Monday Mayhem – Nothing but good things

Over the past couple of years, I’ve tried to focus more on the good things in life than the things that get me down. I think it’s working. Last year, I started doing the notes in a jar. In 2016, I plan to continue that, but I’m also adding the Happier app to my repertoire. It allows me to take pictures and note the happy as it’s happening.

Still, I love my pretty post-its, so I can’t abandon the good old mason jar. I opened my 2015 good things jar on NYE.


That sucker was stuffed!


Wanna see what went down this year? Here’s the scoop:


1/1/15 – Pan fried praline french toast in butter. We are rebels!

1/1/15 – 1017 words to kick off the new year!

1/2/15 – The best days are royalty check days!

1/2/15 – Print copies of The Last First Date for RITA have arrived!

1/4/15 – Cracker Barrel with Kathy, Monica, and my man!

1/6/15 – Facebook harassed Kay Fairchild with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

1/6/15 – Spring Chickens re-release!

1/7/15 – Hug therapy and Pillsbury ready-to-bake sugar cookies.

1/23/15 – I got a raise!

1/24/15 – Snuggle nap.


2/3/15 – Switched RT enrollment for RWA in NYC with Karen B!

2/4/15 – Colin James Kidwell is born!

2/11/15 – Popeye’s Pandora, and the perfect truffle from my love.

2/12/15- Viva Las Vegas with my Super Cool Party People!

2/14/15 – Spring Chickens will be in the Unforgettable Heroes II boxed set!

2/15/15 – Stranded in Las Vegas with my girls.

2/16/15 – Spa day with Iwanna. There are worse places to be stuck than Las Vegas. J

2/23/15 – Signed up for NOLA Stars conference in Shreveport.

2/26/15 – Finished draft on Full Court Press.

2/28/15 – Request for a full on Full Court Press – agent J.A.


3/1/15 – Submitted Bossy Pants (retitled A Will and A Way) to Kensington.

3/1/15 – Tulips, pretty tulips!

3/7/15 – NOLA Stars – request for full on FCP – editor P.B.

3/7/15 – NOLA Stars – request for partial and synopsis – agent L.B.

3/7/15 – NOLA Stars – submitted full and synopsis FCP – agent D.K.

3/7/15 – NOLA Stars – Won 1st chapter critique from Molly O’Keefe in auction.

3/18/15 – Query S.M. on FCP.

3/24/15 – Partial request from S.M.

3/29/15 – 3.5 miles in 44 minutes watching Rory’s Birthday Parties on Netflix.


4/4/15 – Flying Fish, grass sledding, Riverwalk, salted caramel ice cream, and Outlander. The perfect day!

4/9/15 – Kensington wants Bossy Pants (to be renamed) and two more to follow Going Deep!

4/12/15 – Sara Megibow offered representation!

4/20/15 – Accepted representation with Sara Megibow, KT Literary. Officially a part of Team Megibow!


5/4/15 – Charlotte Castle Kolleng is born!

5/6/15 – Boaz Joshua Kiewiet is born!

5/20/15 – Full Court Press going out on submission.


6/2/15 – Jewels booked her flight to Little Rock!

6/10/15 – Chicago! Got to smooch Kat, Becky, Johnny, Katie, baby Lottie, and el Jeffe!

6/11/15 – Chicago part II – visit with Strokie at State Farm, Garrett’s Popcorn, and Lou Malnati’s pizza!

6/12/15 – RUSH at the United Center with Wild Bill, Jazzy Jeff, Dazed Dan, Kat and Carol!

6/17/15 – Terms with Kensington at good. Three book deal is a go!

6/21/15 – Father’s Day Italian beef, sugar cookies, and hoops with my boys.

6/24/15 – Kidneys and bladder passed their tests with flying colors.


7/4/15 – Annual viewing of The Music Man.

7/18/15 – DSRA, Café Cinco De Mayo, and pre-RWA mani/pedi.

7/21/15 – Surprise bonus at the day job just in time for my trip. 🙂

7/22/15 – RWA in NYC – I touched Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Such a lovely lady.

7/22/15 – RWA Literacy Signing.

7/22/15 – RWA with Karen B. – Up late girl talking. 🙂

7/23/15 – Kensington party – Cab ride with Sharon Struth, Terri-Lynne DeFino, and Sonali Dev.

7/24/15 – Harlequin party at the Waldorf Astoria – Nine authors, one limo. Danced the night away with Karen B!

7/25/15 – Ate a delicious Steakburger in NYC. You can take the girl out of Bloomington…

7/25/15 – RITA awards – two wins for Team Megibow authors!

7/26/15 – Sad news about my BeBe to start the day, but smooth travel with Renee N Kelly. Now home to my pillow.

7/31/15 – Turned in Flip This Love – 64k in 31 days!


8/8/15 – Amazeum in Bentonville to meet Sara Megibow.

8/13/15 – Jewels hits Little Rock. 3 Sams BBQ for PB pie. Shooting hoops in the back yard.

8/14/15 – Burgers, shoe shopping, Flying Fish, cardboard sledding and Willy D’s piano bar with Jewels, Joe and Deb!

8/15/15 – Took Jewels to DSRA for show and tell. Mexican food, Trainwreck, and bopper sundaes.

8/16/15 – Jewels, Kayson, and juggling.

8/29/15 – 1st round edits on Flip This Love.


9/15/15 – Going Deep release day!

9/27/15 – 12331 words at the DSRA writing retreat 2015!


10/13/15 – Flip This Love cover is FABULOUS!

10/13/15 – An offer on Full Court Press!

10/17/15 – I had a bunny. He made me very happy for a very long time.

10/28/15 – Entered Going Deep in 2016 ROTA awards.

10/28/15 – Signed 3 book deal with Samhain Publishing for Warrior (Full Court Press) series.

10/31/15 – Batman returns for trick or treating!


11/1/15 – 1st round edits on A Will and A Way.

11/4/15 – Samhain deal announced.

11/9/15 – Lulu bought a house in Missouri just to be closer to me!

11/12/15 – Watched WKRP turkey drop. “As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”

11/14/15 – Loblolly ice cream sundaes for lunch.

11/14/15 – Hogs beat LSU – always a good time.

11/15/15 – Dinner at Marketplace with the kiddos – chocolate mess sundae with my favorite little boy.

11/16/15 – 47th bday – New Kindle and Snoopy book on writing.

11/21/15 – Shared a teeny-tiny birthday cake with Mr. Bill.

11/22/15 – Playtime Pizza with the family for Bill’s double-nickel birthday.

11/26/15 – Thankful for a fun Thanksgiving.

11/27/15 – Finished 1st draft on Love and Rockets…finally!

11/28/15 – Joe and Deb’s wedding!


12/1/15 – More good publishing news (announcement to come in January).

12/2/15 – DSRA lunch and PHC party. Eat, eat, and eat some more!

12/6/15 – Christmas lights are finally up.

12/13/15 – I am a turkey roasting goddess. Who knew?

12/18/15 – Sally finally learned to play tug.

12/20/15 – My man bought me cookies after a long day of inventory.

12/25/15 – Family, little smokies, monkey bread, and I left The Isle up $5!

12/26/15 – Kidwell Christmas = Babies, babies, babies, and euchre.

12/27/15 – Bill became the fool who ripped his pants!

12/28/15 – Free bonus charm at Pandora.

12/29/15 – Brinda Berry proved that she is magic, like a unicorn.

12/31/15 – Dinner with my man, puppy play, yoga pants, West Wing on Netflix, football and Little Debbie Nutty Bar.

Whew! What a year! Thank you all for being a part of it!


The jar is empty again and ready to go. My goal for 2016 is to top 100+ notes. How about you? Are you doing anything to tap into your happy?



Monday Mayhem – The last of 2015

I know I said I’d post my 2015 happiness list this week, but I forgot I’d be doing the holiday travel thing and I might end up with more good things to add to the jar, so I think I’ll save that for the first post of 2016.

I’m hoping your holidays have been fabulous so far, and I wish you nothing but health and happiness in the new year!

2015 has been the most fantastic roller coaster ride. Here are a few random photos I’ve posted through the year. Thank you so much for coming along with me!



KaysonChipssign2 GG and Colin bar Rush1shoulders IMG_0980 IMG_1026 BeBe (2) sara pbpie IMG_1283 - Copy Me & Tim FullSizeRender(1) xmas1 DSRA2015 IMG_1440

Monday Mayhem – My year in numbers

I’m one of those crazies who likes to quantify things. so I thought I’d throw some random stats for the year out there this week, and next week, we’ll get to open the Good Things jar!

29 – Number of novella length or longer works published (Going Deep).

3 fabulous vacations – Las Vegas, Chicago, and New York. 🙂

1 agent acquired!

52 Weekend Writing Warrior posts.

2 beloved pets lost, 1 fairly goofy pet gained.

6 – number of books contracted for 2016-2017.

76 episodes of Friday Night Lights watched in the month of August.

1 visitor from abroad. Literally, a broad. Her name is Julie and I fed her every chance I had.

23 – number of strands of Christmas lights purchased to replace old strands.

47 – the number of candles that would have been on my birthday cake if I’d had a birthday cake. We ate ice cream sundaes instead.

175,000+ words written on drafts. This doesn’t include proposals, edits, material that was cut, blog posts or other peripheral writing.

4 grueling days of physical inventory at the day job.

Whew! So that’s what I’ve been doing. I need to rest now.

Happy first birthday, Three Little Words!

Last December, I had my first Kensington/Lyrical release – Three Little Words!

Three Little Words_Maggie Wells

Three Little Words is an erotic romance for those of us who aren’t in our 20’s anymore.

It’s never too late to make the best impulsive decision of your life.

Jo Masters isn’t the party girl she used to be, but now that she’s a woman without obligations, she’s ready to recapture a little of her misspent youth. Her niece’s wedding, with its open bar and dark dance floor, proves to be the perfect opportunity to let loose.

Gregory Stark is just trying to make it through his son’s wedding day. . . and make some time with the gorgeous brunette on the bride’s side of the aisle. His kid’s wedding probably isn’t the best occasion to put the moves on the sexy woman, who introduces herself only as ‘Josie’, but his best friend is closing in on her too and he has to act fast. With a couple of tequila shots under his belt, Greg propositions Josie — and neither wants to refuse.


In the summer of 2016, we’ll finally see the sequel to Three Little WordsA Will and a Way!


Here’s the gist:

What’s a nice widow like you doing in a place like this?….

Consummate ladies man Will Tarrant has made it to middle age without walking down the aisle. People think he’s anti-marriage, but he knows he just hasn’t met the right woman yet. Then he lays eyes on Southern Belle Betty Asher–in the neighborhood pub of all places. She’s new in town, perfectly gorgeous–and a perfect lady. But can Will be a perfect gentleman?…

With small town life and her cheating late husband behind her, Betty is looking forward to big city adventure. When she captures the attention of the local heartthrob, she even indulges in some hot and heavy flirtation. After all, it isn’t everyday she gets to play the merry widow. She assumes their acquaintance will end there, until a job interview lands her in Will’s office–and in his arms once more. Despite their irresistible attraction, Betty’s enjoying her freedom, while Will’s finally ready to put a ring on it. Now he’ll just have to convince her that nothing could be sweeter than being tied down–with him.

Cover reveal! Y’all ready for this?

Title: A Will and a Way
Author: Maggie Wells
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Publication Date: July 5, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: Ebook


What’s a nice widow like you doing in a place like this?….

Consummate ladies man Will Tarrant has made it to middle age without walking down the aisle. People think he’s anti-marriage, but he knows he just hasn’t met the right woman yet. Then he lays eyes on Southern Belle Betty Asher–in the neighborhood pub of all places. She’s new in town, perfectly gorgeous–and a perfect lady. But can Will be a perfect gentleman?…

With small town life and her cheating late husband behind her, Betty is looking forward to big city adventure. When she captures the attention of the local heartthrob, she even indulges in some hot and heavy flirtation. After all, it isn’t everyday she gets to play the merry widow. She assumes their acquaintance will end there, until a job interview lands her in Will’s office–and in his arms once more. Despite their irresistible attraction, Betty’s enjoying her freedom, while Will’s finally ready to put a ring on it. Now he’ll just have to convince her that nothing could be sweeter than being tied down–with him.

Pre-order it now!

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Monday Mayhem – I need a nap

Great weekend, but a busy one. Saturday was our annual DSRA annual lunch. We were actually fairly well-behaved this year. Don’t know how that happened, but I’m sure we’ll rectify that next year!

l to r: Brinda Berry, D.T. Dyllin, me, Jen Crane, KD Reep, Mia Kay, Carol Lytle, Cynthia d’Alba, Mandy Harbin, Elle James (Myla Jackson), Nena Clements, and Holly Goslin.

That evening, we also attended the party thrown by my company. A lot of talking for a girl who prefers to leave the dialogue to the characters in her head.

Sunday, I cooked a turkey dinner, and the family came over to help decorate the tree and inside of the house.


Now, I am in my stretchy pants and slippers, trying to psyche myself up for another busy week.

As I usually do at this time of year, I’ve been assessing some of my writing related activities and determining which are proving to be a good use of my time, and which I can/should ditch in my quest to be more productive in putting words on the page.

This year, I tried adding some new features (Teaser Tuesday, Whatcha Reading Wednesday, and Fangirl Friday) to the blog to make it more interactive. They weren’t as much of a hit as I had hoped, so I will be discontinuing them. I’m also going to take a little break from the Weekend Writing Warriors in January, but will most likely pick it back up again as the year goes on.

That leaves us with our traditional Mondays together.

I’ll continue to post weekly updates on what’s happening in my life and with my writing (good news coming!) here each week, and I hope you’ll continue to keep me company.

With the holiday rush in full tilt boogie, it’s hard to keep on track with the writing, so I’ve started a new challenge to keep me moving forward even on the most hectic days. I’m trying to do 100 words for 100 days. It’s just like it sounds. I have to write a minimum of 100 words (about a paragraph) on my work in progress each day. Most days, I won’t stop there, but there may be times (like Saturday) when there’s so much to do in the real world, that 100 words will have to suffice.

What am I looking forward to in 2016? Well, it’s good of you to ask!

I’ll be wrapping up edits on book three in the Coastal Heat Series, LOVE AND ROCKETS, and starting drafts on books two and three in the Warrior series, RANSOMED HEART and TOSSING THE PLAYBOOK.

If I can get my act together, I’ll be re-releasing the HOT NIGHTS IN ST. BLAISE novellas in one big set this January. Then, there will be 4 more releases, so mark your spanking new 2016 calendars!!

April: FLIP THIS LOVE, Coastal Heat #2

July: A WILL AND A WAY, A Worth the Wait Romance

October: LOVE AND ROCKETS, Coastal Heat #3

December: FULL COURT PRESS, Warrior series #1

So, yeah, lots of good stuff coming up. Make sure you stay tuned!


Monday Mayhem – Welcome to the world

It’s that time of year again…those crazy few weeks when ‘I have revisions’, ‘this book is going to galley’, and ‘I need to write this proposal’ are not counted as valid excuses for avoiding the world and all around me.

I do have revisions to do, and a book going to galley, and the first few pages of a proposal started, but those things count for nothing when this needs to be done:





I also need to attend to some shopping and baking. Somewhere out there, some poor, unsuspecting Christmas tree is out there just waiting to be dragged home and dressed up in a decades-old collection of mismatched ornaments.

The revisions, galley, and proposal will have to take a backseat for a few weeks. The holidays are upon us, and I have a candy apple red KitchenAid that needs to be christened.


To all my friends who celebrate Hanukkah, I wish you the happiest of holidays.


The rest of you…well, on your marks, get set, GO!

Teaser Tuesday – Lucy Parker


This just in: romance takes center stage as West End theatre’s Richard Troy steps out with none other than castmate Elaine Graham

Richard Troy used to be the hottest actor in London, but the only thing firing up lately is his temper. We all love to love a bad boy, but Richard’s antics have made him Enemy Number One, breaking the hearts of fans across the city.

Have the tides turned? Has English rose Lainie Graham made him into a new man?

Sources say the mismatched pair has been spotted at multiple events, arm in arm and hip to hip. From fits of jealousy to longing looks and heated whispers, onlookers are stunned by this blooming romance.

Could the rumors be right? Could this unlikely romance be the real thing? Or are these gifted stage actors playing us all?

Monday Mayhem – NoMoWriMo!

Well, this is it. The last day of NaNoWriMo for 2015. I’m happy to announce that I verified my word count yesterday and have completed my seventh challenge!


Also, in the course of NaNoing, I FINALLY typed ‘The End’ on the first draft of LOVE AND ROCKETS!

the end

Every year, I tell myself I won’t do it again. Who needs the worry? The stress? The sore wrists and fingers? Then, every year, I sign in, sign up, and get going again. Unlike the first time I did it, I know now that what I have at the end of NaNoWriMo is far from being ready to go out into the world. Thirty days and nights of literary abandon is great for writing, but doesn’t make for good reading.

Trust me on this.

For this reason, I have deemed December has become EditThisCrapMo. There are three stages to this process.

1) Distance. I can’t look at this book anymore. I can’t think about it. I just need to put it out of my mind and play with some other idea for a while. Believe me, it’s for the best that these characters and I go to our separate corners for a while.

2) Clarity. There are two parts to this one. The first part is acknowledging that a good portion of what I churned out in November is crap. But, even better, is coming to the realization that the majority of it is not-quite-crap. Crap gets cut, but I can work with not quite crap.

3) Reading like a reader. I think this is the most important step for any author. I read through the entire steaming pile before I make any drastic decisions. What might look like a dangling plot line at first glance, might be transformed into an additional layer of conflict, or a set up for future series installments. Reading like a reader means I have to look at the hot mess of a novel a whole before I tear it to shreds.

This is what I’ll be doing this month.

And shopping. Picking out a tree, decorating, and going to holiday parties. I’m also hoping to catch a few of my holiday favorites, now that I’m not in full-on writing frenzy. I always look for Holiday Inn, Going My Way, and the original Miracle on 34th Street when I’m cruising the listings.

Oh! The Grinch. Boris Karloff, not Jim Carrey. And, I love the one with Heat Miser and Snow Miser. Of course, it’s not Christmas until Lucy and I extort a few nickels from the mister.


Oh, and the baking! My 17 year-old stand mixer is moaning and groaning. The knobs have all cracked and been super glued. The plastic coating on my flat beater is worn through. I think I need this sexy beast as an early Christmas gift, don’t you?


Looking for a quick and easy recipe for the office party? Try these Magic Cookie Bars. Even my coconut-hating hubby eats these tasty tidbits.


What’s your plan of attack for the holiday season? Got any yummy recipes you want to share?