Now, before my beloved Jewels goes bonkers picturing me acting like some kind of winged creature, let me state for the record that my kind of nesting looks more like this:
I was quite the homebody this weekend, and though I sacrificed a writing date with the fabulous Katie Kenyhercz for a couple of alarm-free days, I feel it was the right decision. As much as I enjoy being on the go, it was time for this girl to whir and shut down for a bit.
Of course, being the obsessive compulsive I am, you know I managed to be terribly productive whilst on the nest.
The bathrooms have been scrubbed and the laundry is fairly caught up. I cooked pollo guisado patos (because I am turning into a Latina trapped in a body of Irish/German extraction) one night and meatloaf and oven roasted potatoes another. I smooched the grandbaby and spoiled the fur-babies. In my downtime, I did some banner work for my friend Maggie, read a galley proof and added another 6k to a work in progress.
I did leave the Ethridge Estate on occasion. You know, the usual errands – Diet Coke stockpiling, grocery procurement (read: we were out of chips), and the mailing of newly signed publishing contracts.
*waits a beat*
*proceeds to chair dance*
Nope, it never gets old. Of course, the contract was for one of Maggie’s stories, but never fear, boring old Margaret got a little action this week as well. It’s official! Turquoise Morning Press will be releasing a new edition of Spring Chickens! Whoo hoo! New life for Lynne and Bram!
All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. How about you? What’s new and exciting in your life?
Worked for a few hours at the ‘real job’, did a bit of spring-ish cleaning, (which included getting rid of the highchair that was once my kids and then the grand daughter’s. Kinda shocked myself on that one), sat on my grandkid on Saturday, (not literally, of course), we ended up swimming and barbequing with friends. Also managed to read, and watch some tv, and overall relaxing.
LOL, thank you for explaining the nesting thing, with a visual and everything. 😀 Running out of chips is absolutely worth abandoning the nest. Congrats again on the contracts and the re-release! So happy for you!
I got to meet my newest baby cousin yesterday and hugged and played and giggled with the others, even the big ones. I love the days when our whole family gets together. Especially when those days involve eating ribs at my favourite restaurant. I just love my family. I’m heading back to spend today with G&G by myself, and I’m pretty sure we’re having ice cream sundaes for lunch. My treat. 😉
Tomorrow, the ‘rents and I are heading into the city for some driving range action, possibly a little bowling. Maybe a matinee. Oh, and I have to go and see about my jaw. It’s not necessarily a ‘new and exciting’, but the damn left side of my jaw hasn’t been working right for 13 years or more, and it’s become significantly worse in the last month. And I like eating chips too, so I’m getting this baby fixed!
Hope you have a wonderful week! 🙂
My weekend consisted of running, dishes, kids, and watching ComicCon panels. Yes, I’m a nerd. It was pretty low-key as well, and I needed it. I’m trying to refrain from spastic dancing and uncontrollable giggling over something coming up in less than two weeks, or I’ll never make it until then. Seriously. Way. Too. Excited. 😉