Monday Mayhem – How about a quickie?

That got your attention…

Just home from a fabulous weekend at the Chicago North RWA Spring Fling! Thanks so much to all the hardworking volunteers and speakers who gave their all to make it an awesome conference. I also want to thank all those who came out to the book signing. I had a blast sharing FLIP THIS LOVE with the world!


Proud to report that I kept up with my daily word count (barely). I also left my room even though I wanted to hide from the stranger danger. As a reward, I got to meet some fabulous people I’ve only chatted with in a virtual world.


I’ll have more to report once I’m caught up with the laundry, but here are some teasers for stuff coming in June: A sale! Another sale! And a new Yankee Candle newsletter giveaway!

In the meantime, check out the bling that was waiting for me when I got home. 🙂



Monday Mayhem – a quick hit

A quick reminder, an update, then let’s play a game. Sound good?

Business first:

I’m signing FLIP THIS LOVE on Saturday at the Hyatt Regency Schaumburg from 3-5pm. Please come and see me if you live in the area!


Making excellent progress on A BOLT FROM THE BLUE! Wrote my tuchas off all weekend, and I’m closing in on the halfway mark. It’s a mess, as most first drafts are, but I’m having a good time writing it.

This Friday, I’ll be on the Contemporary Romance Cafe interviewing my bestie, Julie Doner, on her writing plans and ambitions. Be sure to check it out!

Okay! Enough of that nonsense. Let’s do some of this nonsense:

I want you to pick ten random songs that you never get tired of hearing. Ready? Go!

I’m going with:

  1. In-between Days ~ The Cure
  2. The Blower’s Daughter ~ Damien Rice
  3. Cornerstone ~ Arctic Monkeys
  4. Better Be Home Soon ~ Crowded House
  5. Last Chance on the Stairway ~ Duran Duran
  6. Weekend In New England ~ Barry Manilow
  7. Blue Bayou ~ Roy Orbison
  8. Somebody to Love ~ Queen
  9. The Ghost In You ~ Psychedelic Furs
  10. Stardust ~ Nat King Cole

Monday Mayhem – More more more!

Another whirlwind week on deck! Wanna play a game of where’s Margaret?

    1. In case you missed it, I was at Fiction University last week talking about writing mojo and the tricks we writers play on ourselves to make things happen.
    2. I’m at Just Contemporary Romance today and tomorrow talking about the differences between a house and a home.
    3. I have a GoodReads giveaway starting this week! Be sure to enter and to tell all of your friends!
    4. Less than 2 weeks until I terrorize the Northwest Suburbs! I’ll be signing copies of FLIP THIS LOVE at the Chicago North RWA Spring Fling Conference book signing Saturday, May 21, 2016 from 3-5pm at the Hyatt Regency Schaumburg. Mark your calendars!



Okay, now that we have that mess out of the way… Hi! How are you? I’m happy to report that things are finally looking up around here. I can’t give any specifics about good things in progress, but let me say I’ll be cranking out plenty of reading material for 2017 and beyond!


Ahem. Thank you, Buzz.

I’ve started a new novel this week. It’s called A BOLT FROM THE BLUE and I’m having a lot of fun writing it. In this book, I’m reimagining the first original character I’d ever developed. Our heroine is a free-spirited former debutante named Hope, and she’s about to give an ultra-grounded electrician named Mick one hell of a jolt.

Oh, and in case you missed it, FLIP THIS LOVE is available and readers are really falling for Harley Cade, rough edges and all! Have you read FLIP THIS LOVE? Please, please, please consider leaving a review at Amazon, GoodRead, iBooks, B&N, or wherever you buy books. Reviews not only give an author feedback, but they provide an excellent marketing tool (See below).

“Before I say anything else, I need to confess that I’m hopelessly in love with Harley Cade. There. I said it.” 

“Harley, Harley, Harley how to describe him well he’s sweet, but at the same time he could be a smarta**”

“Furthermore, the story itself features my favorite kind of hero—a self-made entrepreneur who works with his hands and who treats his mother like a queen.”

“I liked that Harley never gave up on Laney. It’s a true testament to how much she matters to him.”

And my friend Karen made this pretty graphic for me

Nothing draws a magnate like a steel magnolia...

If you blog or use social media, please feel free to grab it (right click and save photo as…) and use it to help share the love!





Monday Mayhem – Mahhhhhvelous!

You know what’s awesome? Truly awesome? Having fabulous friends who do incredible things like throw you a surprise release day part on Facebook and Twitter. Did you see these?

Birthday1 birthday2

They even gave me a hashtag!!! I feel so cool! Thank you, Karen, Julie, and all of the fabulous friends who posted and re-posted. I am touched and humbled, and so very grateful to have such supportive friends.

So, yeah….FLIP is out! I loved writing Harley and Laney’s story. In my head, they were very much like Sam and Diane on Cheers. Bicker, bicker, bicker, kiss, kiss, kiss! I hope you all are enjoying it as well.

Guess what? I’m still celebrating this release into May! Tomorrow, I’ll be at Janice Hardy’s Fiction University with a little on How I Do It (the writing – get your minds out of the gutter!), and next week at Just Contemporary Romance. I’m hoping to party down on the Kensington Tumblr account and will keep you all posted if that comes about.

And the words keep rolling along. I finished the first draft on RANSOMED HEART last week. We’re taking a little break from each other before I tackle revisions. It’s kind of a hot mess, but I think it’s a good hot mess. I’ve just finished the galley read-through on LOVE & ROCKETS and it should be set to go for November! Oh! But don’t forget about A WILL AND A WAY in July. LOL

In the meantime, I’m sitting on some news and cannot wait for it to hatch so I can share it with you. Just know this…I’m going to be a very busy girl for quite a while!


P.S. Want a signed copy of FLIP THIS LOVE for you or for a friend? Comment below and tell me your favorite TV pairing and I’ll pick a winner later this week.


It’s my book birthday!!!!!

At last!!!

Flip This Love is now available!


Nothing draws a magnate like a steel magnolia…

Harley Cade is back in town—and the former bad boy is downright irresistible now that he’s donned a hard hat and set to work restoring the South’s finest homes to their former grandeur. While wealth may have gained Harley entry into high society, it’s going to take a lot more than a fat bank account to win the lovely Laney Tarrington.

Laney isn’t open to giving the self-made magnate a second chance—no matter how much she needs him. With her family fortune gone, Laney finally has to stand on her own two feet. The last person she’d ever lean on is Harley, the man who left her behind with nothing more than memories of the passion they once shared….

With the attraction still burning hot between them, Harley isn’t above seduction—or secretly buying Laney’s bankrupted family’s estate. After all, he no longer has to prove himself to anyone, least of all the daughter of Mobile, Alabama’s most prestigious family. But will pride keep Harley from gaining the biggest prize of all—a place in Laney’s heart?

Buy now and please share this with all your romance loving friends!

Kensington ~ Amazon ~ Apple ~ B&N ~ Google ~ Kobo

Monday Mayhem – Mail call!

Are you on my newsletter mailing list? If so, watch your inbox next week. I’m gearing up for the release of FLIP THIS LOVE, and I have some great giveaways coming!


Not on my list yet? Sign up here: Maggie’s Mailing List

Not only will I have digital and signed copies of FLIP to give away, but also some fabulous beach-themed prizes. Want a sneak peek? Pretty, pretty dragonflies!


Make sure your name is on the list!


Monday Mayhem – Inspirational tidbits

Part of the fun of writing the Coastal Heat series is exploring all the little treasures I’ve discovered about living in the south. I get to play with the family connections, friendships rooted in childhood, funny sayings, social foibles, and, of course, the food.

The first scene I wrote for FLIP THIS LOVE took place at a high-dollar society do. Where all the food was served on sheets of butcher paper. I’m talking about a crawfish boil, of course, and if you aren’t familiar with the way these are thrown down, here’s a visual image:


Want a taste of Laney and Harley’s story? Read on!


“That’s it. Suck, sugar.”

The husky timbre of Harley’s voice sent shivers down Laney’s spine. One warm hand slid from her shoulder to her back. The tips of his fingers dug into the valley of her spine. His hand could nearly span her waist. Her nipples puckered when he slipped that roving hand into her hair. Oh, how she wished she’d worn it up. She loved the feel of him. Loved being skin to skin with him. She almost wept with relief when he wrapped his big, broad palm around her nape. Heat seeped into the taut muscles of her neck. A thin stream of hot moisture escaped from the corner of her mouth and trickled down her chin.

“Oh, yeah. Suck harder.”

It wasn’t the first time he’d said those words to her. God help her, she knew it wouldn’t be the last. She was weak, a quivering mass of happy, hurt, and oh-please-touch-me-again. But she needed to toughen up. She had to be on her guard. The man was as insidious as the kudzu that crept into her mother’s flower garden.

Laney pulled the spent crawfish shell from her mouth and dropped it onto the butcher paper in front of her. Fingers tangled in her hair and tugged lightly; a tiny lightning bolt of white-hot desire streaked straight through her. She looked up in time to see Harley flash old Mrs. Hillbury a dimpling smile and commandeer the folding chair beside hers.

“Evenin’, Delaney.”

Scrambling to assemble her thoughts, Laney turned away from Harley’s choir-boy-gone-bad grin and searched the crowd. She sure could use a swallow of the cold beers her friend Brooke had gone to fetch for them, but her trusty pal was nowhere to be seen. Of course. Laney was on her own. She ought to be used to it by now. She should be a professional when it came to rebuffing this man’s advances. She only needed to tap into the sass. No better way to keep a man dancing on the string than to let him think he had half a chance. But only half.

The first time Harley Cade asked her out, Laney Tarrington laughed in his face. Then she locked herself in the ladies’ room and did a happy dance. The second time, she mocked him mercilessly. To his face. Perverse thing he was, Harley seemed to enjoy her abuse. So much so that she lay awake into the wee small hours plotting ways to entice him.

The third time he asked her out, Harley gave up any pretense of acting like a gentleman. He leaned in close, and right there, in the middle of the Saints Preserve Us fundraiser for their alma mater, St. Patrick’s Academy, in a voice barely above a whisper, he told her all the things he wanted to do to her. With her. For her.

In graphic detail. In language most Southern men would never consider using with a lady.

She almost cracked. How the hell could any red-blooded American woman resist him? Didn’t hurt that the man was built like some kind of old-time mafia muscle and sported a pair of dimples deep enough to bury a body.

But she had resisted.

She resisted the fourth, fifth, and sixth times, too. The seventh time got her. Lucky number seven. Oh, God, had it been lucky. She took him back to the tiny apartment she kept in her parents’ carriage house and let him have his wicked way with her. Unyielding as she might have been at first, Laney had to admit the man lived up to the hype.

And then the son of a bitch up and left town the next day.

If he thought he could waltz back into town and pick up where they left off… She waved the possibility away like she was batting at a pesky mosquito. “What the hell are you doing here?”

He blinked, all boyish innocence trapped in a bar bouncer’s body. “Why, I live here, sugar.” The dimples winked as he scooted his chair closer. “Did ya miss me?”

Laney hoped the shiver his molasses-thick baritone unleashed wasn’t visible to the naked eye. The moment the thought crystallized, she blinked, trying to strike the word ‘naked’ from her internal dictionary. She definitely needed to dispatch the too-tempting man beside her.

Hell, she’d spent most her life putting men in their place. It was child’s play for her. At least, it should have been. A smart mouth combined with a cool stare had long been her number one, never-fail defense mechanism. It worked like a charm. Except with Harley. For some reason, it always took a little extra moxie to dispense with this particular man.

Arching one eyebrow, she turned enough to catch sight of his eye. Big mistake. Those eyes were the smooth, clear green of old fashioned Coca-Cola bottles. Looking into them made her mouth run dry. She wanted a long, deep drink of this man. Damn good thing her own mama had drilled the art of self-denial into her almost from the cradle.

She could overpower this unseemly desire. She only needed to put her mind to it. And get her heart to stop thumping like a drum line. All the aforementioned physical reactions coalesced into one big pot of want, and judging by the knowing glint in his eyes, she wasn’t hiding a damn thing from him. She knew exactly how to wipe the smile from his face. Pursing her lips, she gave her head a slow, pitying shake.

“Well, they will let anyone into these things, won’t they?”

“It’s a fundraiser, so yes. Anyone with plenty of money in the bank.”


Read more on April 26th!

Flip FB 2

Monday Mayhem – Ramping up!

April is here! That means it’s almost time for FLIP THIS LOVE!

At last!

Flip FB 2

All month long, I’ll be ramping up to release day. That means you can expect lots of blog posts, giveaways, and tidbits on social media. The fact is, writing the book doesn’t take nearly as long as the editing, packaging, and promoting does.

I received my author copies in the mail a couple weeks ago, and ordered a supply of paper books to have on hand for the book signings. Remember, I’ll be at the Chicago North RWA Spring Fling (May 21st, Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, IL 3-5pm) and the Diamond State Romance Authors 10th anniversary signing at Hastings (Benton, AR) on June 18, 2016.

In the meantime, I’m still making new words for Ransomed Heart. I’m past the 70k mark. That means I’m heading into the last quarter of play. Gotta keep moving!

How about you? How are you ramping up for Spring?

Monday Mayhem – Ten good things

Lots of good things going on. Ready for a check in?

  1. I’m over the halfway point with drafting Ransomed Heart! Woohoo! This is the point in the story where I have no idea what my characters are doing, and I just hope they will bring it around again. You see, they’ve stopped listening to me a few thousand words back. Being a panther, I’m okay with letting them go for a little bit. I can always rein them in at revision time. Screen Shot 2016-03-20 at 3.11.13 PM
  2. I have received and returned the first round of edits on book #3 in the Coastal Heat series, Love & Rockets! And…just one of the many cool parts about this book: it will release on my birthday! Look for it at your favorite retailer on November 16, 2016!
  3. Speaking of Love & Rockets, the cover art fairy visited my inbox this week, and I may have squealed a bit. I’ll share the goods as soon as I get the green light.images
  4. Got an AWESOME 5 STAR early review for Flip This Love (Coastal Heat #2, April 26, 2016) at Epilogue Book Blog! From the feedback I’ve had so far, readers are loving our new hero, Harley Cade. Yay!!!!WellsMaggie_FlipThisLove
  5. Going Deep (Coastal Heat #1) is on sale this month for only $0.99. This is the first book in the series, so if you haven’t read it, grab it now!gd
  6. Six? Funny, I have about 6 future story proposals under consideration. Cross everything!Sheldon-Cooper-Freaking-Out-Reaction-Gif-On-Big-Bang-Theory
  7. Six must be the number of the week! It’s been just over a year since I sent a query letter off to Sara Megibow, asking her to read Full Court Press. Since then, we’ve done deals for 6 books together.sara
  8. Have you tried the Buttered Toffee shakes at Sonic Drive-Ins? Yeah. Best. Shake. Ever.unnamed
  9. Completed my 100 word/100 days challenge. Stats: Total words added to WIPs 88,446! Today, I am starting a new 100 day challenge, but this time I’m going to try to go for 500 per day.Snoopytypewriterplotthickening.jpg~c200
  10. This week, I was reminded again of how very lucky I am to have such loving and supportive friends and family. Thank you for being a part of my life. You are the very best part.7dde1588-dead-4def-8ab9-128a02da884b