Monday Mayhem – We interrupt your productivity for…


I got so little done this weekend. Hard to keep your mind in the story when you’re busy yelling at the television. I always forget how compelling the Olympics are.  Aside from the usual suspects – swigging, gymnastics, volleyball – find myself watching sports I never imagined enjoying. Fencing, Cycling road races. Archery. And the new love of my life…women’s rugby sevens.


Hubby didn’t understand why I was so stoked about it. I’ve watched rugby before. I adore American football, so rugby isn’t a stretch for me. I know how brutal the game is. I’m a big fan of Kat Latham’s London Legends rugby romances. I’ve just never seen women going at it so hard, so fast, and so strong. These women kick ass, and I am a fan!

In the meantime, I’m chipping away at my daily word count here and there. I’ve set a new goal that started August 1 – With 153 days left in the year, I’ve committed to writing a minimum 500 words per day for 150 of those days. A manageable goal, I think.

Oh, and rumor has it there will be a nifty announcement coming soon.

What’s keeping you entertained this week?

Monday Mayhem – Summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime

I’m one of those people who love summer. Even summers in Arkansas. Oh, it’s hot, but let’s be real, we live in the age of sub-arctic air conditioning. It’s always been easier for me to cool down in the summer than to warm up in the winter. So the switch from living in a place with 10 months of winter to one with 10 months of summer was probably a good thing.

But, no matter where I live, there are some things that are forever linked to summer in my head. Here are a few:

  1. Cicadas. Now, I’m not saying I enjoy the creepy drone that comes with the seven year infestation, but I do like to hear the sound of a cicada buzzing it’s heart out on a summer evening. For that reason, this is still one of my favorite cartoons ever:cicadas
  2. Sweet corn. You can take the girl out of Central Illinois, but you can’t make her any less corny.cb654182adde2a87e86b33fe06c01d24
  3. Daylight Savings Time. I know. Some people hate it, but I love it. I love having more daylight at the end of the day. There’s nothing worse than coming home from work in the dark. 2013-03-13-enddaylightsavingstime
  4. The drone of a fan. Due to allergies and other sensitivities, we do sleep with a fan in the bedroom. But sometimes…on Sunday afternoons…when it’s too hot to do anything else…I like to turn on the portable fan in my little hideaway here, and snuggle in for a small snoozle.ecco-fan-chrome

Rice Krispies Treats. Confession: I am a bit of a snob when it comes to Rice Krispies Treats. I only eat the homemade kind. And, for some reason, I only make them in the summertime. No idea why. Most likely some subliminal advertising from my childhood run amok.the-original-treats

Well, welcome to August, my friends. Summer will be winding down (except here – we hang on until October) and you know what comes next!!!!



What about you? What are some of the signs of summer for you?

Monday Mayhem – So crazy it didn’t even post!

**It’s been another nutty week. So nutty I didn’t even notice that my website had gone rogue. Here’s my latest post, uh, re-posted!**

This week has been a blur. I know I was busy, but sheesh, did we even have a Thursday?

The day job is kicking my butt, the writing is coming along slowly. We did a big cover reveal for LOVE & ROCKETS on the Kensington Tumblr. Did you see it? No? Well, go peek!

Now that it’s out there, I guess I can start using this nifty banner I made:

The Coastal Heat SeriesREsized

I’m currently working on a book called LIAR’S DICE – it’s the first in the Play Dates series, which centers around three single dads. It’s a project I started a while ago. The characters are revealing more of themselves in the last 1/3 of the book.


That’s why the writing gods invented revisions, right? I hope to wrap up the first draft this week. Wish me luck!

What’s on your plate this week? Here’s my wish for you:


Now, go make that happen!



Monday Mayhem – It’s official!

Did you see it on Facebook? A BOLT FROM THE BLUE is signed, sealed, and slated for April 4, 2017 release! Whoo hoo! Here’s a rough and tumble take on how this book will shake out:

Hope Elliot hadn’t believed in the existence of love at first sight when it struck her on a Paris street a quarter century before, so she sure as hell didn’t think it was possible for lightning to strike twice. And she certainly didn’t expect it to fry all the wiring in her childhood home when it did.

Michael (Mick) McInnes is a Chicago guy through and through. He loves the Bulls and the Bears, but he’s not a fan of suburban snobs who speak with fake accents.

From the moment Mick first touches her, Hope knows the sizzle between the two of them is more than just a current attraction. But the more they expose one another, the impulse to draw blood wanes and the desire surges. Sparks fly as their verbal sparring becomes more intimate. Feeling constrained by the constant scrutiny from her sister and her friends, Hope taps into the rebellious streak that led her to Paris long ago. But this time, her attempt at living la vie boheme lands one masterful Master Electrician in her bed.

I’m super excited to be able to share this third installment in my Worth The Wait Romance series from Kensington/Lyrical Press!

That means you should rush right out and read/review the first two in the series:

three-little-words_maggie-wells-683x1024  A WILL AND A WAY

Okay, you don’t really have to, because they aren’t interwoven, but don’t you want to?

Frankly, I need your help spreading the word about my books and the best way you can give me a hand is to review at your favorite online retailer or GoodReads. The best vehicle for selling books is word of mouth, and your opinions matter in a HUGE way.

It doesn’t have to be a NYT-worth write up. Just an honest review. A few words saying what you liked/didn’t like about the book. That’s it. Every review helps increase my DISCOVERABILITY. And, trust me, I need a big boost.

And I ain’t too proud to beg.

Please, please, please!

I promise to make it easy for you to keep up with the latest Maggie Wells book news. Have you joined my Facebook Reader Group, The Margaritas? Followed my author pages on BookBub or Amazon? Please do! Every click is much appreciated!

Okay. Enough of that.

Thank you.

I’m going back to writing this week. Time to wrap up the next manuscript – the first installment in a series about hot single dads. Stay tuned, my friends!

Monday Mayhem – Going Pro

I’ve decided to turn pro on this weekending thing. I think I have the balance nailed.

Yesterday, I wrote a bit, then went running around town with the man. Came home, napped, edited, then watched the Outlander finale (sigh). After a brief recap with my girl, Lulu, I crawled into bed with one of Mary Balogh’s Survivor’s Club books.

Outlander Season 2 2016

Today, my beloved brought me delicious Diet Coke from Sonic to start the day. Fueled, I went upstairs and cranked out some words. At break time, I went to fetch chicken salad from the deli and a new blow drier, as mine decided to give up on life yesterday. The man and I attempted a nap, but were thwarted by bleating noises from our cellular devices. Kids. They’re never too old to ruin a good snooze.


The afternoon started to cloud over, so the man decided to take the opportunity to do some yard work. I spent the prelude to the storms making more words and heating a chicken enchilada casserole my friends at Stouffer’s prepared for us. As is our after dinner custom, Sally humored us by letting us play with her squeaky chicken whilst she watched tolerantly.  At last, the three of us had a delightful 20 minute doze on the bed in my office.

All in all, a nice weekend. I wish I could do it all over again today, but alas, back to the mines….


How was your weekend? Are you a member of my Facebook reader’s group, The Margaritas? If you aren’t yet, click the link to join. I post all the juicy stuff there first!

How about that new release? A WILL AND A WAY is available now!


I’ll have some good news coming this week. Yay! So be sure to stay tuned!


Monday Mayhem – Free, free, set them free!

Allow me to wish my fellow Americans a Happy Independence Day!


And a belated Happy Canada Day to my friends up north!



Been a big, busy week…as usual. I turned A BOLT FROM THE BLUE in to my editor. Wooot! Now, I’m working on the first book in a new series featuring hot single dads.

But the big news is…A WILL AND A WAY releases into the wild tomorrow, July 5, 2016!


I’m really excited to set this one free. A WILL AND A WAY is the follow up to my super-hot seasoned romance, THREE LITTLE WORDS, and I can’t wait to introduce you to Will!

In the meantime, Fodder and I will be blowing up the back yard tonight. Have a safe and happy 4th!





Monday Mayhem – Back again

Sorry I missed you last week. I was attacked by a norovirus Sunday afternoon, and unable to come to the computer.

This unexpected turn of events caused great upheaval in my routines. Not only did I miss posting here, but I missed a day in my 100 day challenge. Quite a bummer, considering the 100 days are up next week. Still, I plan to get 99 out of 100, and my overall word count shouldn’t be worse for wear.

Still, lots of things happening this week. If you have not downloaded copies of GOING DEEP and FLIP THIS LOVE for only $0.99, do it now! The sale ends this week. Share this with your friends!

Beach Reads sale

Amazon Apple B&N Google Kobo

Later this week, everyone’s favorite redhead will be back, and he’s FREE!

SEDUCING STEVE free June 29 – July 2 exclusively on Amazon!

160 pages of red-headed hottie

All of this as I sprint to the finish line on A BOLT FROM THE BLUE so I can turn it in to my editor at the end of the week.

Oh, and as of Thursday, I’ll have been married to this guy for 15 years:


So, all in all, a busy week leading up to Independence Day and the release (finally!) of A WILL AND A WAY!


What have you been up to?

Monday Mayhem – Tell Me Something Good

There are days when I consciously make the decision to wear blinders. This doesn’t mean I’m oblivious to what’s happening around me or uncaring. It simply means I choose not to focus on things I cannot control. Just one of my particular coping mechanisms.

Like everyone with a feeling heart, I am horrified by the events that took place in Orlando this weekend.

As a woman, I’m angry about the flaws in our judicial system and the misogyny we allow to permeate our society.

I’m fearful for our country’s political future, and frankly, giving a good number of my fellow Americans the side eye.

And, as ever, I’m worried about my husband / children / siblings / nieces / nephews / greats / grands / dog / and even the baby birds in my hanging baskets (which, is amazing in itself if you know how I feel about birds).

In other words, this:


All of the above are reasons why I choose fiction. The very essence of why I choose to read and write romantic fiction. I need stories with happy endings. Otherwise, I’d be a quivering mass of fear and worry and hopelessness.

This weekend, I hid out in my imaginary world quite a bit. You know what happened there? This:

Screen Shot 2016-06-12 at 12.00.51 PM

So, I’m going to focus on this piece of positivity for the next week or two, then I will send it off into the loving embrace of my extraordinary editor.

How about you? Did anything good happen in your little corner of the world this weekend?


Monday Mayhem – Catch up, but not ketchup

Because I don’t do condiments…

Hi, friends! It seems a while since we caught up. As Ferris says:


It seems things have been on some kind of special effects warp speed around here. Life is flying by, but in that weird slo-mo sort of way. I’m on deadline again. The ink isn’t dry, so I can’t say too much, but I think you’ll find it Worth The Wait. (BTW – That was a crazy big hint if you’ve been following my series titles.)

I’m in head-down writing mode, but also trying to deal with some heads-up life stuff. Which means I’m a bit scattered. So before I forget – GOING DEEP and FLIP THIS LOVE are both an SALE for $0.99 each this month. Please, please, please tell your book loving friends.


I’ll be signing copies of FLIP THIS LOVE at the Diamond State Romance Authors 10th Anniversary book signing on Saturday, June 18, 2016. We’ll be at the Hastings bookstore in Benton Arkansas, so if you are in the neighborhood, come and see me!


You can read more about DSRA and see pictures of me and my pals in this Only In Arkansas article!

Remember, book #3 – LOVE & ROCKETS is coming in November so this is a great time to catch up. I’ll have some gorgeous cover art for L&R to share soon!

Oh, and book #2 in my *ahem* Worth the Wait Romance series, A WILL AND A WAY will release on July 5, 2016, so be sure to mark your calendar. Better yet, you can preorder a copy at your favorite retailer!

Amazon ~ Apple ~ B&N ~ Google ~ Kobo


So yeah, busy-busy!

In the meantime, Fodder and I took Ferris’ advice and headed out of town for a night. We went to Hot Springs, and poked around a bit. My boyfriend even bought me presents:


Does he know me well, or what? He should. At the end of this month, we’ll have been hitched 15 years.


The pool a water behind us is one of the hot springs. It’s hot tub (or bathwater for me) warm to the touch and you can see the steam rising from it. It has been a rainy week off and on. The system finally cleared out yesterday evening, but it left us a parting gift.


When we got home, we decided we ought to re-bond with our dog and our patio before going about the business of laundry, grocery shopping, and other unsavory tasks.


I said life moves pretty fast, I never claimed we did.

So there you have it, friends. I think we are up to date. See you next week!

Monday Mayhem – Memorial Edition

Today, we honor all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. They should be honored every day.

If you’ve never had the chance to visit Arlington National Cemetery outside of Washington D.C., I urge you to do so. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.


To these brave persons and to the people who love them still…Thank you.