Monday Mayhem – Daddy Issues

I married my father.


Not for real, because that would be illegal and more than a little icky, but I married a man just like him. One of those fellas who was just born to be a dad. A guy who wants nothing more than his kids around where he can keep watch over them. He shares a few other charming and not-so-charming quirks with my father (he goes from zero to over-reaction in 1.2 seconds, loves ice cream and anything chocolate, and whatever happens, it’s always because the other driver wasn’t paying attention), but I figure on the whole, I came out ahead in this game.

I hope and pray that one day our kids truly to realize how very lucky they were to have him. He has been the one steadfast and constant (if sometimes overbearing and annoying) force in their lives. It’s nice to see them starting to appreciate him now that they are adults.

Mostly, it’s fun to watch him morph from Daddy to Granddad. I was only eleven when my parents became grandparents for the first time. I swear they were body snatched, because they were not at all the same people with my nephews and nieces as they were with me. They were more like…my grandparents.

The circle of life has come our way. Now we’re the ones who do nothing but indulge. Discipline? Not our problem. Rules? At Granddad’s house? Not hardly. We’ve divvied the grandparenting duties between us. So far, I am in charge of cookies, hugs, and comfort, and Granddad handles playing and exploration. It works for us.

I married a guy just like my dad, and I have to say, it’s been a good thing. The pure pleasure he gets from even a few minutes with our grandson is a joy to behold.



I think I chose pretty darn well!


Is this thing on?

Pardon my post, I’m trying to correct a timing issue.  Non-techie girl at work. 🙂


So….how are you?


Teaser Tuesday – Gail Chianese

BACHELORETTE FOR SALE – Available 6/23/15
Bachelorette for Sale-highres


The rush and gurgle of the nearby waterfall filled the air. The breeze blew a light mist that cooled her sun-kissed skin as his hand trailed up her bare thigh. Cherry arched her back, lifting her breasts to meet his hungry mouth. She grabbed two handfuls of his shirt and tugged it up and over his head, tossing the offending article of clothing aside. She wanted skin-to-skin contact. To feel the shift of his muscles under her palms, to play with the light sprinkle of dark hair on his chest. She wanted to do a whole lot more, but the infuriating man insisted on taking his sweet, sweet time.
            He lifted his head, gazing at her with intense blue-green eyes, his mouth tugged up on one side. A small growl escaped from her lips.
            “Hungry?” he asked.
            “Starved,” she replied.
            Instead of giving her what she wanted—him—he broke off a piece of dark chocolate and fed it to her.
“Yum. Not what I meant, though.”
            “Patience, my love.”
            “You drove my patience over the edge at least ten minutes ago.”
            He had the nerve to chuckle before swooping in and slipping his tongue into her open mouth to caress hers. He tasted of chocolate and wine from their picnic. His breathing fell hard and fast, matching hers. She knew he had to be testing his own tolerance level. Proof of his arousal pushed against her hip, and she used it against him as she twisted around until they were lined up.
            He gave her his trademark arrogant look, one brow cocked, lips slightly turned up as if daring her to go on. She returned the look and rotated her hips until his head fell backward and a groan escaped his lips.

Monday Mayhem – The things we do for love

This weekend, I saw Rush in concert. Not one of my favorite bands. Wait. I take that back. They used to be one of my favorite bands to mock, but now I’m not allowed to do that. You see, Geddy and the guys are Fodder’s all-time favorite band, so singing ‘Take Off (To the Great White North)” is kind of verboten around here. I say kind of, because I sing it anyway. In my Geddy voice. Always earns me a ferocious scowl.

Anyhow. My man wanted to see Rush. It’s their 40th anniversary, and he’s afraid we wouldn’t have a chance to see them together if we didn’t catch them on this tour. We checked all the venues closest to our home (but not Closer to the Heart) but found they didn’t fit with our schedules. So I came up with a brilliant idea – why not see them in Chicago?


We hadn’t had a chance to visit the city in years–even worse, we hadn’t seen some of my closest friends in longer than I care to admit. A few text messages later, we had a plan (and more than a few snarky comments from the women-folk). Though the Rush doesn’t exactly evoke the same reaction from me as say…Duran Duran, it was the best weekend ever.

We ate. We drank. And we laughed with old friends as if not a day had gone by.


You want to know the best part? [Aside from the fact that there were NO LINES FOR THE WOMEN’S RESTROOMS!] I got to spend time with this happy, happy man.


Nearly sixteen years together and married fourteen at the end of this month, and I don’t think I have ever seen him so carefree and excited about anything. He was over the top, and it was a joy to watch.

Thanks to my ever-generous friend, Kathy, I was also able to spend some time in with my sister, her daughter, son, and daughter-in-law, and my littlest great-niece, Lottie, who is perfect in every way.

How about you? What are some of the things you’ve done just to make someone you love happy?



Teaser Tuesday – Ruth Cassie

Knight of Rapture Final Cover RACasie

He crossed the centuries to find her…

For months Lord Arik has been trying to find the right combination of runes to create the precise spell to rescue his wife, Rebeka, but the druid knight will soon discover that reaching her four hundred years in the future is only the beginning of his quest. He arrives in the 21st century to find her memory of him erased, his legacy on the brink of destruction, and traces of dark magick at every turn.

A threat has followed…

Bran, the dark druid, is more determined than ever to get his revenge. His evil has spread across the centuries. Arik will lose all. Time is his weapon, and he’s made sure his plan leaves no one dear to Arik, in past or present, safe from the destruction.

But their enemy has overlooked the strongest magick of all…

Professor Rebeka Tyler is dealing with more than just a faulty memory. Ownership of Fayne Manor, her home, has been called into question. Convenient accidents begin happening putting those she cares for in the line of fire. And then there’s the unexpected arrival of a strange man dressed like he belonged in a medieval fair—a man who somehow is always around when needed, and always on her mind. She doesn’t know who to trust. But one thing is certain. Her family line and manor have survived for over eleven centuries. She won’t let them fall, not on her watch… in any century.

Monday Mayhem – Danced all night!

As many of you know, I’m a Broadway musical junkie. My parents raised us that way. My father was convinced that musicals were American opera. My mother called him a fool. Either way, I’ve been blessed to see so many wonderful stars in incomparable productions – Yul Brynner in The King & I, Topol in Fiddler On the Roof, Richard Burton in Camelot, the 25th anniversary cast of Jesus Christ Superstar… so many wonderful performances.

One of my biggest sads is that I didn’t get to see Rex Harrison perform My Fair Lady on stage. My parents did, but it was one of the few trips to the theater they made without some of us kids in tow. How dare they!

My Fair Lady is one of my all-time favorites. It’s just so deliciously sexist and blatantly unapologetic about it. Makes me laugh out loud every time. And my weakness for all things Rex Harrison is well documented – hello, Captain Gregg from The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.

Then, just yesterday, my good friend and editor extraordinaire, Gilly Wright, posted this headline on my FB page.


My heart soars! I feel like Freddie Eynsford-Hill!

Fodder has been informed that there will be a trip to NYC in our future. Over many years of marriage, he has grown as accustomed to my enduring love of all things Professor Higgins, My Fair Lady, and of course, Colin Firth, as Henry was of Eliza’s face.

He’s a good man. A fine man. Probably a little more Pickering than Higgins, but that’s okay. I have a soft spot for the Colonel as well.

What about you? Is there a star, show, or event you wouldn’t miss?


Teaser Tuesday – Cheryl Norman


Return to Drake Springs (Drake Springs Book 1)

Boutique Collection—Next Door Series from Turquoise Morning Press

©2014 Cheryl Norman

eBook ASIN: B00NUR38Z4


Heat level: mild


Lance George cruised into town in a fog of black insects and misgivings. He’d had good reason to leave home years ago. Was returning a mistake? He’d debated during the entire threehour drive from Tallahassee and still questioned his decision. But he was here now. The moving company had his packed belongings ready to deliver. Inhaling a breath for courage, he slowed at the Welcome to Drake Springs sign.

Searching familiar landmarks, he recognized the Hurricane Lantern, a rustic restaurant located on Highway 471. To his left stood the stately Wilson home, vacant and for sale. Five blocks past the city limits sign, Highway 471 became Main Street. He passed the First Foster Bank and Boyd’s Diner, both still in business. A left turn here would take him to the high school, but he’d skip that detour down badmemory lane.

The stoplight at Main Street turned red and he applied his brakes. A flash of purple grabbed his attention. Was that—? No, it couldn’t be. What were the odds he’d return to Drake Springs and immediately see the girl of his adolescent dreams? In the flesh—and what beautiful flesh—Iris Porter stepped into the crosswalk walking a bicycle to the opposite side of Main Street. It may have been nine years since he’d seen her, but with her blond curls sticking out the edges of a bicycle helmet, she looked as adorable as ever.

She turned her head and met his gaze but kept walking. She wouldn’t recognize him, and even if she did, why would she acknowledge him? She had deemed herself too good for him. He’d been a bookworm. A nerd. His limited circle of friends didn’t include babes and jocks. No reason to hope her opinion had changed.

She continued toward the courthouse. She hadn’t lost that subtle but alluring sway of hip that drew the attention of every male student standing in the halls at Foster County High—especially him. Instead of mounting her bicycle and riding, she chainlocked it to an oak tree.

“What’s your story, dear Iris?” He eased forward with the morning traffic while keeping her purple shorts and Tshirt in his peripheral vision. She still had her cheerleader’s legs and slender shape. If anything, she was thinner now. She disappeared inside the Foster County Courthouse. “Doing a title search? Paying your taxes? Filing for divorce?”

Iris’s rejection in high school had driven him to succeed and improve himself, so maybe he should thank her for stomping all over his heart. He continued his drive through town, leaving behind Iris Porter and all conjecture about her.

When he reached Ortega Street, he turned left and pulled into the parking lot of his destination. A business property that once housed Hodges Animal Clinic faced Main. Behind sat a modular home included with the business property. The lot looked weedy, abandoned, and neglected. No wonder it had such an attractive price tag. The realtor must have taken the online photos in winter, before the spring foliage filled in the blackjack oaks. Now shade cast most of the lot in darkness, forming a thick barrier against the hot Florida sun.

A middleaged, heavyset woman stood in the gravel parking lot. He parked his Transit Connect beside her late model Buick. He’d recently purchased the economical business van in preparation for his new practice. It was small enough to serve as his personal vehicle, too. Unlike his mother, Lance did his research and made practical choices. Impulse buying got people in trouble.

“Doctor George?” The woman approached him with outstretched hand even before he’d fully exited his van. “I’m Barbara Sinclair.”

“Thank you for meeting me.” He shook her delicate manicured hand.

Everything about the woman looked professional, from her perfectly groomed, chestnut hair to her business attire. A few years and a few pounds ago, she was probably a real babe.

“I feel as if we’ve already met, from your emails. I believe this property will suit your needs.”

“It looks less cheerful than in the online photos.”

She winced. “Weeds grow quickly in Florida. The reduced price should more than make up for the little TLC the place needs.”

“Right.” He’d reserve judgment until he inspected the buildings. He locked his van, an action that earned him a bemused smile from Ms. Sinclair. She probably thought it overkill for a small town like Drake Springs, but she refrained from commenting. “Could you show me the office first? If it doesn’t suit, there’s no need to tour the house.”

“Exactly my thought. Follow me.”

He fell in step beside her. “What happened to Otis Gibbons? I thought he was the listing agent.”

“You know Otis?”

“I’m originally from Drake Springs, hence my interest in opening a practice here.”

She opened the door, stepped aside, and motioned him in. The faint odor of antiseptic mingled with the woman’s cologne as she moved past him. She’d been a bit generous with her atomizer. “Otis sold me the business when he was elected county commissioner. He didn’t want any question of conflict of interest.”

“Right.” He shut the door against a swarm of love bugs. Those inescapable black insects that frustrated Floridians every May and September seemed especially thick this spring.

“It may be a bit warm. I turned up the air conditioning about thirty minutes ago when I opened the building.”

“Feels comfortable.”

“The air conditioner is fairly new. Four years old, I’d say.”

The office was a converted Florida Cracker style house, with porches and a breezeway. The reception area was in the former living room. A passthrough with added counter separated the public area from the office. A few animal carriers sat along one wall of the former dining room. “How many exam rooms?”

“Three. The hall gives access both from the reception area and the operating room. There’s also a bathroom.”

“Hmm.” The equipment was gone, probably sold by Doctor Hodges’s estate after her death. Stainless steel tables, gleaming as if recently polished, dominated each examination room. “How long did you say this had been vacant?”

“About three years, but Otis has kept the power connected. He also hired a cleaning service to make regular visits.”

Too bad Otis hadn’t arranged for lawn service as well. “That’s been costly for Otis.”

“Frankly, he expected the property to sell quickly. It’s an attractive location, and Drake Springs is growing. But even Florida wasn’t immune to an economic recession.”

She led him around to the operating room, at one time the house’s kitchen. A door led back to the dining room/office, where the receptionist’s desk and file cabinets now stood. The rear of the house had a utility room, still equipped with a clothes washer and dryer. One wall held stacked cages. A breezeway led to fenced pens outside. He would have preferred more kennel room, but this could work.

“Well, Doctor George, what do you think?” She closed the back door and walked down the steps. “Want to see the residence?”

“Yes, I do.” He followed her past the fenced pens to the back door of the doublewide mobile home. “Where do people take their animals for medical care since this clinic closed?”

“Right now they’re driving twentyfive or thirty miles, to Lake City or up to Georgia. Trust me, this town will welcome you with open arms.”

He was counting on it. He’d saved a tidy sum of money and had qualified for a loan, but he needed equipment, supplies, and utility deposits. He wanted to make this property work, because it’s all he could afford.

The blue painted metal roofing on the home matched the roofing on the clinic. He’d guess the modular home to be less than ten years old, although the roof made it look newer.

“Is the roof new?”

“About four years old.” She unlocked the back door of the residence and led him inside. “Doc Hodges made several improvements before opening her practice.”

Not a fan of modular housing, he examined each room with skepticism. The floor plan was surprisingly open and pleasant, with vaulted ceilings and plenty of windows. A large great room separated two bedrooms and a bath from the owner’s suite and kitchen. The walls were painted or paneled, rather than the patterned wallboard he’d seen on older mobile homes. “Doctor Hodges lived here?”

“Yes. It was convenient, especially for emergencies with animals staying overnight.” She opened the blinds, revealing two windows overlooking the front porch and the front yard’s large crepe myrtle tree, just beginning to bloom. “Her mother sold all the furniture but not the appliances. Of course, if you prefer to live elsewhere, you could rent it out.”

He gave a noncommittal murmur, but he’d be nuts to live anywhere else. Living near the clinic made economic sense. He wouldn’t spend more than he needed to. The bedrooms were roomy enough, especially the owner’s suite with its own bathroom and walkin closet.

“Cable and highspeed internet are available here, too.”

“Good.” He didn’t need television, but internet was vital to his business. “Immediate possession?” The sooner, the better, because he had no home. His mother had lost their house years ago, and Pops had no room to spare.

“Yes. Considering the amount of your down payment, you’ll have no trouble qualifying for the loan assumption. As soon as we can schedule the closing, you can hang out your openforbusiness sign.”

“Well.” He chuckled. “It’s not that simple. I need equipment, for starters. And staff. You know any experienced veterinarian assistants?”

She led him into the kitchen. The appliances looked new. Doctor Hodges hadn’t been one to cook as far as he could tell. But Doc George enjoyed cooking. And he could make the most of this spacious, wellappointed kitchen.

“I know of one. She worked for Doc Hodges but lost her job, of course, when her boss died. She might welcome the opportunity to interview with you.”

“Thanks. First, let’s write the contract.” He followed her outside to the long front porch, additional construction to the original modular home, probably one of Doc Hodges’s improvements. It faced Ortega, a residential street with tidy, modest homes and mature shade trees. Empty except for a wooden swing, the porch could be a cozy retreat at the end of the day, assuming he wasn’t too busy to stop and relax.

Ms. Sinclair removed a ballpoint pen and business card from her purse. She wrote on the blank side of the card. “Here’s the name of the vet assistant when you get ready to hire your staff. You can probably find her at Miller’s IGA Market on Desoto, where she’s been working part time.”

He stuffed the card in his shirt pocket. “Thanks.”

They walked around to the front of the business via the sidewalk, which returned them to the gravel parking lot. “Let me get my brief case and I’ll meet you inside.”

Jittery with nerves, he went inside the building and paced the reception area. This was it. He was about to gamble—no, not gamble—invest his savings into his own practice. He’d have to start out conservatively, at least until he knew how many patients he’d have. One experienced assistant would be a good idea. He could hire more staff as his practice grew. He fished the business card from his pocket and flipped it over to read the name. His hand trembled. The card flew from his fingers.

He stooped to pick it up and read the name again. And smiled.

Iris Porter.

Monday Mayhem – Bookmark this!

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m really the type who thrives on deadlines. Usually, I can just make one up and stick to it, but lately I’ve been torn in a number of directions on both the personal and professional fronts.

There are times when the publishing world moves as quick as a mouse click. Then there’s the other 99.9% of the time. Sometimes it feels like snails on Valium are lapping me. There’s a lot going on with the writing behind the scenes, hopefully all of it will come to fruition.

*crosses everything*

But at the moment, I’m kind of in limbo. I have a work in progress, but it’s a project with no deadline. It’s just the story I’m writing as I wait to hear about the fates of four, possibly 6, other stories. Some written, some yet to have a word on the page.

The thing is, if even one of these possibilities comes to be, I’m going to have to start busting some major words. You’d think that would inspire me to wrap up the one I have going, right?


It’s all I can do to make myself work on this story with no deadline, even though the first draft is over 60% complete. Part of it is middle of the story syndrome. The other part is that I am not a girl who limbos well. You see, I’m not very bendy.


So, today is June 1. I have approximately 20k more words (or 4-5 chapters) to put in on this draft. I’ve got a little vacation scheduled in there, so I’m giving myself a deadline of June 30 to complete the draft.

There. Deadline set.

I expect you to hold me to that.

Oh! Before I forget, I got these nifty new bookmarks! (Horrible lighting in my house. They are much prettier than this pic shows.) Want one or five? Email me at and give me your mailing address and I will drop an envelope in the mail.


So, how about you? Anything you’re hoping to accomplish this month, or are you just ready to kick back and enjoy the summer? If you’re looking for some reading, Jumping Mr. January and February’s Fling are still FREE. You may still be able to snag Three Little Words, if they don’t get the sale prices switched back today.

Teaser Tuesday – Arlene Hittle

Breaking the Rules

Faced with compliance of a ridiculous new Arizona law, by-the-book mental health care facility administrator Allyson Cunningham must find an interpreter who speaks a made-for-TV language. Prime candidate Donovan Marshall has the language skills she so desperately needs, but shows a disturbing disregard for all rules and restrictions. While Allyson struggles to secure another perfect rating for her facility, convince Donovan to conform and control her inappropriate attraction to an employee, Donovan makes it his prime directive to persuade starchy Ally it doesn’t hurt to break a few rules.

BreakingTwitter #romance


About Arlene: Arlene Hittle is a Midwestern transplant who now makes her home in northern Arizona. She has her father to thank for her love of all things sci-fi. He took her to see Star Wars when she was six. She immediately fell in love with R2-D2, C3PO and Luke Skywalker. (Only with the Star Wars re-release in the ’90s did she succumb to the bad-boy appeal of Han Solo.) Find her at, on Twitter or on Facebook.

The excerpt:

When Allyson followed Donovan back into the crowd a few minutes later, her eyes locked onto his rear end. He really filled out the black pants of his so-called uniform.

Bad idea, Allyson. He clearly avoids anything within a thousand yards of responsibility. She didn’t have to know him for more than fifteen minutes to realize he was hell-bent on living free of any serious commitments.

Not that she should care. If he wasn’t going to work for her, what Donovan Marshall did with his life had no bearing on her.

So why couldn’t she stop ogling his rear end?

“Stop it,” she hissed under her breath.

He turned back to her, a teasing grin on his lips. “Ah-ah-ah. You agreed it was my turn to be in charge.”

Allyson bit down on a smart-aleck retort, nodding instead. She needed this man-child’s help more than she needed to salve her pride.

She hung back as Donovan approached the gaggle of Klingon Starfleet officers and said something to them in what had to be their “native tongue.” The five of them scowled at him for a moment—at least she thought they were scowling—before one replied.

Allyson watched them carry on a short, seemingly cordial conversation. Before she could make sense of what was going on, Donovan returned to her side. Five pairs of eyes watched them.

Their naked curiosity discomforted her. “What did you say?”

“I asked them what was happening and said you had a proposition for them. Get over there. They’re waiting for you.”

She glanced at the group and swallowed down an irrational frisson of fear. “I thought you said to let you do the talking.”

“I changed my mind. You know what you need a heck of a lot more than I do.” Challenge sparked in his blue eyes. “Unless, of course, you’re chicken.”

“I am not chicken!”

With that, Allyson straightened her spine and marched up to the men in Starfleet garb. She explained what she needed and why, and handed each of them one of her cards. After concluding with “Please give me a call to set up an interview,” she flashed them all a smile and stormed back to Donovan.

His amusement was plain. “Very nice.”

“That was part of your plan?”

His grin widened and he nodded. “Klingons are warriors, and they respond to a challenge. I knew if I got you riled up, you’d be a hit. All you needed was the proper motivation.”

After Donovan finished explaining, she followed his gaze back to the group members, whose eyes were still on her. He stepped between her and them, shielding her from the hunger now obvious in their collective stare.

“We need to move on.” All traces of laughter gone, he took her by the elbow and propelled her toward the exit. Once they were in the relatively quiet concourse, he said, “You might have sold yourself a little too well. Those guys were drooling for you.”

“They must really be hard up to find this”—she gestured at herself—“attractive.”

Something dark and dangerous flashed in Donovan’s eyes. “You sell yourself short, Ally.”



“Ally-son. My name is Allyson, not Ally.”

He chuckled. “Sorry. I forgot.”

She rewarded him with a scowl. “I wish you’d stop laughing at my expense.”

“Is that what I’m doing?”

“You know it is. You just sent me to talk to a group of sex-starved Star Trek geeks who now, apparently, believe I’m a goddess.”

“Not a goddess. A warrior-ess.”

“I’m not sure I understand the distinction.”

He chuckled again. “You wouldn’t. But that’s okay. You wouldn’t be you if you did.”

Find BREAKING ALL THE RULES at Turquoise Morning PressAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboiBooksSmashwords and All Romance eBooks.

Monday Mayhem – Remembrance

No writerly mayhem to report this week. Just want to wish my fellow Americans a blessed Memorial Day, and remind everyone to take a moment to think of all those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.


Peace, my friends.