Teaser Tuesday – Ute Carbone



Tender Bonds Book Blurb:

There comes a moment when the past we’ve left behind draws attention to itself and demands that we come to terms with it.  For Patty Dykstra, a woman who has long led an unassuming life, that moment comes after her aunt dies. Among a life’s worth of things,  Patty finds unopened cards from her father, a man that she hasn’t seen since she was six years old.

Patty is compelled to return to a small town in upstate New York to find the man who used to call her Star Shine, a man she barely remembers.  The Tender Bonds is the story of Patty’s life- altering journey, of the faith and hope that grow in the meanest of places, and of what it means to be truly home.


My father was led in the same as always. We made small talk, dancing around one another like the strangers we were. After a few minutes, I pulled the box off my lap and handed him the cards. I told him I planned to put them in an album. Like photos I didn’t have.

He fingered a Snoopy valentine he’d sent when I was ten. “You’ve kept them all these years.”

“I didn’t know about them until last March.”

He put the card down, glanced sidelong at the guard and then at me. “They were yours. I sent them to you.”

“I didn’t know. Aunt Ruby kept them.”

His eyes trailed down to his lap. “I sent them to you.”

“I know.”

“To you.” He glanced at the guard again. “To you.” His gaze shifted to me, filled with thirty-six years’ worth of loss.

“Mom never…she told me you were gone. I thought dead. I didn’t know.”

“Christ.” He put his head in his hands.

“It’s why I never tried to see you.” He did not answer. I watched as his whole body shook, his head still in his hands. I’d never seen a man sob before and it scared me, that emotion could overtake him like that. Tears began to run down my cheeks. I put my hand to his shoulder.

He sat up. “I’m sorry,” he said. His face hardened again into a mask, and he called the guard over and left me sitting there with a pile of memories.

Ute Carbone

Ute (who pronounces her name Oooh-tah) Carbone is an award winning author of women’s fiction, comedy, and romance. She and her husband live in New Hampshire, where she spends her days walking, eating chocolate and dreaming up stories.

Books and Stories by Ute Carbone:

Blueberry Truth

The P-Town Queen


Searching for Superman

Sweet Lenora

The Lilac Hour

To The Wind

Dancing in the White Room

All Things Returned

Confessions of the Sausage Queen

The Whisper of Time

For more about Ute and her books, Please Visit:

Web page: http://www.utecarbone.com/

Blog http://www.utecarbone.com/inside-the-writers-garret

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ute-Carbone/234417796596443

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wildwords2

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5114798.Ute_Carbone

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ute-Carbone/e/B005G7U8RM/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/utecarbone/

Love Stories (available daily via Paper Li): http://paper.li/Wildwords2/1355247882?utm_source=subscription&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=paper_sub#


Monday Mayhem – Manuscript edition

This weekend, I gave the newly revised and expanded version of Full Court Press a complete run-through. When I started, it looked like this:


When I finished, it looked more like this:


The best part? 95,564 words later, I can honestly say I still love this story. I just hope my agent likes the changes and additions I’ve made. I’m about to send it back to her. Cross your fingers!



Teaser Tuesday – Evelyn Jules

Hellooooo, all you beautiful people! I’m so happy to be here today on this lovely blog. Kudos on the makeover, Mags. Seriously. When Maggie mentioned she was hosting guest spots every Tuesday, I jumped at the chance to be a part of it, because, well, I’m nothing if not a promo whore. And Mags, God bless her, booked me for this date. It may not be significant to you, but I have a secret love affair happening with the number 12. It all stems back to my days as a provincial-level soccer player who earned the nickname ‘The Animal’. I’m rough and proud of it.


Speaking of dates, anyone ever tried online dating? How about Online Mating? Not sure what that is? Well, perhaps my current work in progress can shed some light on the subject….


Here’s the blurb: After joining a sexual compatibility site, Sydney finds herself at a coffee shop awaiting her first date. When bachelor number one makes a bizarre and slightly alarming entrance, will she stick to Plan A or choose the sympathetic stranger?


And here’s an excerpt: 

He tore his mouth from her, his chest heaving. “Syd.”

“Is that a horn in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

Dimples flashed as the grin on his face stretched. “I am the happiest man on the planet right now.”

Okay, when the guy said stuff like that, he made it nearly impossible not to fall for him. “I can’t believe you’re the same guy who walked into the coffee shop.”

“Miss the grease paint?”

“A little.”

“Does that scare you or turn you on?”

“Combo of the two.”

Charlie’s eyes danced with mirth, but he never laughed. Instead, he seemed more focused, more determined to tip the scale toward arousal. He planted one foot between hers and took her mouth again. His large palm cupped the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her hair, dragging her closer for every drugging sweep of his tongue.

They could do it right here in the parking lot. Desperate? Maybe a little. Undignified? Oh, they’d passed that point a long time ago, right around the moment she actually considered letting the man get her off in the middle of a restaurant.

Feeding off the sexual energy humming through her veins, she dove for the buttons on his shirt. Of course he wore an undershirt. In her mind, there was a well-deserved “S” emblazoned on the front of it. This man might not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but he was most definitely made of steel.

“God, you feel so good,” she whispered, slipping her hands under the thin cotton, feeling his abs contract beneath her palms.


Ever wondered what it was like to get it on with a clown? No? Just me? Well, if you’re even a little clown-curious, be sure to check out Online Mating, a reader-vote story on SilkWords’ interactive site! You get to have a say in how the story turns out so be sure to vote! 

Thanks so much to Mags for hosting me! Wishing everyone a fantastically fabulous day! 🙂

If you’d like to get to know me better and be friends and stuff, you can find me at the following locations:

Evelyn Jules small

My blog: http://evelynjules.blogspot.ca/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EvelynJules

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EvelynJules


And here’s a link to my Amazon page filled with all my published titles: http://www.amazon.com/Evelyn-Jules/e/B008QP0PPG/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1



Monday Mayhem – Calling The Count

I’m on the road today, but that’s okay, because I had an awesome weekend. The revisions/additions to Full Court Press have been written and mailed off to my beautiful Jewels for raking over the coals.

It didn’t start out so great. Friday night, my man and I ate steak. That was the highlight. Turns out, the steak was all a ruse to trick me into going to Home Depot and WalMart. We didn’t get home until late, so my productivity was low for the evening.

I made up for lost time by kicking some serious writing butt on Saturday and Sunday, though.

First, I hooked up with Parker Kincaid for pastries and pantsing at Panera. I am hooked on the almond-honey steel cut oatmeal with quiona. There may have been a bagel consumed as well, but that doesn’t sound as virtuous, so we won’t discuss it. I managed to crank out over 1k despite the fact that there was a super jock nutrition and fitness guru giving a mom of two the hard sell at the table behind us. So annoying.

Then I spent the afternoon updating the site, adding the new cover art for Going Deep, and preparing posts for the blog. In other words – procrastinating. Hey, did you see the cover? It’s perfect, abso-fricking-lutely perfect for Brooke and Brian’s story and I’m so excited about it!

GOING DEEP_Lyrical_jpg


I managed to bluff my way through to Outlander time, but after I was back at the keyboard and closing in on the end.

Sunday morning, my man delivered a special Mother’s Day Sonic Diet Coke to my bedside, then made me buttered toast. Amped up, I managed to make it through the penultimate scene before it was time to clean up and head out to see The Avengers: The Age of Ultron!

Two buckets of popcorn and a half box of Sno Caps later, I was home and ready to hit the finish line.

And I did!

So I am off to Texas again, today, but at least I checked one thing off my list. Wait. I posted this, that’s two! Oh! And all the updates I did on Saturday…Three! Three things off my list! Where’s The Count when you need him?

How about you? Did you check any items off your list this weekend?


Teaser Tuesday – Sandra Jones



Earned respect is sweet…but deserved revenge is sweeter.

Warren de Tracy was assured the Welsh village of Dinefwr would be an easy conquest, as would the widow of its fallen prince. Wedding her will appease the locals and win the respect of his liege, the usurper King Stephen.

Instead, Warren is ambushed, taken prisoner by a hooded Welshwoman with skin that glows like moonlight. If he must die at her hands, at least his honorable death will silence the whispers of disloyalty hanging over his name.

Princess Eleri has never seen a knight as stoic—and as eager to die—as Warren. She’d love to oblige the bastard, but something in his ocean-blue eyes stays her hand. Plus, suspicion nags at her, for the arrows that wounded him and killed his men are Norman, not Welsh.

A ghostly prophecy portends danger that thrusts the enemies closer together, where hate explodes into passion that won’t allow Eleri to surrender Warren to her vengeful clan. But returning him to his king breaks more than it mends…and for Warren, retaliation will be sweet, indeed.

Product Warnings

Contains a Norman warrior with a thirst for justice, a Welsh rebel princess with second sight and a steady bow hand, magical prophecies, and a plot of royal proportions.




“‘Your Highness’?” Warren jerked in astonishment, pulling against his bonds. The ropes chafed his raw skin, sending a fresh wave of pain down his arms. “You’re of royal blood?”

She leaned over him, reaching for his bonds. “Hush! In addition to your arrow wound, I trow your tongue has healed as well these past days. It would behoove you to use it less and just be grateful you’re alive.”

Her breasts hovered inches above his face. In fact, if he lifted his head, he could bury his face between them. What would she do, this spirited wench, if he chose to do so? He would’ve enjoyed finding out if circumstances had been different. “I’d rather be dead than be a prisoner. But first…I’ll kiss your feet if you’d scratch my nose.”

She made a choking noise in her throat that almost sounded like amusement.

He felt a tug at his ropes and the friction of a knife. By the saints, she was freeing him. He couldn’t allow it.

Air stung his raw skin as soon as one of his wrists came loose. With his one arm still useless in its restraints, he shot out his free hand and clutched her forearm. Using all his strength, he turned her over beneath him, wedging her between his torso and the bed. Nose to nose, he could make out her eyes gone wide with shock in the darkness. “No!” he growled. “Do not let me leave here alive.”

Suddenly, her warrior was upon him and his knife back against Warren’s throat. “Get off the princess, you cur!”

The woman’s blade touched his chest plate. She could dispatch him with ease. Her arms were strong and lean. Her body was far from frail, and he recalled her skillful defeat of his conroi. She twisted beneath his pelvis defensively, and the grinding of her soft mound awoke his sex. Shame heated his cheeks at his sudden need and dark desires. This one time, he would allow himself to speak his mind. “If you release me, Princess, I’ll go to Kidwelly and inform my commanders what has befallen my five men at the hands of you and your people. The king will strike at the subjects of Cantref Mawr with vengeance such as you’ve never known.”

Her expression shifted from stark panic to slow derision as her saucy lips curved up at one corner. “You think I don’t know what you’re capable of?” Her eyes flashed downward meaningfully, and he knew she’d noted the turn of his wicked thoughts. “You want to have your way with me. To tear my clothing from my body and part my legs. But you know nothing of my people, Norman. You haven’t even bothered to learn the language—” she broke off, slurring in Welsh at her vassal.

The burly guard grabbed Warren’s bandaged shoulder, twisting it back until bile climbed in his throat. “Umpff!” While he convulsed in pain, the woman slipped loose and turned him on his back, pinning his groin beneath two very sharp knees. He hissed through his teeth, “Par les saints!”

If he’d been successful in his mission, this devil-wench would’ve been his bride?

“You are my prisoner, knight.” She planted the flat of her hand against his neck, leaving no doubt of her desire for domination as her angry pulse drummed against his skin. “I am the Princess of Deheubarth, widow of Prince Owain ap Daffyd, murdered by your Norman peers. It will be my pleasure keeping you alive. We’re taking you to those who will do with you what they will. I care not. Until then, you are my dog. My captive. My slave. And you will obey!”





Buy Links: (Samhain store) https://www.samhainpublishing.com/book/5407/his-captive-princess

(Amazon) http://www.amazon.com/His-Captive-Princess-Sandra-Jones-ebook/dp/B00TLIGB14/

(Barnes & Noble) http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/his-captive-princess-sandra-jones/1121228851?ean=9781619224452

(All Romance) https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-hiscaptiveprincess-1748538-161.html



About the Author


Sandra proudly considers herself a history geek. She is the author of five historical romances including the new River Rogues series set in frontier America. When not researching or writing, she enjoys traveling, genealogy (she’s the direct descendant of a Norman knight) and watching British TV. She and her husband of twenty-five years live in a cabin with two spoiled cats and occasionally attend Renaissance fairs.


She also loves chatting with readers. You can connect with Sandra at any of the following links:


Author Links

Website: http://www.sandrajonesromance.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sandra-Jones-Author/428923117143918

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SJonesRomance

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/SandraJones





Monday Mayhem – family time edition

I was away this weekend, helping to celebrate the nuptials of my niece, Emilie and her ever-patient fiance, Nick. 🙂

em and nick2

While I was there, I got to spend some time with my mommy, my siblings, nieces and nephews, and got to meet my newest great-nephew, Colin.


I am a smitten kitten. Almost  as much of a goner as his great-grandma.

GG and Colin

Most important of all, after the official festivities ended, my sister and I made sure that they bride made it to Joe’s Pub on time. Because that’s what good aunts do.


Bracket those fun times with nine hours in the car each way and you have my weekend in a nutshell. What about you? Did you do anything fun?


Teaser Tuesday – Kate Willoughby

in the game

Book three of In the Zone

Alex Sullivan may be the San Diego Barracudas’ resident playboy, but he hasn’t been able to forget the woman who kissed him like her life depended on it ten months ago. When he sees her again at a teammate’s wedding, he can’t think of anything but spending more time with her. Preferably naked.

Claire Marzano lost years catering to an overbearing husband, and she’s not going to answer to anyone ever again. A hot fling is just what she needs to get back in the game, and that’s exactly what sexy Alex offers—one wild long weekend away, with no promises or obligations.

But that one weekend changes everything. Despite knowing full well Alex isn’t the kind to ever commit, Claire is falling for him. And Alex secretly imagines a future with his strong, smart “accidental girlfriend.” Until a surprise announcement and an on-ice accident threaten to derail everything…or cause Alex to finally ditch his old ways and become the man Claire needs him to be.

Don’t miss On the Surface and Across the Line, available now!

Amazon | Carina Press | Nook | iTunes | Kobo

Here’s where I can be found on the internet:

If you’d like to keep up with Kate’s new releases visit her blog or better yet, subscribe to her newsletter. You can also watch her succumb to her Twitter addiction, laugh while she flails around on Facebook, or ogle the man candy, among other things, on Pinterest.

Monday Mayhem – Big news! Wow news!

Just in case you haven’t seen me crowing on Facebook, Twitter, and random street corners…


Last Monday I accepted an offer of representation form my dream agent, Sara Megibow of KT Literary! I queried her in March with a pitch for Full Court Press, and within a month I had an offer! For those of you who don’t know, that is unspeakably fast for the publishing world.

So, yay! I’m beyond excited to be working with Sara and thrilled by her enthusiasm and ambition.  There could be big things happening! Wow things!

What? You still want more good news? Well, nothing is set in stone yet, but it looks like you may be seeing a sequel to Three Little Words! I submitted A Will and a Way (formerly Bossy Pants) to my editor, and they liked it! I’m just waiting for the details to be worked out.

That’s not enough excitement, you say? How about I tell you that Kensington has put Three Little Words on sale for the low, low price of…FREE!

Three Little Words_Maggie Wells

AmazonAppleB&NGoogle ~  Kensington Kobo

That’s right. Tell all your friends to grab their copy now, because Greg and Josie and their sexytime romps are up for grabs!

And finally: The winner of the signed ‘collector’s edition’ copies of Paramour and Inamorata is:

Arlene Hittle

Congratulations, Arlene, and thanks for commenting!

Wish you’d won them for yourself? Watch this Wednesday’s Whatcha Reading? post for another chance to win a set!

That’s all I have for now, dear friends. Well, that and this picture of a really cute boy who made me chase him all around the backyard, then graciously allowed me to feed him chips and sugar cookies for lunch (Hey, I can do that, I’m the grandma.).


How was your weekend? Munch on anything yummy?



Teaser Tuesday – Sandy James

My friend, Sandy James, has three new releases within a month and a husband who is battling cancer. Some author friends are helping her on the promo end. Please share this post and help an author out!

Fringe Benefits–book four in the bestselling Ladies Who Lunch series!
When life gets tough and love is hard to find, four friends take their troubles to lunch. High school teacher Danielle Bradshaw deserves a happily ever after, and the Ladies Who Lunch are determined to deliver Mr. Right. 


As the new head of the English department, Dani doesn’t have much time for anything but lesson planning and literature. Romance-or even sex? Forget about it. But then the principal introduces her to last-minute hire Nate Ryan. Finding time to mentor a new teacher won’t be easy, especially when his incredible body and equally disarming charisma are enough to make her heart skip a beat . . . 

Nate may be fresh out of school, but he’s confident in his teaching skills-and in his feelings for Dani. But while she’s everything he’s ever wanted, he knows his place on her staff-and his age-may be problematic for his sexy boss. How can he convince her to ignore the gossip mill currently in full swing in the teacher’s lounge and surrender to what’s meant to be? 

Be sure and read book 1–The Bottom Line, book 2–Signed, Sealed, Delivered, and book 3–Sealing the Deal.

Monday Mayhem-Collector’s Editions Giveaway!

Did you miss the FB and Twitter messages from Mr. Snark himself, Frank DeLuca?

Frank Promo 1

Did you also miss the post where I revealed sexy new cover art coming soon for both Paramour and Inamorata?



Well, pay attention now because I’m giving away a set of signed set of these:


That’s right, the original paperback editions of these books are about to become collector’s editions – LOL! Would you like to win a set for yourself or a ‘friend’? Comment on this post and tell me something spooky that’s happened to you. Doesn’t have to be much, just something that gave you a shiver. I’ll pick a winner on Friday, April 24, 2015 and hopefully get them shipped out on Saturday.

Ready? Set? Go!