my office. Keep your fingers crossed for this poor helpless plant, and my other submissions, will you?
How about you? Do you have a little risk/reward system going? What do you to to cheer yourself up when things don’t go your way?
So excited to feature my pal Karen Booth’s new release ROCK STARRED on this first Teaser Tuesday!