Monday Mayhem – Onward!

I did it! I typed THE END this weekend!

It’s been a long time. Over 18 months, since I finished TO MAKE YOU FEEL MY LOVE. I’ve started and stopped three other novels since then, but nothing stuck. Time and again, I dove in again. Over and over I hit a wall.

I thought very seriously about quitting. After all, there’d be no shame in that. I’d written forty complete works. I’d signed with my top pick of literary agents. I’ve been contracted by a half-dozen publishers, earned starred reviews, and had a book named Amazon book of the month.

I knew I could write, I just couldn’t…write.

By the middle of 2019, I’d stopped even attempting. Then I stumbled across some YouTube videos produced by author coach, Becca Syme. Everything she said clicked with me.

In February, I met with my agent while at my agency retreat and we discussed possible projects. I could tell none of the ideas I pitched were working for her, but she knew I was ready to dive back in, so I started toying with one of the ideas. But all the while, I was wondering if I was done.

Then she asked if I wanted to write something completely different. An opportunity to submit a proposal to Harlequin Romance’s Intrigue line. For those of you not familiar with the line, Intrigue specializes in gritty romantic suspense – something I’d never attempted before.

I had a vague idea for a story, so I ran with it. I wrote two chapters and a detailed proposal for three books in a series that would revolve around small town law and justice.

Three weeks later, I had an offer and a contract.

And as of Saturday, I have a completed manuscript.

Screenshot of actual manuscript. 🙂

There’s still a lot of work to do, but for the first time in a long time, I’m excited. I hope you will be too!

3 Replies to “Monday Mayhem – Onward!”

  1. Your author journey is awe-inspiring. I’m constantly amazed by your perseverance. I know it hasn’t been the smoothest ride at times, but you’ve accomplished incredible things, and I am so, SO proud of you for sticking with it, pushing outside of your comfort zone, and typing those magical words again. This isn’t The End of good things for you. It’s just the beginning! xo

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